Chapter 952 slipped away

  Gu Zhiqi was sitting under the pavilion under the teaching building of the Science Department of the third year of high school, holding his mobile phone and mending his mind, when suddenly, there were a few more people in front of him.

   "Hey, isn't this Gu Xiaohua? Why are you sitting here?"

  The sound of flowing air sounded above Gu Zhiqi's head, making Gu Zhiqi raise his eyes subconsciously.

  Looking at this, I found myself surrounded by five or six boys.

  Gu Zhiqi took a look at the other party, then looked away, and turned his gaze to the phone, continuing to type on the phone.

   Seeing that Gu Zhiqi was ignoring them, several boys were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other, and then all laughed.

  One of the boys with hair dyed yellow looked at Gu Zhiqi after laughing and said, "Hey, you're still putting on airs like before."

  Huang Mao said, and sat down next to Gu Zhiqi, with a frivolous smile on his lips, his eyes fell directly on Gu Zhiqi, "Gu Xiaohua, do you still think of yourself as Miss Gu's family?"

  Huang Mao said three sentences in a row, but Gu Zhiqi didn't reply, which made Huang Mao squint his eyes.

   "It's hard to be kicked out of the house by the Gu family, isn't it?" Huang Mao said, and he clicked his tongue lightly, "Look, Gu Xiaohua, who only wears famous brands, is actually wearing cheap ones."

   "Isn't it hard to live like this?"

   "How about this, I will give you a chance to be my girlfriend, what brand-name clothes, jewelry or bags do you want, I will buy them for you, how about it?"

   After Huang Mao finished speaking, he looked at Gu Zhiqi with a smile on his face, and the hand on his side was about to move.

   Gu Zhiqi's eyes fell on the phone, as if he didn't even look at the yellow hair, he continued to type, and said a word lightly, "Get lost."

Huang Mao was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then squinted his small eyes, "Gu Zhiqi, don't be ignorant, if it weren't for your face, you would think that the young master would like you ?"

  Gu Zhiqi listened to the constant yelling in his ears, frowned slightly with his pretty brows, and finally moved his eyes away from the phone again, raised his eyes, and glanced lazily at Huang Mao.

  Seeing this, Huang Mao chuckled lightly, "Why, figured it out?"

  Gu Zhiqi didn't speak, put the phone in his pocket and got up.

   "That's right, I like beauties with wit and wit. Although you are no longer Miss Gu's family, your face is still worthy... ah!"

  Before he finished speaking, Huang Mao was kicked in the stomach.

  When Gu Zhiqi was sitting on the side fence of the gazebo pillars, Huang Mao was sitting beside her.

   This kick directly kicked the yellow hair into the green bushes outside the fence.

  Huang Mao not only had a stomachache, but his face was also scratched by the green bushes, and he howled in the green bushes.

  The boys who followed him saw this, and immediately helped him up, "Brother Huang, are you okay?"

  Seeing this, Gu Zhiqi turned around and left very calmly.

  Slip away, or you will be called a parent again.

   "Brother Huang, Gu Zhiqi has escaped."

  Huang Mao was sitting on the fence to relieve the pain. When he heard what the younger brother said, he suddenly jumped up and got up, "Hurry up, chase me back, that bitch, see if I won't kill her."

  After hearing this, the boys immediately stepped forward and chased in the direction Gu Zhiqi left.

  However, Gu Zhiqi's speed was too fast, and he couldn't see the shadow in a blink of an eye.

   Several boys tried to chase but couldn't, so they had to turn back in the end.

   "Brother Huang, Gu Zhiqi has escaped."

  When Brother Huang heard this, he immediately became angry, and stood in the pavilion and yelled, "That **** Gu Zhiqi, don't let me catch her, or I'll kill her."

  At this time, a young man happened to pass by not far from the gazebo with his hands in his pockets. Hearing Huang Mao's words, the young man paused.

  (end of this chapter)

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