No matter whether Qi Han is hot, windy or rainy, the squadron has to do morning exercises on time at six o'clock every day. There is only one exception, that is, the police came out in the middle of the night.

It was like this last night. The couple quarreled. In a rage, the man walked out along the extension of the window. As a result, his legs were soft and he was trapped on the 20cm wide line of the outer wall of the seventh floor and dared not move.

Ren Yu led the team and picked up the man with a ladder truck. When he came back, he let the soldiers have a good rest and cancelled morning exercises.

Ren Yu wanted to make up for his sleep. As a result, when it was time, the biological clock woke him up on time. He angrily played with his mobile phone in bed for a while before going downstairs for dinner.

Qu Yangbo sat opposite him with a bowl: "after dinner, you go to the detachment, and team Chen wants to see you."

As soon as Ren Ying heard this, his face suddenly became bitter: "why do you see me? What about smashing the window?"

Qu Yangbo shrugged: "I don't know, but I've handled that matter."


"Lose money. You really want to make a big deal."

Ren Yi took a bite of rice and was very suffocating.

"Go after eating."

"Bobo, you go with me."

"Are you a pupil? Do you use me to accompany you to the bathroom?" Qu Yangbo sneered, "team Chen won't do anything to you. He takes care of you most."

"That's why I'm afraid. He always teaches me."

"How many people want to get the team leader's personal education."

Ren Yi sighed.

After dinner, Ren went to the detachment.

Chen Xiaofei is the captain of Hongwu district fire brigade. He is an old comrade in arms and friend of his father. He is also a veteran and excellent old fire fighter.

Entering the office, Chen Xiaofei looked up from a pile of documents. Ren Yu smiled and said, "team Chen."

"Sit down." Chen Xiaofei put down his pen, stretched his shoulders and approached the chair. "You boy, I'm not looking for you. You don't know. Come and see me."

"Oh, if I come to see you all day, what should people say about me? I should avoid suspicion."

Chen Xiaofei snorted: "how's Lao Ren recently? I'm busy. I've seen him once in years."

"My father is fine."

Everyone knows that if you get this disease, it will only get worse and worse. Such an answer is just a kind of inertia.

"What about the squadron? How's your recent work?"

"Everything was very good."

"Really? Didn't you just pay for a piece of car glass?"

Ren Yi thought, sure enough, because of this, he said, "don't blame me. He locked the child in the car."

"Even if it's not your fault, as a squadron leader, you should learn to deal with the relationship with the masses, especially when there are contradictions and disputes."


"And restrain your temper."

Ren Yu said with a smile, "I have a good temper. How much people like me."

Chen Xiaofei glared at him: "who was the one who sprayed the reporter with a water gun? Who was the one who almost fought with the victim's family?"

Ren Yu grabbed his hair and said, "I was young at that time."

"Ren Yi, I have told you many times that you are a rare talent and want to go higher." Chen Xiaofei looked at Ren Yu. "I should have been your father's seat now. He suffered at two o'clock."

"Education, temper." Ren Yu has heard it many times.

"Yes. You are a college student cadre, and your education is very good, but your temper is still with your father. You must be restrained and restrained."

"I restrained myself. Really, I didn't quarrel with him."

"That's not enough, otherwise how can we call the police?" Chen Xiaofei knocked on the table, "this matter is handled by Xiaoqu for you. He is afraid to affect your mood of harmonious police. He apologizes, cancels the case and compensates for you. You have been very good in rescue, but at the same time, it is also important to maintain the image of the fire brigade."

Ren Yu nodded in frustration.

"Ren Yu, you and Xiaoqu are our very promising successors in the future. I hope this work will not only live up to your blood, but also let you get the achievements and awards you deserve."

Ren Yi said, "yes, team Chen."

Chen Xiaofei sighed: "Ren Yi, I watched you grow up. You are just like my son. I have high expectations for you, and your father is the same. Do a good job, you know."

Ren Yu nodded solemnly.

"OK, let's talk about something else. Did Lao Xu ask you to help the police with the fire control of the bar fire some time ago?"

"Yes, the case has been closed."

"I heard that I had dinner with director Li the other day and talked about it." Chen Xiaofei said, "after our restructuring, there are a lot of talent gaps. In the fire control department, most of them are veteran comrades who have retired from the front line. This year is also a coincidence. There are not enough people for retirement and sick leave. Recruitment is not easy. There is no accumulation of time and experience to do such an important job, so let you go temporarily."

"No problem, team Chen. I'm willing to help." Ren Yu said with a smile, "in the past, when I was out of the police, I didn't often need to help the police harmony party. It was just doing more work."

