The school is about to start. Before the summer vacation every year, Ren Yu will conduct fire spot checks on the schools under his jurisdiction. The squadron has been very busy recently, so he has no time to pay attention to the progress of the bar fire case.

It was not until Qu Yangbo urged him to hand in his report that he remembered that he owed several reports. Like a student cramming for his homework before school, he locked himself in the office and wrote the report painfully.

After finishing all the reports, he has to check them regularly.

In addition to the text description, the report is usually accompanied by drawings. The larger and more complex accident requires more materials to be provided, such as accident building plan and surrounding map, fire truck parking location map, water gun position layout map, route map of each team entering the site, as well as intercom recording, a large number of on-site photos and videos of everyone involved in the rescue. Of course, these records are not sorted out by him, but collected and summarized by the special duty class, and reviewed and summarized by the commander.

When Ren Yu was checking page by page, a photo flashed in front of the screen. He frowned and a strange feeling appeared in his heart. He had turned over several pages, and he couldn't help but turn back.

That photo was the scene of the accident from the fourth perspective. Because it was a major accident, there were many photos and video materials. He selected some of them into the report and archived the complete ones separately. This photo was taken of Wang Meng's fire engine arriving at the scene. At that time, he was leading a team to search for survivors on the first floor.

It was the crowd in the background that attracted him. One face made him feel familiar, but at that time, the light was very poor and the background crowd was very small, which was a little blurred.

Ren Yi tried to enlarge the photo, and the result became more and more blurred. He opened the folder containing the video materials of the accident, looked through them one by one, and looked for them in the video materials. Finally, he was convinced that he had really met this person, Cai Wan's father, whom he met in the hospital at that time.

It is not unusual for the victim's father to appear at the scene of the accident, but there are two suspicious points.

First, according to the timeline, Cai Wan had already escaped from the bar at that time. Those who were still inside at that time were either dead or seriously injured, but Cai Wan was not seen around Cai Wan's father. Which father would stand here to watch the excitement regardless of his injured daughter? Second, Cai Wan's father's line of sight is often inconsistent with the crowd, and his expression is also indescribable. Through the unclear photos, he can vaguely distinguish the anxiety, tension and fear on his face, which is not like a lively expression.

Of course, these photos can also have other explanations. For example, Cai Wan's father didn't know his daughter was in the bar at that time, but just passed by. But his intuition didn't tell him that. His heart was full of doubt.

Ren Yu immediately called Gong Yingxian. After the phone was connected, he couldn't wait to say, "Dr. Gong, I found something in the scene photos. Do you remember what we met in the hospital..."

"Cai Wan's father." Gong Yingxian said in a deep voice.

"You already know?"

"Some time ago, the investigation fell into a bottleneck. I combed all the evidence and testimony again and found... You go downstairs now."

"Huh?" Ren Zhuzheng listened carefully, and this mindless sentence confused him.

"I have a call to answer. I'm driving right past your squadron. If you want to know, come with me." Then he hung up.

Ren Yu stood up without hesitation and ran downstairs. At the same time, he sent a message to Qu Yangbo and asked for leave.

When he came to the gate of the squadron, he was watching the black horse wrangler come quickly and stop in front of him.

Ren Yu opened the door and saw a thick stack of information on the co pilot. He picked up the information before he could sit down.

Gong Yingxian was on the phone and kept saying "OK, um."

After hanging up, Ren Ying couldn't wait to ask, "is Cai Wan's father a suspect?"

"His name is Cai Zhiwei. He lived apart from Cai Wan's mother for a long time and made a living by doing odd jobs. Cai Wan came to him and worked at the night and general harmonic society."

"You also saw the picture and found that he was wrong?"

"That's right. When I combed the evidence and testimony, I found that Cai Wan twice used 'that man' to refer to a person named Tao Zhen when describing the other three people in the box. Generally, such words are used to refer to others, either unknown or very unfamiliar, or subconsciously in order to get rid of the relationship between herself and the other party."

"Who is this?"

