Chapter 903 Sumerian Princess Hug

  The two people in the back row didn't speak anymore, but the atmosphere seemed a bit strange, Tang Yichen seemed to feel something, and turned to look at the two of them.

   Looking at it, they found that the two people in the back seat were looking out of the window, with the backs of their heads facing each other.

  Tang Yichen:?

   What's wrong?

in argument?

  The third brother was still wiping the corners of Gu Xiaoqi's mouth just now, why did he ignore everyone after a while?

  Tang Yichen looked at Gu Zhiqi, then at Su Yunling, his lips moved, and finally didn't know what to say, so he took out his phone and sent Su Yunling a message.

  The message alert sounded, and Su Yun, who was staring out of the window, regained his senses and took out his phone to take a look.

   It was a message from Tang Yichen.

  Su Yunling gave Tang Yichen a strange look, and finally looked down at the phone.

  【Fourth brother: Third brother, what happened to you and Gu Xiaoqi? Why did you suddenly stop talking? 】

  Su Yunling heard the news, turned her head to look at Gu Zhiqi, and found that she was leaning on the seat and taking a nap.

  【Third Brother: She is tired and resting】

  Tang Yichen:?

   Turning her head, she glanced at Gu Zhiqi, and sure enough, she saw that she was taking a nap.

   Didn’t you just stare out the window to see the scenery?

  Why suddenly...

   Tang Yichen was full of doubts, but he still put the phone away.

  However, I faintly feel that there must be something wrong with these two, after all, the atmosphere is too inconsistent.


   Twenty minutes later, the car drove into the underground garage of Huaixu Hotel.

  As soon as the car stopped, Tang Yichen and Yun Miao got out of the car.

  Su Yunling was about to open the door and get out of the car, but found that the person beside him didn't move, presumably he was really asleep.

  Su Yunling stopped opening the door, turned her head, and called softly, "Kid, get out of the car."

   I don't know if it was because his voice was too soft, Gu Zhiqi didn't wake up.

  Su Yunling was about to call out again, when Yun Miao suddenly poked her head into the car, "Is Miss Gu awake yet? Master, why don't you carry Miss Gu upstairs."

  As soon as Yun Miao's words came out, Tang Yichen immediately nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, Gu Xiaoqi must be too tired, third brother, don't wake her up."

  Su Yun listened to the words of the two, and remained silent.

  Finally, I opened the door and got out of the car.

  Under the watchful eyes of Yun Miao and Tang Yichen, Su Yunling walked around the rear of the car and walked to the side where Gu Zhixi was sitting.

  Yun Miao and Tang Yichen stared at Su Yunling eagerly, watching Su Yunling bend down to hug Gu Zhiqi with their own eyes.

  Su Yunling had just met Gu Zhiqi when he noticed that the people in the car had opened their eyes, and there was a hint of vigilance and coolness in their sleepy eyes.

  Su Yunling paused to hug her, then subconsciously said, "Go..."

  Before he finished speaking, he saw the person in the car mutter something in a low voice, and then closed his eyes.

  Su Yunling didn't hear what she said clearly. Seeing that she was not moving anymore, he bent down and tentatively reached out to hug the girl in the car.

  The girl is very light, gentle and soft, and very well-behaved.

  As soon as he hugged the girl into his arms, Su Yunling felt the person in his arms move slightly.

  Su Yunling thought she was about to wake up, but when she looked down, she realized that the person in her arms hadn't woken up, but buried her head in his arms obediently.

   It seems, but also rubbed lightly.

  Su Yunling's body was slightly stiff, and after a long while, she slightly bent her lips, hugged her and walked towards the elevator.

  Tang Yichen and Yun Miao stared straight at Su Yunling's back, pinched each other's arms, and followed Su Yunling closely.

  As soon as a few people walked into the elevator, there were footsteps behind them.

  Looking at Gu Yuluo who was trotting towards the elevator with a "stern face", Tang Yichen immediately closed the door, and kept pressing it several times, "Quick, close the door, Gu Xiaoqi's sister is here."

  (end of this chapter)

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