Blazing Armour

Chapter 117

Six people climbed up the stairs. The temperature on the seventh floor was so high that the body feeling would change with each step. This phenomenon was very rare, which proved that the fire on the seventh floor was much more violent than what they observed from the outside.

In order to avoid no water on the seventh floor, they brought up two water guns on the sixth floor. Laying water hose requires long-term training skills. Among them, cross floor three-dimensional laying is the most difficult. It is necessary to ensure that the water hose sacrifices the least length and achieves the maximum utilization. One more corner will weaken the water pressure and jet speed. One more detour will reduce the range that water can reach. The water gun is their weapon in the fire, and the greater the role of the weapon, The more likely it is to win.

Only one fire hydrant in the seventh floor corridor can be used. Ren Yu dare not let the soldiers go in to find the fire hydrant. He is likely to get lost. Three water guns are barely enough.

When the door of the emergency exit was opened, the fierce heat radiation was like a man eating ghost, burning people's willpower, and Ren was even forced to step back.

It's too hot to get in.

Sun defined the thermometer and put it in: "shit, the periphery is almost eight Baidu."

"There are at least two thousand in the fire." Ren Yu squatted on the ground and hesitated.

In order to save oxygen, they all took off their masks, and there was smoke in the corridor, but they squatted down and could barely breathe.

"Ren team, what should I do?"

Ren Yi shook his head: "this temperature must not enter. I'm afraid it's not far from combustion and explosion when it's hot to this extent."

"If you burn up the upper floor, you may not be able to keep it."

Liu Hui said, "how about knocking on the windows around us? Spread the fire."

Sun defined and analyzed, "the windows have knocked, and the fire must go up along the window. The result is not the same."

Ren Yu connected the command frequency: "team Chen, how is the mass transfer?"

Chen Xiaofei replied, "there are hotels and office buildings above. There are at least two or three hundred people trapped. The floor is high, which makes it more difficult to search. It can't be transferred for a while. Can you control the fire?"

"... when will the water cannon be in place?"

"I was just about to tell you that the water cannon will be in place soon."

"There are no people on the seventh floor now, but if there is a water cannon, we can try."

"This water cannon is assigned by you. Not only that, Yan Jue also vacates a high-pressure water gun."

"Great." Ren Yu looked at Liu Hui: "as you said, knock all the windows around, so that the temperature in the center of the fire can be reduced. With a water cannon, we can temporarily suppress the fire and go up. We should be able to find an appropriate time to put down the rolling shutter door."

The fire could not get in, and the broken windows could only be cooperated by the soldiers outside. Ren Yu contacted Gao Ge to confirm that they had completed the task and returned to the ground, so he asked him to lead the team and use the ladder to destroy the windows on the East and west sides of the seventh floor.

Soon, the water cannon began to impact the corridor fire. Before long, Gog also completed the task again. The fire began to be diverted by the East and West windows. Yan Jue personally took a water gun and stopped on the west side of the seventh floor by raising the platform to shoot water into the building.

But the temperature at the fire site will not drop all at once. They can only wait.

After waiting for about five minutes, sun defined to measure the temperature again, and the temperature really fell down.

"OK, go in."

"Wait a minute." Liu Hui looked at Li Sa, "Ren team, we all know what's inside, but Li Sa doesn't know. She shouldn't have entered such a dangerous place at once when she entered the fire for the first time."

Li Sa frowned: "when I was training, I was not with you? I know what it was like inside."

"There is a world of difference between training and actual combat." Liu Hui said anxiously, "and you are a woman. Your physical fitness is almost to the limit."

"Monitor Liu, I should know better than you whether my physical fitness has reached the limit."

"Do you think I'm arguing with you, you..."

"Stop quarrelling and waste your time." Ren Yi said, "Li Sa has just helped me put down the rolling shutter door on the sixth floor. She has her advantages, and her oxygen should be the most sufficient of all."

