Blazing Armour

Chapter 160

Gong Yingxian said in a deep voice, "he told me something that we don't even know."


"Do you remember when we analyzed how to set fire and how to disguise as suicide according to the structural model of my house, recovered scene photos and evidence?"


"At that time, we thought there were two fire points. The first fire point was the kitchen where there was a lot of evidence missing from the explosion. The second fire point was the living room sofa where the murderer ignited in order to fake suicide and get away. Considering how the murderer entered my house and how to get away, there was an anti-theft net in the kitchen window, so no one could enter. The murderer could only enter and leave from the front door, Therefore, whether the door lock has been damaged is very important, and because of this, the first person to enter the house... Is suspected. " Gong Yingxian said, glancing at Ren Yu's expression.

Ren Yu didn't care: "go on."

"As long as the door lock is intact, it can prove that no outsiders have entered my house, and it can also prove that my father set fire in the house. What if the door lock of the living room is good, and if the murderer has never used the door of the living room to get in and out?"

Ren Yu frowned: "how do you get in? Your house only has the front door of the living room and... Is it a garage? But the garage was rejected by us at the beginning. There are doors in the garage, a rolling shutter door and an entry door. There are traces of damaging the door lock. Moreover, you said that the garage must use the remote control to close the door when you go out."


Ren Yu was a little confused: "as you say, you need to destroy two doors to come in and close the door with the remote control to go out. It's much more difficult than the door of the living room."

"Because of this, the original investigators and we were the fastest to eliminate the garage."

"Did the killer really get in and out of the garage? How did he get in and out? Why did Baicheng know?"

"The living room door of my house is a double leaf large copper door with nine heaven and earth locks. It uses the best b-pole lock cylinder of that era. Even if there are professional unlocking techniques and tools, it also takes a quarter of an hour to half an hour without damaging the door lock. Some people patrol at night in the community, so it is very difficult to destroy the living room lock. In contrast, although there are two doors in the garage, it is difficult to enter The difficulty is smaller than the living room door. The first is the outer rolling shutter door. The door lock of the rolling shutter door is the most common lock. After a little practice, a piece of iron wire can be opened without any trace. After opening, the rolling shutter door can be held up. The inner door is an ordinary anti-theft door, which is not difficult to open. As for whether the door has been opened by external force, I would like to know. This is a key evidence, but, I looked through the investigation report, and there was only such a description of the garage door - "the garage door is intact."

Ren Yu was stunned: "which garage door?"

"Yes, which garage door? Does this garage door refer to the rolling shutter door or the entrance door? All the files do not distinguish between the two doors. They only say that the garage door is intact. I don't know whether the investigation report at that time stipulated to write down the situation of each door lock clearly, or because the case was arbitrarily determined to commit suicide, so these details were ignored Inadvertently or deliberately ignored. "

"No way. In those days, fire investigation was still the work of the police. Although I'm not sure, how could such important details as the door lock be omitted? Now we conduct fire investigation and carefully check the doors and windows. However, only if there is something abnormal in one place, we will write it in the report. If there is no abnormality in the door and window locks of the whole house, as long as there is no sign of external damage Therefore, if the investigation report says that the garage door is intact, it is intact, and there is no need for special inspection. It can be seen at a glance that the lock is not intact. Even if the investigators deliberately hide it, it's too obvious. "

"If they are all intact, what Baicheng said to me will not explain."

Ren Yi's heart tightened: "what did he say?"

"He said the killer didn't go through the living room door. He came in and out of the garage."

Ren Xuan stared: "how could he know? Moreover, it's impossible to see the garage door... Wait, you just said that the garage door can be held up as long as the lock is opened? Then why can manpower hold it up but can't put it down? Maybe the killer put down the rolling shutter door from the outside after he left."

Gong Yingxian shook his head: "I said at that time that the garage door could not be lowered from the outside, which was investigated. Although my garage door is also called rolling shutter door, it is not the thin rolling shutter door of the pavement you imagined. My rolling shutter door is spliced by several long metal plates and weighs more than 200 kg. When it is opened, it slides into the garage roof along the three tracks on the ceiling. It can not be rolled up. It is called rolling shutter door The lifting door is more accurate. When you open the garage door lock from the outside, an adult man can lift it by inertia, but when you leave, the door is on the ceiling more than two meters high. With the height and weight of an adult man, even if he steps on the ladder to reach the rolling shutter door, how can he pull down a door that weighs tens of kilograms more than himself? "

"The more you say, the more confused I am. Don't you think this is more outrageous than the guess of going in from the living room? First of all, we don't know whether the garage door has been damaged. Secondly, the problem of rolling shutter door can't be explained. It seems that it's more reasonable for the killer to go in from the living room door."