"Well, it's also good for you. You should learn to show yourself. These are your accumulated political capital in the future."


"By the way, next month is the annual martial arts competition. Have you started training?"

"It started early." Speaking of this, Ren Yu was a little excited, "I promise to get good results again."

Chen Xiaofei smiled: "OK, go back and be busy. Go to my place for dinner when you are free. Your aunt talks about you from time to time."



When he returned to the squadron, Ren Yu specially thanked Qu Yangbo. Without Qu Yangbo's assistance these years, he couldn't manage the squadron so well alone.

Qu Yangbo teased him and said, "I've really broken my heart for you these years. Just know."

Ren Yi blinked: "do we look like that, old husband and wife, one outside the Lord and the other inside the Lord."

"Fuck off." What did Qu Yangbo think of, "by the way, I heard that the bar case was closed?"

"Yes." Ren Yu frowned when he thought of the case, "but Dr. Gong and I think this man has an accomplice."

"True or false?"

Ren Yu gave a general account of the case.

Qu Yangbo couldn't help sighing: "this woman is too suspicious. If she is really an accomplice, it's really cruel."

"Yes, it's a pity that we haven't found evidence yet."

"If you want to open up, fire cases are already particularly difficult to detect, because the evidence is destroyed too much. It's not easy to catch the murderer in such a short time."

Ren Yu said dully, "but we can't accept it."

"Are you really going to keep looking?"

"We must check it out and use our spare time."

Qu Yangbo said with a smile, "you complained to me some time ago about Dr. Gong, how hypocritical and annoying. Now you two get along well."

Ren Yu thought of Gong Yingxian and smiled, "he has a lot of problems, but he's not bad."

"Yo." Qu Yangbo narrowed his eyes, "you won't like him."

Ren Yi was stunned and immediately retorted, "what nonsense."

Qu Yangbo stretched out his slender fingers and drew a circle in front of his face, "this reaction seems to be guilty."

Ren Yu opened his hand: "don't be ridiculous. I just can't stand working with him. He's not my type at all."

"Oh, which type do you like? The teacher? The accountant? The DJ with a bunch of tattoos? Or the little actor?" Qu Yangbo said "tut tut" twice, "I think you have a wide range of experience. There is no specific type."

Ren Yi glanced at him obliquely: "so concerned about my love history, you want to bubble me."

"Bah, unless you become harmonious." Qu Yangbo pushed his glasses and joked, "however, Dr. Gong is more beautiful than any one. I was stunned when I first saw him. You don't have a spark?"

"No." Ren Yu "hum" out of his nose, "his character, human beings can't stand it at all. I'm sick. I ask for trouble."

Qu Yangbo shrugged: "it's abnormal for you to put up with him so much."

Ren Yu patted his chest: "man, magnanimous." He hesitated to tell Qu Yangbo about Gong Yingxian's life experience. After all, it's hard for no one to talk about it, but he thought that Gong Yingxian never mentioned it. He certainly didn't want to let people know. He accidentally found it and should keep it a secret.

Ren Yu timely brought the topic to the martial arts competition. They discussed which projects to report this year.

The martial arts competition is the annual sports meeting of the fire department. It is a time for all squadrons to show their faces. Everyone attaches great importance to it. After all, no one wants to lose. Especially the secret service fire brigade, their results are better than other squadrons.

While discussing the registration items, Ren Yi sent a wechat to Gong Yingxian: we will hold a sports meeting next month. Do you want to come to play?

After a while, Gong Yingxian replied: if you have anything to play, don't go.

Ren Yi skimmed his lips: do you have any harm by participating in more group activities and making more friends.

He always remembered Sheng Bo and Gong feilan's joy and expectation that they could make friends. Since he was born to help others, he should also help Gong Yingxian.

Gong Yingxian replied again: didn't you say I couldn't make friends.

Ren Yu choked and scolded Gong Yingxian in his heart.

"What are you doing?" Qu Yang said, "concentrate."

"Oh, I don't mean almost. In previous years, these projects were reported. Report more groups." Ren Yu said absently, thinking about how to go back to the palace to answer the chord.

Qu Yangbo suddenly talked and pretended to see: "who are you talking to?"

Ren Yi immediately recited his mobile phone: "what?"

Qu Yangbo raised his eyebrows and scoffed.

Ren Yu stood up and said, "OK, you can decide the rest. I'll train them." He went out of the meeting room and replied to Gong Yingxian, "try it anyway. Anyway, I sincerely invite you. You don't have to go."

Gong Yingxian replied: No.

Ren Yi compared his middle finger towards the screen.

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