Chapter 912 about keys

   Seeing that it wasn't Su Yunling who came, Gu Zhixi felt a sense of loss in his heart.

   Thought it was time for dinner.

   Standing at the door were Lan An and Mu Huai. When they saw Gu Zhiqi open the door, they immediately opened their mouths.


   "Miracle Doctor Gu."

  Gu Zhiqi nodded, leaned lazily at the door, looked at the two and asked, "What's the matter?"

  The two of them looked at each other first when they heard the words, and then Lan An said, "Master, my disciple has something to ask for."

   Seeing that Lanan did not say what she was asking for, she knew that it would be inconvenient to say what she asked for at the door, so she said, "Come in."

   After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked into the room.

   Lanan and Mu Huai immediately stepped up and followed into the room when they saw this.

  The three sat down on the sofa.

   "Master, are you familiar with Tang Yichen from the Changying Army?" Lan An didn't talk about it at the beginning, but asked this question first.

  Gu Zhiqi heard the words, and lazily replied, "It's just so-so."

   After hearing this, Lanan knew that the relationship between the two should be pretty good. If the relationship between the two was unfamiliar, Gu Zhiqi would not say that it was normal, but would directly say that they were not familiar.

"I heard that the Changying army attacked the Luya base at night last night. The person who stole the key that I mentioned to you earlier was in the Luya base. I don't know if that person was captured by the Changying army or whether the key was lost. Into the hands of Chang Yingjun." Langan first explained briefly, then looked at Gu Zhiqi and asked, "Master, can you ask Mr. Tang for us?"

  Gu Zhiqi listened, and was silent for a few seconds before looking at Langan and asking, "What does the person you are looking for look like?"

  Langan heard this, and shook his head with a troubled face, "Angel's clothes are uniform, and everyone is covered tightly. I really don't know what that person looks like."

  Even though Mu Huai and Lan An had fought against him, they had never seen what that person looked like.

  After Lananan finished speaking, Gu Zhixi didn't speak, but Mu Huai immediately answered, "Although I don't know what that man looks like, I know his weapon is an umbrella."

  Gu Zhiqi listened, his eyes moved slightly, "Umbrella?"

  Mu Huai nodded immediately, "Yes, an oiled paper umbrella."

   Hearing what he said, Gu Zhiqi immediately took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Mu Huai, "Is that so?"

  Mu Huai looked at the umbrella on the paper, and was stunned. His lips trembled several times, and he nodded several times in succession.

   "Yes, it is it, that's how it is." Lan An spoke before Mu Huai.

  Seeing that Lan An answered, Mu Huai stopped talking, and just looked at Gu Zhiqi with burning eyes, "Master Gu, this piece of paper..."

  Gu Zhixi folded the paper slowly and put it back in his pocket, then looked at Mu Huai and Lan An and said, "The person holding the oiled paper umbrella didn't die, nor did it fall into the hands of the Changying Army."

   Lanan and Mu Huai were stunned when they heard the words.

  Gu Zhiqi didn't care about the reaction of the two, but asked, "What does the key you are talking about look like?"

   Lananan immediately replied: "The blue key, which glows with ice blue light."

  Gu Zhiqi nodded, looked at the two of them and said: "Don't worry about the key, I will go and get it back, and after I get it back, I will hand it over to the city lord of Zhongzhou City."

   Lanan and Mu Huai were stunned again when they heard this.

   Lanan came back to his senses one step earlier than Mu Huai, and looked at Gu Zhiqi worriedly, "Master, do you want to go by yourself? Why don't you let me and..."

   Before Langan finished speaking, Gu Zhiqi interrupted him.

  (end of this chapter)

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