"That's how I refuted Baicheng at that time. Do you know what Baicheng did?"


"He lit yuexingu, and then he told me that only he knows what yuexingu knows now. He has evidence that the murderer came in and out of the garage door, so I must help him leave. If he is arrested, he won't say a word."

Ren Yu took a cold breath.

"I thought about all kinds of possibilities. I couldn't doubt your father in my heart, so I tried to think through the idea that the living room door was intact and the murderer came in and out of the garage door according to baichi."

Ren Yu looked at Gong Yingxian and waited for him to go on.

"The murderer entered your house from the garage door and poured combustion supporting agent on the kitchen, living room and stairs. At this time, there are two possibilities. First, in order to ensure his safety, he did not set fire at this time, but opened the kitchen window, left from the garage door, returned to the ground and threw the fire in from the kitchen window. Second, he left the garage after setting fire, and the kitchen window was blown up It's on. "

"Then what? Two garage doors are still a problem."

"If someone can take my father's key, enter the underground garage, put down the rolling shutter door and disguise the entrance door as a firefighter after entering the house."

Ren Yu stared straight: "you..."

"The door of the living room was also damaged by external forces, but it had to be damaged when rescued by firefighters. Therefore, for the investigators, it is' intact ', which is not suspected of' damage ', and it is conditional' intact '."

Ren Yu was silent. He knew what Gong Yingxian was going to say.

"Then this person will never be the old captain, because as a squadron leader, your father must be the one who rushed in front, so he first broke down the living room door and went upstairs to save people after entering, but he will command others to check whether there are trapped people and dangerous goods."

"You mean, the inside man of the murderer may be someone in my father's squadron."

"This is a possibility, and that's what Bai Chicheng said, and he said he had evidence to prove this and who that person was. This part of the missing data was secretly tampered with or stolen by Zhang Wen, for fear that we might find out the truth."

Ren Yu's face became paler and paler. His father's comrades in arms were a group of uncles and uncles who watched him grow up. He had eaten every family's meal and took every family's lucky money. It's no easier for him to doubt these people than to doubt his father. He hesitated and said, "as you said, this is only a possibility. So far, there have been three possibilities in this case. The first is the official investigation, the second is our analysis last year, and the third is now. The time has passed for too long, and the evidence is so chaotic that I am not sure of any speculation."

"Now we can only judge when we see the so-called evidence of baichi City, but I believe he must have something important in his hand, or Yue Xingu told him something important, otherwise he won't be so clear about the arson case in my family."

"What about him? Did he give it to you?"

Gong Yingxian shook his head: "I'll keep him in a place. I'm going to starve him for a few days. It's easier to interrogate him when his consciousness is weak."

Ren Zhuo shook his head: "just for this, you take such a big risk to help him escape? Even if you break the law?"

"I didn't break the law. I didn't kill yuexingu. I was coerced to leave by Baicheng." Gong Yingxian said calmly, "Although it's a little difficult now, I have to take risks in order to find out the truth. Moreover, I'm sure to use Baicheng to catch Ziyan. Baicheng knows too many secrets about Ziyan. I think Ziyan wants Baicheng to die in that hotel, but they don't know what's wrong. Maybe Baicheng is not 'pious enough'. He doesn't want to die. He knows he can't take a shot Lu is either dead or arrested, and he wants to be free. "

"That's not what the police said. They said that the live recording was bad for you, the evidence found in Zhang Wen's house was bad for you, and the underground parking when you left showed that you were not coerced."

Gong Yingxian narrowed his eyes: "Ziyan tried her best to stop us from investigating the case of that year. She tried to murder us, kill Zhang minde, threaten Yue Xingu to take the blame and frame you. After all these failed, she decided to frame me. The development of things to this point just proves that there is a higher and greater force behind Ziyan to help him, or that Ziyan is serving that person. In those years If the case is investigated to the end, it will certainly touch the interests of big people, so my father has become a ghost for death. "

Ren Yu had some doubts in his heart, but the amount of information he received at one time was too large for his brain to process: "... What do you want to do next?"

"Ren Yu, you have to help me. After dark, go with me to a place first."

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