Chapter 897 Rounding up, holding hands

   When Gu Zhiqi woke up, he found himself lying in a strange room, with whistles ringing in his ears from time to time, and he should still be on the boat.

   Feeling dizzy, Gu Zhixi supported his head and sat up from the boat.

  Seeing that Gu Zhixi woke up, Fei Jiu said, "Zhi Zhi, you're awake."

  Gu Zhiqi responded softly, "Why did I suddenly pass out?"

  Before she passed out, she thought she was too tired.

  But thinking about it carefully, she obviously had enough energy to support her to find a place to meditate and adjust her breath. Why did she faint when she just went out?

  Fat Jiu shook his head, and said to Gu Zhiqi: "I don't know, but I just tested it for you, and it should be related to your mental strength."

  Gu Zhiqi's state will affect Fei Jiu. When Gu Zhiqi faints, Fei Jiu will also fall into a deep sleep. It just woke up not long ago.

   "Spiritual power?" Gu Zhiqi muttered in a low voice, feeling even more puzzled.

  In order to preserve her strength, she did use her mental power to control the green crystal grass, but she didn't use it for too long, why did she faint?

   With doubts, Gu Zhixi closed his eyes and checked his mental power. After seeing it, he found that his mental power had actually increased.

   "Strange, how did the mental power suddenly increase." Gu Zhiqi muttered in a low voice.

  Since the day of transmigrating the book, Gu Zhiqi has found that his mental strength is much weaker than when he was in Shuilanxing.

   These days, she has also been practicing, but the practice has almost no effect.

  She has been looking for a reason, but she hasn't found it yet.

  Why did it suddenly increase today?

   "Hey? Has your mental strength finally increased?" Fei Jiu's tone was tinged with joy.

   Zhizhi's mental power hasn't been strengthened for a long time, and Fei Jiu also knows this.

   Right now, Fei Jiu is naturally happy to learn that her mental power has increased.

  Gu Zhiqi nodded, "A little bit stronger."

   "Ah, only a little bit." Fat Jiu was a little disappointed.

  Gu Zhiqi didn't think about it any more. He looked around and saw that there was no one else in the room. He lifted the quilt and moved to the side of the bed.

  Put on the shoes, just got up, the door of the room was opened.

  Gu Zhiqi looked towards the door subconsciously, and then saw two familiar figures.

  It was Su Yunling and Tang Yichen.

   "Huh? Gu Xiaoqi, are you awake?!" Tang Yichen's mouth was still as quick as ever.

  Gu Zhiqi nodded.

  Can see Tang Yichen, the people who want to come to the Changying Army have gathered, maybe they have already finished fighting.

  Su Yunling walked up to Gu Zhiqi in a few steps, lowered her eyes slightly, looked at Gu Zhiqi, and asked, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

  Gu Zhiqi immediately shook his head.

  Actually, I still feel a little dizzy, but it's only a little bit, which can be ignored.

  Since entering the room, Su Yunling's expression was a bit cold, but his tone was gentle, "From now on, I can't exhaust my energy just to treat others."

  Gu Zhiqi listened and remained silent.

  How was she going to tell him that she wasn't exhausted.

  However, her situation at the time was indeed as if she had exhausted her strength and fainted, which is not easy to explain.

   Simply, without explaining, I obediently responded, "Okay."

  Su Yun listened to her cute tone, and his expression eased a little, "Are you hungry?"

  Gu Zhixi nodded immediately.

   "Let's go, eat." Saying that, Su Yunling reached out and grabbed Gu Zhiqi's arm, and walked towards the coffee table.

  Gu Zhiqi glanced at his grasped arm, and was silent for a while. In the end, he still didn't withdraw his hand, and didn't say anything. He just quietly let Su Yunling pull him, walked to the sofa and sat down.

   Tang Yichen looked at the hands of the two and blinked.

  Although the third brother pulled Gu Xiaoqi's arm, it can be rounded, they are holding hands!

Good night()



  (end of this chapter)

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