"Cai Wan said that she only knew the man's name was' brother Zhen ', and we found out his full name. According to our investigation of her communication records, the two had known each other for a month after they met at the night harmony meeting. Even if they didn't know their real name, they were very familiar. At that time, we couldn't be sure of the identities of two of the other three people in the box. Because of the large amount of autopsy, they were very familiar with each other The harmony body was seriously damaged. The forensic medicine was busy for a moment. A woman was Cai Wan's roommate. We quickly confirmed that a man was Cai Wan's roommate's boyfriend. She only knew her nickname. Tao Zhen was introduced by her boyfriend, but we couldn't confirm their identities at that time. According to the autopsy, Tao Zhen was over 40 years old, With the other three people, the age span is large. "

While listening, Ren Yi looked through the stack of materials.

Gong Yingxian continued: "later, through investigation, we determined the identity of her roommate's boyfriend. He was a person with a harmonious background of burglary. We continued to track down and found that Tao Zhen and he had served a harmonious sentence in a harmonious prison. He had been out of the harmonious prison two years earlier, and Tao Zhen had a history of absorbing and harmonic drugs."

"He brought the poison?"

"It should be."

"So who set the fire? What does it have to do with CAI Zhiwei?"

"Originally, we did not suspect Cai Zhiwei, but re suspected Cai Wan's arson. In order to find evidence, we looked at the surveillance video and on-site images again and again, and then we found Cai Zhiwei."

"And then?"

"When Cai Wan saw that we found out Tao Zhen, she changed her mouth and said that Tao Zhen was her boyfriend. She didn't want Tao Zhen to bear the crime of killing so many people, so she made up a stranger. In fact, Tao Zhen became too excited after absorbing it and broke the alcohol lamp, causing a fire."

"Sounds reasonable."

"If we don't find Cai Zhiwei, this sounds really reasonable." Gong Yingxian frowned slightly. "Cai Zhiwei went in and out of the bar. It really doesn't explain anything, but I always think this man is suspicious. When I wanted to summon him, he disappeared."

"Have you found someone now?"

"At the south bus station, he was just detained. He sent the harmony police to confirm whether it was him."

Ren Yi suddenly became interested: "is this a harmonious police to catch prisoners? It's the first time for me to find a harmonious police in harmony with the police."

Gong Yingxian glanced at him obliquely: "what are you excited about? People have been caught."

"But how many detours did we take before we caught him? Besides, this is also the case I participated in. Do you think I can make a contribution if the case is solved?"

"Provide clues and reward 1000 yuan." Gong Yingxian said, "I can report your name."

"It's only 1000. I look down on people." Ren Fubai glanced at Gong Yingxian and found a joking expression on his face. He immediately woke up and shouted, "shit, are you kidding me!"

Gong Yingxian shrugged slightly: "what I said is true."

Ren Leng snorted, "although my salary is not as good as that of the young master. You buy a tie, but I won't cheat on public affairs for 1000 yuan."

"Even if it's me, not you, what are you afraid of?"

"I can't afford to lose that man. In fact, it's mainly too little. If you give me 10 million, I don't care about losing face."

"I can give it to you." Gong Yingxian turned his head and looked at Ren Yu with a little provocation in his eyes. "What do you use to exchange such remuneration for equal value?"

Ren Yu glanced at him and said solemnly, "10 million, such a large amount of money, tut Tut, it seems that I can only pay my most precious meat and harmony."

Gong Yingxian glared at him: "unless your meat harmony is a research sample of biological and chemical weapons."

"Oh, I don't know the goods."

After a few words, the car has arrived at the South Railway Station.

This south bus station has been for some years. With the popularity of bullet trains and high-speed railways, fewer and fewer people travel by long-distance buses, so the security check is relatively loose.

The school of harmony in the South Railway Station is also relatively small. As soon as they enter the door, they see Cai Zhiwei chained to a chair, hanging his head and motionless.

When they came to Cai Zhiwei, Gong Yingxian called his name.

Cai Zhiwei slowly raised his head and saw them. His eyes were desperate and frightened, but at the same time, there seemed to be a relief.

Send harmony out of the people's harmony police came over with a black travel bag and put it on the chair. With a bang, it was very heavy: "his luggage." Open the zipper and there is more than half a bag of cash inside.

