Blazing Armour

Chapter 146

Gong Yingxian pulled the angry Ren Yu's body over, looked into his eyes and said, "don't get excited and reduce oxygen consumption. We won't die here. I'll take you home."

Ren Yi closed his eyes and calmed his emotions. Even if he was extremely angry, this is not the time to be angry. He nodded, "calm down."

"Let's find the ammonia leak first and plug it up."

Following the temperature difference and white smoke, they quickly found the leaking pipeline. All the pipelines here are connected with the outside, which can be damaged with hard objects from the outside.

They rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find something that could be used to plug the leak. Finally, they only found toilet paper. They stuffed the toilet paper into the breach of the pipe, but it was soon frozen and broken. Therefore, they could only use a large number of paper towels to plug it for a while, but the gas was all pervasive, and there was still a small amount of ammonia seeping into the machine room.

"First, let's put feilan high."

Ren Yu went to Gong feilan, put her hand into her coat pocket, and then checked whether there was any gap in her mask and whether there was any exposed skin on her body. Fortunately, it was early spring and she was well dressed. After plugging her collar, cuffs, trouser legs, socks and other places where gas might enter with paper towels, they stepped on the stool, They put her on the top of the cupboard together.

Most ammonia will deposit and sink, so the higher the place, the safer and warmer it is.

Ren Yi looked down at his empty call margin: "how much do you have left?"

Gong Yingxian took a look: "there are still 90%."

"I just didn't have time to change the air bottle, so there's not much left. Our two air bottles add up to 20 minutes."

If they can't leave here within 20 minutes, their lives will enter the countdown. Once a large amount of ammonia fills the machine room, they can't last long without oxygen.

Gong Yingxian said, "you block the pipeline, I'll find a way."

Ren Yu grabbed the toilet paper and continued to plug it into the pipe. The closer he was to the ammonia leak, the colder it was. He wore gloves and his hands were numb with cold, but he still couldn't stop the more deadly poison gas.

Gong Yingxian looked around the computer room. He first rubbed near the door of the computer room, and then searched the whole computer room again. He didn't know what he was looking for.

"What are you looking for?"

"Find something useful." Gong Yingxian said, "do you remember how the door of the computer room is locked? Mechanical lock? Electronic lock?"

Ren Yi tried to recall: "it should be a mechanical lock." When they came, they were eager to find Gong feilan as soon as possible and didn't pay much attention to the lock. Now in retrospect, it was strange that such an important place wasn't locked. They were worried and confused.

Gong Yingxian handed the three mobile fire extinguishers in the computer room to Ren Yu: "this is useful." He had a toolbox in his hand.

"Ammonia won't burn without an open fire."


Ren Yu stared: "what do you want to do?"

Gong Yingxian didn't speak, but began to dismantle things. First, he pulled out the wires in the console, stripped off the insulating coat, and twisted the thin wires into a thick one. "Smash the computer chassis and help me find a transformer."

"Oh." Ren Yu smashed and pried with a chair, opened the shell of the chassis, pulled out a transformer and handed it to Gong Yingxian.

Gong Yingxian commanded again, "the shell of the clock on the wall is insulated plastic. Try to remove it for me. The handles of the two cabinets over there are copper. Also remove it for me."

Ren Yu took out hammers and other tools from his toolbox. He was very good at breaking and dismantling violently. After a while, he got them down.

He handed the things to Gong Yingxian, looked down at him, didn't know what he was assembling, and asked, "what the hell are you doing?"

"To make a simple electric cutting machine, the copper door is not very thick. If you can break a small opening, you can put your hand out. I remember it should be a bolt outside."

Ren Yi frowned and said, "isn't there Mars?"

"Yes, there is a risk of combustion or explosion. I have thought of several ways. To quickly destroy the metal, high temperature must be used. This is the smallest way to release Mars. Before too much ammonia comes in, you can dilute the ammonia with water when I cut it later."

Both of them know very well what Mars means in the room filled with ammonia. Now they can only hope that the ammonia concentration has not reached the limit of combustion or explosion. Ren Yu walked impatiently in place for a few steps. He looked at Gong feilan, who was still unconscious, and looked at the hope of life outside the wall. His heart was full of anger and uneasiness. He grabbed the iron stool and smashed it at a corner of the glass wall with his stool legs.

He thought he had tried his best, and there was only a slight crack on the glass.

"Don't smash it. It's high-strength double-layer tempered glass." Gong Yingxian whispered, "save some oxygen."

Ren Yi put down his stool and said, "what else can I do?"

Gong Yingxian was silent for a moment: "sit beside me."

Ren Yi's heart trembled. He sat beside Gong Yingxian obediently and watched silently, trying to look at the face he loved deeply through the tightly shielded mask. Although at this time, he could only see a pair of focused eyes, he was not willing to move his eyes.

His air bottle is almost bottomed out. In two or three minutes, they will have to use an air bottle to absorb oxygen in turn. At that time, it will be a luxury to say one more word.

Then, in another twenty minutes, they will face the challenge of life and death.

He was deeply aware that if he didn't say something now, he might not have a chance to say it in the future.

He had planned to confess to Gong Yingxian on New Year's Eve. If it hadn't been for his father, what would have happened between them now? Maybe in sweet love, maybe they have parted ways. He doesn't know. As long as it's an unknown, he will always have hope.

But if they die, there's nothing left.

