Blazing Armour

Chapter 106

After this conversation, they couldn't sleep any more. This was the darkest moment before dawn. They could only wait for the dawn quietly.

Gong Yingxian told Ren how they tracked down baichi step by step. It seemed that there was no shocking plot. It all depended on countless investigators to search and analyze carefully according to limited clues.

However, Ren Yu was very shocked. What came to his mind was gong Yingxian's tired eyes and congested pupils. The police colleagues of Gong Yingxian were busy day and night, so that they could make some new progress almost every day until they locked the suspect in the vast crowd.

While chatting, Gong Yingxian suddenly looked out of the window.

Ren Yu turned his head and saw that pieces of white fluff floated down in the sky. It was quiet and gentle like a shining spirit in the dark. He murmured, "it's snowing."

This is the first snow in the city this year. Winter is about to pass. It comes a little late, but it is still surprising.

Ren Yu asked Gong Yingxian with a smile, "do you want to see the snow?"

"You're just sick. Forget it."

"Our coats are very warm." Ren Yu took out two coats from the cabinet and handed one to Gong Yingxian. "It's rare to snow. It's still the first snow. Just look at it on the balcony."

Wrapped in a down jacket, Ren Yu opened the balcony door, and a cold wind roared in, stirring the two.

"Wow, it's so cold." Ren Xuan wrapped his clothes tightly and looked up at the nine days of silver scattering with bright eyes.

"It seldom snows in California." Gong Yingxian held out his hand and saw that the small snowflake fell in the palm of his hand and melted in an instant. "I haven't encountered heavy snow in the past few years since I came back to China."

"The snow here is really ordinary. If you really want to see the heavy snow, you have to go further north." Ren Yu said with a smile, "I've been to Changbai Mountain with my friends. Wow, the snow is really strong."

Gong Yingxian looked at Ren Yu and said, "do you like snow?"

"I like it."

"... I like it too." Gong Yingxian said, "the snow looks very clean."

"Ha ha, it's rare to have something we like the same."

Ren Yu just said casually, but Gong Yingxian felt a little stuffy in his chest. He and Ren Yu thought of working together, and he finally found one thing they had in common - they all like snow.

Their origins, experiences, personalities and concepts are very different. Maybe Ren Yu likes snow, just like flowers, clouds and nature, but for him, it is a very few similarities between them.

He also often thought that if he and Ren Yu were not involved in this series of cases, would there be a topic and contact between them. After all, he can't even accompany Ren Yu to a barbecue.

Ren Yi scratched on the thin snow on the handrail with his fingers: "unfortunately, the snow is too small. It will melt as soon as the sun rises tomorrow."

"Next time, go to a place with heavy snow that can't melt."

Ren Yi was stunned: "do you mean we and the two of us go?"

Gong Yingxian gave a "um" and secretly glanced at Ren Yu to see his reaction.

Ren Yu's heart trembled and he didn't feel cold at all. No matter what Gong Yingxian thought of him at this time, whether he felt convenient or wanted to feel comfortable, he did not turn back. He did not leave regret and did not look back.

Gong Yingxian couldn't tell what the smile on Ren Yu's face meant. He coughed: "where do you want to go?"

Ren Yu said with a smile, "it's good everywhere." Anywhere.

"Then... When I catch Ziyan."



Before dawn, Ren Yu sent Gong Yingxian out and strictly prohibited the doorman from telling anyone that if they knew Gong Yingxian was staying here for the night, it would be hard to find an excuse to explain.

The next day, Qu Yangbo told Ren Yu that he was punished because he left his post during his duty.

Of course, this is not the real reason for punishment. It is very common to have a dinner after a meeting, and as long as the captain can go out, he must have arranged the squadron. When his own security was threatened, he was careless, had no sense of crisis, and organized a dinner. As a result, something big almost happened.

He was warned, criticized and wrote a review.

Ren Yu said with a bitter face, "I deserve it."

Qu Yangbo sighed: "it's a close call this time, otherwise... This punishment is light, but it still has an impact on you in the future. Fortunately, you have made a lot of achievements during this period."

Ren Yu doesn't care much about his taxi journey. At least he doesn't have plans and goals like Qu Yangbo. He's very satisfied to be a squadron captain. If he goes up again, he spends most of his time in the office, which is not what he yearns for. Working in the squadron is indeed dangerous, but helping and saving others can make his blood boil and make him feel the significance and value of his existence.

However, he did not dare to say this to Qu Yangbo, otherwise he would certainly be scolded for not making progress. Qu Yangbo's goal is for the two to go hand in hand.

Ren Yu was very depressed and locked himself in the dormitory. He wrote a review all afternoon. The main reason for his depression was not punishment, but 10000 word review, which almost killed him.

After writing, he took time to look at his mobile phone. There was a message from Gong Yingxian: my attending doctor has arrived in Beijing. He wants to see you. When will he be free.

Ren Yi replied: Saturday.