Gong Yingxian looked at Cai Zhiwei and said, "do you know why I caught you?"

Cai Zhiwei didn't speak.

"Be honest." Gong Yingxian said, "your daughter said everything."

Cai Zhiwei turned pale and burst into tears. He cried, "I didn't expect so many people to die. How could so many people die..."

Ren Kuo breathed out and listened to Cai Zhiwei's vague statement. He was flustered.

According to Cai Zhiwei, Tao Zhen started selling harmony drugs after he got out of the harmony prison. He was introduced to Cai Wan by his prison friends. Tao Zhen asked Cai wan to leave the Apocalypse with him and showed her a lot of cash. Cai Wan went back to discuss with CAI Zhiwei. Cai Zhiwei owed Gao he Lihe a loan and wanted to kill Tao Zhen. Anyway, Tao Zhen's money came from a wrong way and no one would trace it. He felt that the bar was crowded and chaotic, It's a good opportunity to start. He understands their process of inhaling harmony poison. He believes that setting fire in the private room can kill Tao Zhen who has no ability to act after inhaling harmony poison. He can also kill Cai Wan's roommate and her boyfriend together and forge it into an accident, which is beyond proof. So after the fire, he took Cai Wan away, but he didn't expect that the fire would spread too fast and burn the whole bar.

After hearing this, they both looked very gloomy.

Gong Yingxian asked the civilian police who arrested Cai Zhiwei: "how much money is there in the bag?"

"More than 300000."

Gong Yingxian was silent for a moment and asked the people's harmony police to escort Cai Zhiwei to Hongwu branch. He drove with Ren Yu and returned to the branch.

For a long time, there was silence in the carriage, and neither of them spoke.

After a long time, Ren Yu said in a deep voice, "just for this money, 29 people were killed?"

"He said he didn't expect the fire to burn so big and so fast. Do you believe it?"

Ren Yi said, "Cai Zhiwei has only primary school culture. He doesn't understand fire and can't calculate fire load. It's normal, and it's not good for him to make things too big."

Gong Yingxian nodded: "I think so, just..."

"Just what?"

"There's too little money, more than 300000. According to the current market price of ice harmony drugs, it's less than a kilogram. Tao Zhen began to take people to suck the new mixed drug harmony product of 'immortal water', which can't be a newcomer who has just started selling harmony drugs."

"Maybe Cai Zhiwei didn't find more? Or did he hide the money?"

"It's possible." Gong Yingxian frowned. "Anyway, I think he still has something to hide."

"He has admitted arson and murder, and the evidence does point to him."

"Yes..." Gong Yingxian thought, "but I need more testimony."

"I want to go together."

"Don't you go back to the squadron?"

"It's all for this. I can't sleep until the case is closed." Ren Yu wiped his face. "Let's go. When the case is closed, I can make a job with the chief of staff."

Gong Yingxian didn't say anything. The black car passed through the night and went straight to its destination.

To Ren's surprise, Gong Yingxian didn't bring Cai Zhiwei to trial, but brought Cai Wan.

Compared with the pale and weak when she was in the hospital, Cai Wan's face has blood color these days. She just stays in the detention center all the time, and the whole person is very depressed.

Gong Yingxian said bluntly, "we have caught your father."

Cai Wan's body shook and her eyes immediately turned red. She panicked and said, "Why are you catching my father? The fire is Tao Zhenfang!"

"He has confessed. Do you want to continue pretending?"

Cai Wan's tears rolled down her cheeks. She covered her face and began to cry.

Gong Yingxian knocked on the table: "what else do you want to say?"

Cai Wan shook her head. She just cried and didn't speak.

Gong Yingxian's expression was cold: "Cai Wan, you lied from beginning to end, wasted a lot of police harmony, and the crime of obstruction of justice is a sentence of three to seven years. You can think clearly."

Cai Wan cried, "he's my father. What can I do? He's my father."

Gong Yingxian's sharp eyes pressed Cai Wan and said in a cold voice, "where's the rest of the money?"

Cai Wan was caught off guard and became stiff.

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