Chapter 949 The original owner's best friend

  Listening to Gu Zhiqi's question, the smile on the corner of the girl's mouth froze slightly, and a trace of astonishment flashed in her eyes, "Qiqi, I...I'm Caixuan, don't you remember me?"

  Gu Zhiqi listened, and searched in his mind for a long time, and finally found out the full name of the person in front of him.

  As soon as Gu Zhiqi thought of the name, he remembered the plot about her.

  Yang Caixuan, the best friend of the original owner.

   I don’t know if it’s because she didn’t fully receive the memory of the original owner. Although Yang Caixuan and the original owner are best friends, Gu Zhiqi didn’t think of too many memories about her.

   But about her plot, I think of a lot.

  The original owner took the vicious female supporting script, and Yang Caixuan, who is the best friend of the original owner, took the scheming female supporting script.

  The original host is responsible for competing with the hostess for her fiancé, grabbing the family's attention, and competing with the hostess for talent and learning.

  Yang Caixuan directly competed with the heroine for a man.

  When Gu Xiyue and Ling Yuanzhou had an engagement, she liked Ling Yuanzhou. After Gu Xiyue and Ling Yuanzhou canceled their engagement, she liked Fu Xiyan.

   Anyway, this guy has a lot of roles.

  After Yang Caixuan finished saying her name, seeing that Gu Zhiqi was still silent, she spoke again, "Qiqi, are you still blaming me?"

  Gu Zhiqi:?

   "You're still blaming me for what happened to Master Cui, right?" Yang Caixuan first asked Gu Zhiqi.

  Gu Zhiqi:? ?

  Who is Master Cui?

"I really didn't do it on purpose, and I didn't expect that Master Cui would come to the school that day, and I didn't even expect that he would accept me as an apprentice." Yang Caixuan looked at Gu Zhiqi with a face of self-blame and said, "If I hadn't Knowing that Master Cui is coming to the school, no matter what I say, I will not go up to replace you."

  After listening to Yang Caixuan's words, a picture flashed in Gu Zhiqi's mind.

   Also remembered what Yang Caixuan said.

  At the art festival last semester, the original owner had a piano performance, but suddenly had a stomachache before going on stage, so Yang Caixuan, who also knows how to play the piano, offered to play for her.

  The original owner was not happy, but he really couldn't play, so he was forced to agree.

  At the art festival that day, the school invited Master Cui, a pianist with profound piano attainments. After Yang Caixuan performed a performance, Master Cui admired her very much, so after the art festival, Master Cui found Yang Caixuan and accepted her as an apprentice.

  When the original owner found out, he was angry and annoyed, and lost his temper a lot, thinking that Yang Caixuan had robbed her of the opportunity, and even suspected that Yang Caixuan had drugged her.

   Also fell out with Yang Caixuan because of this matter.

  After that incident, Master Cui took Yang Caixuan to the imperial capital.

  Yang Caixuan is an art student. She is either in training or following Master Cui on weekdays. She only needs to come back to take the exam during mock exams. She usually doesn’t see Yang Caixuan.

   After Yang Caixuan had a long phone call, Gu Zhixi didn't say a word except for "Excuse me, who are you?"

  Seeing this, Yang Caixuan felt more and more sad and blamed herself, "Qiqi, are you really unwilling to forgive me? I really didn't mean to do that."

  After Yang Caixuan finished speaking, she waited for Gu Zhiqi to speak.

  She has made up her mind, no matter if Gu Zhiqi forgives her or loses her temper, she has nothing to lose.

   "She has lost her memory, and she can't remember what you said to her so much." Yang Caixuan didn't wait for Gu Zhiqi to speak, but waited for Gu Xiyue who was beside her to speak.

  Yang Caixuan heard the words, looked at Gu Xiyue, saw that it was Gu Xiyue who opened the mouth, a trace of astonishment flashed in the bottom of her eyes, "You, Gu Xiyue? Why are you here?"

  Just now Yang Caixuan didn't pay attention to the person next to her, but now Gu Xiyue opened her mouth to notice her.

  (end of this chapter)

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