The capacity of the air bottle is the same, but everyone's consumption speed is different. In short, the volume, amount of exercise and mood fluctuation determine the amount of oxygen consumption. Li Sa has a natural volume advantage, and the amount of exercise is lower than that of male firefighters. Moreover, she didn't use air breathing for at least two minutes on the sixth floor just now.

"Yes, I have 23% left."

"We are short handed. We should trust our comrades in arms at this time. Let's go." Ren Yi put on his mask, pushed open the emergency exit door, bent over and entered the fire. He had a sense of the environment and location and took the others straight north.

The seventh floor is the most intense and sufficient burning in the whole B building. It is equal to the nowhere rising anger burned from the a building. It is all piled up on the seventh floor, and the seventh floor happens to be selling books, toys and sporting goods. There are many and dense stalls, and everything is combustible. They use water guns to open the way while walking. They can't drive. They can only detour. Most of their time is consumed on the road.

After a series of tactics just now, although the temperature at the fire site decreased significantly, it only decreased to a level that would not cook people alive. The high temperature permeated everyone's pores, giving them the illusion that they were ripe. The burning of heat radiation was the delay without blood. The pain gnawed at their soul flesh from all angles. They kept panting and coughing, bent over and walked very hard. Finally, they almost climbed with their hands and feet.

Ren Yu knows that they can't survive in this environment for a few minutes, and success or failure depends on it. If they still can't find the rolling shutter door within two minutes, he can only declare the task failed and retreat as soon as possible while he still has physical strength.

Just as they were crawling hard, Chen Xiaofei's anxious voice suddenly sounded in his headphones: "Ren Yi, Ren Yi."


"There are trapped people on the 7th floor of building a, like a father and son, trapped near the corridor."

"What?" Ren Yu said in surprise, "building a, cough, isn't building a empty?"

"It may be the security guard who didn't have time to withdraw." Chen Xiaofei said in a deep voice, "because of the spacing and angle of the building on the west side, the raised platform can't get close to the corridor, so we must drive the car to the north, but more than 40 fire engines and more than a dozen sprinkler cars on the scene are stuck, so it's hard to move. Yan Jue said it will take at least six or seven minutes, and the father and son can't wait for the platform. Ren Yu, now you are the only person who can save them."

"Building a is burned... It's been almost an hour, but... Cough... Someone is still alive?" He coughed violently.

"Yes, cough, cough, we are about to reach the corridor." Ren Yu accelerated and climbed forward.

With strong willpower and the pain of approaching the physical limit, the six finally reached the North Gate 1. The corridor was vaguely visible, but they had not seen the father and son.

"Liu Hui, Ding Qing and Xiao Cai, you are supported by the water gun. Li Sa, you keep the handbrake. Once our rescue is successful, put down the rolling shutter door immediately. Sun Qingming, go and have a look with me."


Ren Xuan and sun defining trot to the corridor and finally saw someone opposite in the fire. His cry for help was repeatedly torn by the wind and fire, which seemed so weak. He had many serious burns on his body, but he still closely protected a unconscious child in his arms.

"Help... Help my son... Help --" the man's scream mixed with pain and despair hurt everyone's nerves. At this time, the fire in the corridor was suppressed by the water cannon, and the fire was not fierce, but if he wanted to pass, he had to turn off the water cannon.

Ren Yu said, "team Chen, I saw them. Turn off the water cannon first."

Chen Xiaofei took a deep breath: "there are many stalls on the corridor. Turn off the water cannon and the fire will rise again soon. You must go back and forth as fast as possible."

"I see."

Sun Qingming held Ren Yu and shook his head: "Ren team, it was too dangerous in the past."

"But people are saved." Ren Yu looked at the corridor and the burning building opposite. He is very afraid. Everyone will be afraid. It is a three-dimensional burning building that can ruthlessly swallow everything close to it. He can't imagine how the father struggled to survive in such a hell and ran out to ask them for help. A fully armed professional firefighter may not be able to do it.

Perhaps the power to protect young children is stronger than their own desire for survival.

"Ren team." When Ren Yi was about to start, Li Sa suddenly said, "how much space do you have left?"

Ren Yi paused: "enough."

