Blazing Armour

Chapter 156

The two first returned to the lobby. Gong Yingxian discussed with his colleagues how to arrest Baicheng. The minimum requirement is that the hostages survive.

However, after discussing several schemes, they all felt that the success rate of implementation was too low, the space of the multi-functional conference hall was too large, and the surrounding was completely closed, so it was impossible to hide and attack. It was almost impossible to capture Baicheng alive, and it was difficult to ensure the safety of yuexingu, unless Baicheng was willing to surrender.

A policeman said, "we can only see what conditions he has and wait for the opportunity to act."

"This is the most troublesome." Gong Yingxian said in a deep voice, "he doesn't mention conditions. He doesn't look worried at all."

"I didn't mention it just now. Maybe I will mention it now." Ren Yudao.

Gong Yingxian thought for a moment: "install a bug on me. Let's deploy several plans for the strong attack first. You listen to my code to direct action."

When they were ready, Gong Yingxian and Ren Yi went upstairs.

Gong Yingxian said anxiously, "according to your conversation inside, Bai Chicheng not only has the determination to die, but also does not intend to stay in yuexingu alive. “

”That's why he allowed Yue Xingu to tell me that? "

”Well, it's like trying to make Yue Xingu take all the charges before he dies. "

”But you've seen through them. "

”However, if you can't find more favorable evidence, Yue Xingu's words can be self consistent, and you are the witness. He did engage in bidding procurement in the group and had money contacts with Wang minde. He had motivation and ability to commit a crime, and his confession was reasonable. This is very troublesome. The evidence in our hands is enough to overturn the case, and now we are preparing materials, but after the case is overturned, if we find Yue Xingu as the "Mastermind", Then all previous efforts will be wasted. " Gong Yingxian narrowed his eyes. "The main messenger behind is very good at covering up his crimes with scapegoats. He used to be my father, but now he is yuexingu. I will never let him succeed again."

”Yue Xingu said that he was coerced. It should be true. Ziyan even wanted to kill feilan. This is to warn Yue Xingu? "

”If so, he succeeded. He showed yuexingu what he could do to feilan. Now feilan is still alive, which is the biggest chip to coerce yuexingu. "

"So Yue Xingu won't say anything." Ren Yu's face was dignified.

"Unless we catch Ziyan and let him know that no one can threaten feilan again, but the premise is to let him survive."

Ren Yu looked at the door of the conference room that was close in front of him and took a deep breath: "let's go."

The two pushed the door open.

In the conference room, as when they left before, Bai Chicheng and Yue Xingu sat in their chairs, and their expressions didn't even change much.

Bai Chicheng saw them and said, "stop, take off your coat and put down your gun."

Gong Yingxian threw his coat and gun on the ground.

Bai Chicheng allowed them to approach. He smiled coldly: "you turned off the monitoring of the whole building, but I still know your whereabouts."

"Did you kidnap the two tenants in 1206? Where are they?"

"You don't have the ability to find them. Expect me to tell you?" Bai Chicheng said, "look, I said, you will come back to me."

"Now that we're back, what do you want to do next?" Ren Yu stared at him.

"The next step is to change the rules." Bai Chicheng pointed to Gong Yingxian, "this time, you stay. I have something to tell you alone." He pointed to Ren Yu again, "you go out."

Ren Yi glanced at Gong Yingxian. After getting his affirmative eyes, he walked out backwards.

What tricks does Bai Yan want to play? Ren Yu's heart is heavy and has some difficulty breathing. I don't know whether it is caused by injury or pure worry.

In any case, Gong Yingxian should be able to cope with baichi better than him.

Ren Yu lay his face on the door, hoping to hear what was going on inside, but he could only hear a buzzing sound. He couldn't hear a word clearly. He walked back and forth outside the door anxiously.

About twenty minutes later, there was a shrill scream in the conference room without warning!

Ren Shuo was so frightened that his adrenaline soared. He turned and rushed to the conference room and slammed the door with his body. The first thing he saw was a man on fire running and rolling in the conference room, screaming and knocking over countless tables and chairs. It was Yue Xingu!

Ren Yu looks for Gong Yingxian in horror, but sees Gong Yingxian leaving through another door of the conference room.

"Should string!"

Gong Yingxian looked back at him and left him a look.

