Chapter 909 About apprenticeship

   After finishing speaking, he paused for a few seconds before continuing: "Four of them were killed, two at the early stage of the fourth stage and one at the middle stage of the third stage were captured, and the one at the peak of the fourth stage escaped."

  Gu Zhiqi listened, nodded, and then fell into a deep thought. After a few seconds, he looked at Jin Layer Green, "Didn't the escaped person be tracked down?"

  Under normal circumstances, after a fight between mysterious masters, one can track each other's whereabouts by relying on the remaining breath of the other party.

  Jin layer green heard, shook his head, "He has a very powerful mysterious weapon in his hand, which completely hides his whereabouts and aura, and I can't track it."

  Gu Zhiqi listened, his eyes moved slightly, "What kind of mysterious weapon?"

  Jin Layer Green: "An umbrella."

  Gu Zhiqi: "Umbrella? What kind of umbrella?"

   "Wait a minute." Jin layer green said, picked up a piece of paper and a pen from the coffee table, then buried her head and began to draw.

   After two minutes, a stick figure of an umbrella came out.

  Gu Zhiqi looked at the painting on the paper, raised his eyebrows slightly, reached out to take the paper, looked at the umbrella on it, and muttered in a low voice, "Chiba Samsara Umbrella."

   "Samsara Umbrella? Is that the Samsara Umbrella?" Hearing Gu Zhiqi's muttering, Jin Layer Green asked softly, her tone full of surprise.

  Gu Zhiqi: "Do you know the reincarnation umbrella?"

   "I've seen related descriptions in ancient books, but this is the first time I've seen it in real life." Jin's green tone was tinged with joy.

   This trip is really worth it.

   Not only saved people, but also met Master Zhezhi and Samsara Umbrella.

   Sure enough, Master Zhezhi was right, and Xuanshi should go out more to practice.

  Gu Zhiqi listened to Jin layer green's words, did not speak again, just lowered his eyes slightly, and continued to stare at the painting on the paper.

   This time, what I looked at was not the content of the painting, but the skill of painting. Looking at it, Gu Zhiqi sighed secretly, it seems that this advanced green is really destined for her.

  Put the paper away and get up.

   "Master, are you leaving?" Seeing her get up, Jin Lu immediately spoke.

  Gu Zhiqi nodded his head, "If you want to apprentice, come to my room at nine o'clock tonight."

  When Jin Layer Green heard it, his eyes lit up, and he got up from the sofa, "Can I follow now?!"

  Yunlin, Jinling: "..."

   "Cough, that, Miss Jin, there is still one more round of treatment." Yun Lin reminded Jin layer green, telling her euphemistically that she can't follow Gu Zhiqi now.

  He still wants to follow Miss Gu.

  But, can Miss Gu follow anyone she wants?

   "Cooperate with the treatment." Gu Zhiqi left such a sentence without looking back, and then walked out of the room.

   Seeing this, Jin layer green had no choice but to sit down listlessly.

  Jin Ling looked at it strangely. Sure enough, Miss and this Miss Gu are true love.


  Huaixu Hotel, room 709.

   "Fall, how's it going, did Master Zhezhi reply?" Wei Jingyu asked Gu Yuluo for the nth time.

  Gu Yuluo: "...No."

   Originally, not long ago, that girl accepted her red envelope.


   That girl only accepts the red envelopes and doesn't reply to the news!

  She sent a lot of messages, but she didn't receive a reply.

  The girl not only doesn't respond to messages now, she even doesn't open the red envelopes she sends out.

  She is really helpless.

   "Ask again, ten minutes have passed since the last time, please ask again." Wei Jingyu glanced at his watch, and then said to Gu Yuluo.

  Gu Yuluo: "...ask yourself the fuck, see if she will you."

   As he spoke, he directly threw the phone to Wei Jingyu.

  Seeing this, Wei Jingyu took over the phone, "Ask yourself... Hey? I asked you to ask Master Zhezhi, why did you ask Sister Zhizhi?"

  Gu Yuluo:!

  (end of this chapter)

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