"Change with me."

"Everyone doesn't have much left. Adjust your breathing and save money." Ren Yu pressed the intercom and said, "stop the water cannon."

"Ren team!"

Ren Yu took a deep breath. They have done breathing training. At very moments, using special breathing methods can effectively save oxygen. Now is that time. Without this father and son, he is likely to give up the task and return safely with the soldiers. It has been very risky to come here. Returning is also a huge challenge. He can't consume other people's oxygen for his own safety.

As soon as the water cannon stopped, Ren Yu rushed to the opposite side with full strength. Sun defined the fire in the corridor with a water gun to cover Ren Yu.

When Ren Zhuo rushed up the corridor, he noticed that the vibration of the corridor was not very right.

This corridor is a structure of reinforced concrete with glass. After burning for such a long time, most of the reinforcement has been deformed. The glass is relatively resistant to high temperature and looks intact. However, the water cannon has a great destructive effect on them. First, the water cannon pressure is too high, and it is common to collapse the roof and break the floor. Moreover, there is a corridor. Second, the water cannon is sometimes absent, and the cold and heat are constantly alternating, It will aggravate the shrinkage deformation of the material.

At present, Ren Yu didn't care so much. He ran to the opposite as fast as possible and found the man who was on fire by the door. The man was pressing his son on his body to stop the licking of the flame.

"Save... Save..." the man was dying.

Ren Yi rushed over and slapped the fire on the man, but it was useless.

Trembling, he pushed the child in his arms to Ren Yu: "save... Save my son..."

The child was very young, only three or four years old. In such a hell fire, he didn't get hurt, but his breath was weak. It was obvious that he had inhaled a lot of poisonous gas. Ren Ying hugged the child and shouted, "I'll send the child back to pick you up again. Hold on, brother!"

The man shook his head. There were dried tears on his gray black face. There was no anger in his eyes: "go... Go..."

Ren Yu took off his respirator and put it on the child's face. He let him breathe a few mouthfuls of air. When he wanted to wear it back on his face, he found that the air bottle had bottomed out.

Ren Yu cursed and simply took off his heavy air calling equipment. As soon as I turned around, I found that the fire in the corridor started again, and it had become a whole.

Ren Yu bit the back teeth tightly, stuffed the child into the front of the protective clothing, and had no choice but to step into the sea of fire.

The flame burned Ren Yu's skin. The pain was like countless iron brushes brushing his meat layer by layer. He couldn't help crying out in pain.

But just after he ran only a few meters away, there was a violent vibration from the corridor, and the steel, cement and glass began to fall off. He was stunned and ran towards the B building not far away and towards the hope of life.

"Ren team!"

Sun defined and others saw Ren Yi rush out of the fire with his child in his arms, but the corridor began to collapse. Their eyes were blood red and wished they could give birth to a pair of wings.

With the loud noise, the middle part of the corridor was completely broken and smashed into the corridor on the sixth floor, causing a chain reaction, smashing through the corridor on the fourth floor at one fell swoop.

The violent vibration made the people on both sides of the corridor almost unstable.

Ren Yu quickly stopped his steps. There was an insurmountable distance in front of him. Behind him was a fire with no way back. Under his feet was a small corridor that could fall at any time.

He can't describe the despair at the moment.

At this time, on the ground, a pair of eyes stared at Gong Yingxian, who was staring at Ren Yu's every move. There was no blood left on his face. Fear was like an invisible hand, strangling his neck. He couldn't speak or breathe. He knew that if Ren Yu couldn't get out of danger today, no one in the world could stop him from falling into the abyss.

Sun Qingming ran to the fracture of the corridor on the other side. With a pair of chapped and bleeding hands, he tied a stone to it with difficulty: "team Ren, catch it!" He threw the rope over.

The rope fell on the corridor and Ren Xuan bent over to reach it, but he inhaled too much poisonous smoke and reached the limit of his physical strength. When he bent down, he knelt on the ground and couldn't get up at all. He managed to tie the rope around the child's waist.