It was an unforgettable look in Ren's eyes, mixed with struggle, pain, fierceness, coldness and determination. He had never seen such a look in anyone's eyes. He didn't understand what it meant.

Ren Yu was so worried that he tried to catch up with him. But when he saw the burning man rolling all over the ground, he bit his teeth. After a moment of struggle, he took off his coat and jumped into yuexingu. He wrapped his coat around yuexingu's upper body and head, slapped it quickly, and tried to press the fire-fighting seedling with suffocation method, but the strong smell of alcohol floated in the air, Let him know that the fire is not so easy to put out.

He bounced off the ground and rushed out of the meeting room. Out of the professional habits of firefighters, wherever he went, he would subconsciously pay attention to where there was a fire extinguishing device. He found the fire extinguisher as quickly as possible, ran back to the conference room and sprayed it at yuexingu.

After spraying a jar, Yue Xingu lay on the ground and didn't move.

Ren Yi threw away the fire extinguisher, shook his coat and saw yuexingu, which had been burned beyond recognition. He lay on the ground and felt the pulse and heartbeat of yuexingu while calling for help.

The ambulance had already been waiting downstairs. In less than two minutes, the first responders ran up, but Ren knew it was useless.

Yue Xingu is dead.

In front of his eyes, he was burned alive.

Even if a person commits many evils and dies, it is not regrettable to witness such a scene, people will inevitably have the psychology of hurting their kind. Moreover, this person has nothing to do with himself. He could not describe the anger and shock at the moment.

Ren Yu felt the earth spinning and staggered back two steps, leaning his back against the table to support his body.

"Captain." Shi Xiaoqian grabbed his hand, "I'll deal with the injury for you."

Ren Yu lowered his head. He didn't even realize that his hand had just been burned.

"Are you all right? Aren't you still in hospital? You'll go to the ambulance with me right now."

"... no, it should be." Ren Yu returned to his senses, turned and ran away.

"Captain -"

As soon as Ren ran out of the meeting room, he ran into several policemen.

"Where's Dr. Gong!"

Both sides asked this sentence with one voice, and then were stunned.

Ren Yu was completely confused. He didn't know what had happened. Gong Yingxian should go to catch Bai Yan, but Bai Yan is only one person. The whole hotel is blocked by the police. Where can he go? Since he couldn't run, he should have been caught at this time, but these policemen, let alone Bai Yan, didn't even see where Gong Yingxian was.

Soon, a voice came from the policeman's intercom: "Bai Yan hijacked Dr. Gong. They just drove out of the hotel."

Ren Yu was frozen on the spot.

No, at least when Gong Yingxian left the meeting room, he was not hijacked, and Yue Xingu was dead. What did Bai Yan threaten Gong Yingxian?

Ren Yu only felt that what had happened in just a few minutes had exceeded his brain capacity to think, and he was completely ignorant. He suddenly remembered that he had a cell phone and hurriedly dialed Gong Yingxian's phone. Unexpectedly, it had been turned off.

"Captain Ren, what happened just now?" Asked the policeman.

"I... I don't know. When Bai Chicheng wanted to talk to Dr. Gong alone, I came out. Then, when I heard a scream inside, I went in and saw that yuexingu was burned. Dr. Gong went to catch Bai Yan, I put out the fire, and then..." Ren forced himself to draw a thread from the confused brain to find out the correct logic and briefly described what had just happened, But he's upset.

The policeman looked at his shaky appearance: "Captain Ren, I'll take you back to the hospital first. We'll continue to track Dr. Gong. We'll inform you immediately if we have any news."

"I won't go back. I need to know his whereabouts right away. Can you locate his cell phone? What car did he drive? Did he catch up?" Ren Yu hurriedly said, "by the way, he has a bug. What did they say? Listen quickly."

"Captain." The policeman accentuated his tone, "what you can think of, we are already doing it. We need your cooperation, but your current physical condition is not suitable to stay here."

"Show me the surveillance and listen to the recording. Does captain Qiu know? I'll call her." Ren Yu took out his cell phone and had to call.

Suddenly, he felt a tingling pain in his neck.

When he looked back, Shi Xiaoqian looked at him with a syringe in her hand.

His eyes darkened and he fainted.

Gong Yingxian, you must not have an accident

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