Approaching the lunar new year, it is the busiest time for all functional departments. At this time, the crime rate is soaring, and accidents and disasters are also significantly increasing. Naturally, public security and fire fighting are very busy, so Gong Yingxian and Ren Yu have little time to meet.

After arranging the rest of the squadron, Ren Yi looked at the time. There was still a little surplus from the time agreed between him and Gong Yingxian, so he called Li Sa for a talk and expressed his appreciation and thanks for her willingness to stay on duty. After all, for full-time firefighters, they can rest on legal holidays.

Li Sa said with a hearty smile, "you don't have to be so polite, team Ren. My home is not far from here. Anyway, my family members can come to the squadron for the Chinese New Year. I'll just ask my parents to come to the squadron for the Chinese New Year."

"Yes, let's celebrate the new year together this year." Ren Ying looked at Li Sa with a smile, "you are a soldier I pay most attention to. I am very pleased with your growth in the past six months. You also showed your professional ability in the underground rescue and hospital explosion, and your assessment results are very good every time, so I will let you officially enter the scene next time."

Li Sa's eyes lit up: "thank you, team Ren, team Ren."

"Don't thank me. You won it yourself. You should also know that when you first came, everyone doubted you and took special care of you, but you couldn't trust your professional ability. It was you who gradually gained the trust of your comrades in arms through your daily work and several task performances, as well as perennial training and assessment. Thank you for your efforts."

Li Sa showed a shy and cheerful smile.

"After the mission, I will observe you for half a year. If your performance is still good, when you have been in office for one year, I will transfer you from the special duty class to the combat class."

Li Sa's eyes are firm and resolute: "we will never live up to the expectations of Ren team."


After talking to Li Sa, Ren Yu cleaned up a little and went downstairs. Gong Yingxian sent a driver and bodyguard to pick him up.

Ren Xuan, one of Gong Yingxian's drivers, met this bodyguard for the first time. He didn't look as powerful and medium-sized as the bodyguard in his imagined film, but only from the other party's inch head and thick trapezius muscle, we can judge that this man was a soldier.

The bodyguard politely greeted Ren Yu and stopped talking, which made Ren yu feel that this was a cruel role.

The car drove all the way to Gong Yingxian's family - enough to see that Dr. Pompeii was very close to the Gong family.

Ren Ying heard about the attending doctor from Sheng Bo. He is a Sino American Hybrid and is very famous in the field of psychology. At that time, Gong Yingxian's psychological condition was very bad. Gong Yingxian's grandfather insisted on sending him abroad. First, he was worried about his safety and second, he wanted to change his environment. After going abroad, Dr. Pompeii treated him and spent many years to change him from a severe PTSD patient who almost lost his language and emotion to at least be able to return to society.

At the Palace House, in addition to Sheng Bo and other familiar faces, there is also an elegant middle-aged man, who must be Dr. Pompeii.

Dr. Pompeii took the initiative to reach out to Ren: "Captain Ren, Hello, I've heard a lot about you."

Ren Yi hurriedly stretched out his hand and shook it: "Hello, doctor, I should say that."

Dr. Pompeii said with a smile, "I heard that there is a person who can get close to him and influence him around Ying Xian. I'm very curious about you. But I've been busy with a subject research last year and can't spare time. Otherwise, I'd like to come back and have a look."

Gong Yingxian coughed softly, with a trace of embarrassment in her eyes.

After a few more greetings, Sheng Bo, with a smile on his face, warmly welcomed them into the house. He couldn't stop saying, "it's been so busy for a long time, it's been so busy for a long time."

After a sumptuous dinner, Gong Yingxian took them to the room full of everything related to the Gong family case.

Dr. Pompeii picked up a picture frame of a family of four: "you can look at it like this now."

Gong Yingxian nodded: "after so many years of desensitization treatment, I dare to get close to the fire now." He added in a low voice, "little fire."

Ren Xuan stared at Gong Yingxian: "how dare you save me from the fire? How badly the car burned at that time."

Gong Yingxian snorted coldly, "you're okay to say that you don't want to retreat."

Dr Pompeii laughed: "I know about this. Ying Xian told me later. In fact, in my previous treatment, I tried to give him strong medicine several times, but several stress tests failed, which almost destroyed his sense of security. So that time he came close to the fire to save you, which was a very important turning point for his condition. Since then, he has really improved a lot. That's why The significance of this is that he took the initiative to get rid of his fear. Nothing can defeat fear itself more than facing fear directly. "

Ren Yu smiled. Whether Gong Yingxian tried to save him or he indirectly helped Gong Yingxian, he was very happy.

Gong Yingxian said, "although I haven't completely overcome my fear of fire, it's much better than before. Maybe one day I can really overcome it."

"One day." Dr Pompeii smiled and pointed to Ren, "and your friends will help you a lot."

They glanced at each other in a hurry, then immediately looked away and smiled.

Dr. Pompeii raised his eyebrows and a clear smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, but he didn't expose it: "then let's talk about the mask."

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