Liu Huihong roared with his eyes, "tie yourself! Tie yourself!"

Ren Yu knows that the fractures on both sides are in danger. If you want to drag him, you need at least three adults to walk to the corridor. The weight-bearing corridor can't hold up. It's lucky to be able to drag the child up.

He tied the rope and threw the child with all his strength. The child fell off the fracture of the corridor. His small body was hung by the taut rope in the sea of fire more than 20 meters high, looking so fragile and small.

Sun definitionimmediately pulled the child up, but the rope was stuck on the broken glass front and worn while pulling. It was a fire rescue rope with high strength and toughness, but it couldn't stand the repeated cutting of sharp tools. Seeing that the children were still a section away from them, the rope was about to be cut off!

Ren Yu lay on the ground and stared at the child. The physical pain and mental torture seemed to be far away from him. He knew that he was going to coma. Within two minutes, he would die, or die of high temperature, or suffocation.

He didn't want to die, but when he chose this career, he made a long psychological preparation for this moment.

It's just harder to accept than you think.

He wants to live. His father is waiting for him and Gong Yingxian is waiting for him. Gong Yingxian... It's on the ground. Maybe he's watching him. If he dies, Gong Yingxian's childhood wound will tear again. I'm afraid he won't be able to heal again.

However, he really has no strength and no way.

At least let the child live

"Platoon leader Sun!" Li Sa stared, "what are you doing!"

Sun Qingming picked up a pair of rescue ropes, fastened his belt and threw them to Liu Hui and Ding Qing. Without hesitation, he jumped down from the corridor and hugged the child.

Ren Yu stared at Sun Qingming. A trace of strength was injected into his body. He struggled and tried to get up.

"One, two, three, push!" Liu Hui dragged the rope desperately.

But the rope could not avoid being worn. The whole fracture was full of glass fronts, and because the corridor bore the weight of five adults and one child at a time, it began to make a terrible sound again.

Seeing that his rope would not hold, even the corridor was in danger. He raised the child with one hand: "pull the child up! Pull the child up first!"

Ren Yu looked at the worried scene not far away, but he couldn't do anything. He could only cry in vain: "pull them up quickly."

"Save the child first, hurry up! This is an order!" Sun Qingming roared.

Liu Hui pulled the rope, gritted his teeth and said, "Li Sa, go and pull the child up."

Li Sa crawled to the fracture, leaned out of the corridor and reached for the child.

Sun defined exhausted all his strength and held the child up. Li Sa grabbed the child's arm, pulled him up and sent him to safety.

With a bang, the corridor sank. From the perspective of sun's definition, you can even see the bending reinforcement. His eyes are full of despair: "Liu Hui, the corridor can't work, you go back."

Ren Yu looked at everything in front of him in despair. On one side was the corridor that was about to break, and on the other was the Sun Zi who was about to fall. He was as stiff as a stone and couldn't pronounce a word in his throat.

Liu Hui and others did not step back. They were still struggling to pull up. The corridor creaked to death, the cement cracked and the glass fell.

Sun Qingming's face was full of tears. He touched the buckle of his belt with one hand. "Don't..." Ren Yu stretched out his hand in vain.

Sun Qingming roared, "I'll be a brother in my next life!" He untied the buckle and fell into a sea of smoke and fire like a broken winged bird.

"Ah, ah," Ren Yu uttered a mournful cry.

"Platoon leader Sun -"

Liu Hui and others collapsed and cried. Li Sa, who had just turned back, madly dragged them back: "the corridor is about to collapse, the corridor is about to collapse!"

The moment before the corridor was completely broken, Li Sa Kaman dragged several people back to the B building. They watched the corridor fall and couldn't see any more with their brothers.

Ren Yi lay on the ground, crying like death in his throat. His heart was torn and painful. He didn't know whether it was a reality or a nightmare. His eyelids grew heavier and his breathing weakened, and he finally had no strength to move his fingers.

The man opposite shouted at him desperately, but the voice sounded too far away.

When Yan Jue's high platform arrived, Ren Yu was on the edge of coma.

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