Ren Yi suddenly felt sad. His brain was hot and his shaking voice blurted out: "Gong Yingxian, I like you." Before the words fell, his eyes were red. He thinks that one day when he wants to say this sentence, he must make full preparations and pave the way repeatedly. It's best to test it in advance, predict his success rate, and then summon up the courage to find a ceremonial and somewhat romantic opportunity to solemnly expose his long hidden love.

But at this time, his voice is like a new bud eager to break the ground. He must see the sun at this moment, because this is the only and only hope in his heart that is buried in the abyss by the threat of death. If he will die, let him express his love openly. He doesn't want to cover up. He doesn't want to escape. He wants to stand in the sun, look directly into this person's eyes, and frankly face his shy desire and clean and pure feelings.

Gong Yingxian was shocked when he was struck by lightning. He mechanically turned his neck, stared at Ren Yu, and his face was full of shock.

Ren Yu looked at Gong Yingxian with blurred tears. He had been in love with Gong Yingxian for so long. He always thought that there should be thousands of words at this moment. In fact, this sentence was too heavy to be worth thousands of words, so he couldn't say a word anymore.

Gong Yingxian couldn't believe what he heard. He thought he was hallucinating by inhaling poison gas.

After a long time, he came back to his mind. His face turned red. Jun's face was mixed with all kinds of emotions, which was difficult to distinguish for a moment.

Ren Xuan was too nervous to breathe. He couldn't see his answer from Gong Yingxian's face.

Gong Yingxian's expression finally condensed into anger. He grabbed Ren Yu's collar.

Ren Yu's heart cooled for the most part. He simply broke out and choked: "you heard right. I, I like you. You feel sick or not. I always like you very much. I've been like you since a long time ago..."

"Shut up." Gong Yingxian's eyes were also red. "You bastard, why do you say this now? Is it fucking time!"

"We're all dying here. Isn't it time!"

"No one will die here." Gong Yingxian gnashed his teeth and stared at Ren Yu, "I will never let you die here, you... Why didn't you say it before? Since you didn't say it before, why didn't you just say it later."

Ren Yu's tears had already trickled down, but he didn't dare to take off his mask, so he couldn't wipe his tears. He was very sad in his heart.

Gong Yingxian's tears also swirled in his eyes. He opened his mouth and remembered that their lives were still hanging on the line. At present, the only thing he should focus on was how to live. He zipped the rescue suit and took out a pure white envelope for a long time. He threw it to Ren Yu and said with a red face, "see for yourself." Then he continued to lower his head and assemble the tools at hand.

Ren Zhuo was stunned. He took the envelope in doubt and opened it. Inside, there was a photo of a specimen of lily of the valley.

Ren Yu forgot to be sad for a moment, only confused: "what, what do you mean?"

Gong Yingxian looked up and became angry: "I can't see it!"

"What can you see?"

"... turn over."

Ren Yi turned over the photo. It was gong Yingxian's sharp and natural handwriting, which said: it represents my heart.

Ren Yu felt that the oxygen concentration was decreasing, and his brain was lack of oxygen, so that he was even more at a loss. In other words, he vaguely understood something, but he was not sure.

Gong Yingxian was still waiting for Ren Yu's reaction, but seeing Ren Yu as a fool, grabbed the photo and almost hit him in the face, he angrily said: "the skull of the maned lion lizard is heart-shaped, and the tail points to the heart like an arrow. You can't see it! You still have 5.2 vision!"

"... an arrow pierces the heart?"

"I like you too! One mind! You are an idiot!" Gong Yingxian's face turned red. He didn't know whether it was urgent, ashamed or angry. He has an IQ of 157. He wants to break his head and come up with this perfect, intelligent and meaningful way of confession. This idiot didn't see it?!

Ren Yu stared at Gong Yingxian blankly.

Gong Yingxian quickly lowered his head and his ears were red.

Ren Ying finally reacted. Holding the photo, he cried and smiled and said, "you, you... I..." he couldn't believe what he heard. Gong Yingxian said he liked him, and Gong Yingxian said he liked him!

Gong Yingxian held back her tears and said, "go out and talk."

"Is what you said true, I..." Ren Yu's words got stuck in his throat and couldn't speak. Yu Xi read Jia's oxygen ran out.

Gong Yingxian noticed the difference of Ren Yu. He said, "use mine."

Ren Yi pointed to himself and then to him, meaning to use it in turn. Then he unloaded the heavy air bottle from his body and began to hold his breath.

He had imagined many times what would happen when he confessed to Gong Yingxian. He was ready whether everyone was happy or sad. Now he got the answer he wanted most. He was elated by the sentence "I like you too". This should have been the happiest and happiest moment in his life, but he couldn't laugh and repel each other. He couldn't even say a superfluous word, because from now on, oxygen is their life.

Ren Yu just looked at Gong Yingxian affectionately and sadly.

He imagined countless times that he could be happy with Gong Yingxian. Now this dream has finally come true, but they are about to die.

Sad and happy.

They take turns taking oxygen and holding their breath. Ren Yu kept plugging the pipe with toilet paper, and then kept turning back to Gong Yingxian. He watched Gong Yingxian make a simple electric cutting machine with limited tools.

Ren Yu picked up a pen from the table, wrote on the envelope, and then put it in front of Gong Yingxian.

It says: I like you and I love you. If we can go out alive, I hope we will never be separated for a lifetime.

Gong Yingxian glanced at Ren Yu and gently bumped his mask with his mask - it was a promised kiss.

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