Blazing Armour

Chapter 190

It was just daybreak. Ren Ying arranged his tie and uniform in the mirror and looked at himself in the mirror at the same time. He wore a flame blue uniform, a blue and white brimmed hat, a golden red badge and braid. His shoulders were cut at right angles, and his waist was narrower than pine and cypress. Although his face was a little pale, he still did not reduce his heroic spirit.

He took a deep breath and put on his sunglasses. The Publicity Department of the General Administration and the media have been angry. They don't shoot his face and don't let it go, but they are inevitably afraid of missing shots, so he still made a little shielding.

When everything was ready, he looked at his desk. On a 16 inch black-and-white photo, his father was wearing an old jungle green military uniform, with medals on his left and right chest, and was smiling calmly.

Ren Yu went over, picked up the photo and smiled: "Lao Ren, since childhood, they all said I looked like you. I don't admit it. I think I look like my mother. My mother is beautiful, so I'm so handsome. Ha ha, but later I found that the more I grow up, the more I look like you."

"You said that having my son is your greatest pride, and my greatest pride is having your father." Ren Yu said with tears in his eyes. He put his forehead against Ren Xiangrong's photo and murmured, "let's go, son, give you another ride."

Ren Yi held the photo in front of him and went downstairs. The playground was full of soldiers. They were tall and straight, lined up neatly, javelin straight, and had already automatically left a middle path for him. Not far away, bright red fire engines stood quietly, and white gauze curtains were tied on the ladder, fluttering slightly. Further away, the fire brigade was surrounded by onlookers, and no one was noisy.

When Ren Ying stepped out of the door, a high-spirited order resounded through the quiet Playground: "salute -"

The commanders and fighters raised their hands in unison.

Ren Yi nodded and walked forward firmly step by step.

Behind him was a coffin held by six soldiers. His father's body was already in the funeral home, and his common items were placed in the coffin.

During that short period of time, Ren Yu came with mixed feelings. He took his father through his life, countless times, and his favorite career, faith, honor and mission.

Finally, he got into the fire engine and asked the old partner to give his father a ride.

Ren Yu carefully holds his father's portrait and nods to Qu Yangbo opposite. Qu Yangbo and Gao Ge have helped him most these days, but Gao Ge wants to stay on duty.

Qu Yangbo looked back with "don't say more".

The fire engine left the squadron, followed by two official vehicles. The onlookers on both sides of the street silently watched the car. Most of them were neighbors nearby. The fire squadron was the patron saint of their side. Many people who knew Ren Xiangrong spontaneously came to see them off after seeing the media reports.

Ren Yu lowered his head and put his chin against his father's portrait, with confusion in his head.

When he looked up again, Ren Yu glanced at the scenery outside the window and said, "is it the wrong way? It's too far."

"No, team Ren, there are others who want to see you off." The driver pointed ahead.

Ren Yi turned to see that it was the nearest luoxiangkou squadron to them. Wang Meng and a group of soldiers lined up at the gate of the squadron and watched their cars salute from a distance. Their fire engines stopped in the fence, the ladder stretched over the road, and a bright red national flag was hung in the middle of the ladder to show that the flag was at half mast.

Ren Yu's eyes are burning.

Along the way, they passed nearly ten fire brigades and came to see them off without exception.

Ren Yu sat in the car, tears falling down. Sunglasses covered his torrent eyes and couldn't cover his moving and missing.

Dad, did you see that.

You must have seen it.


After the funeral, Ren Yi dragged his tired body and mind back to the hospital. He was worried that he was not in and Gong Yingxian didn't eat. Before leaving, he told him many times. He didn't know whether Gong Yingxian listened to it.

At this time, Dr. Pompeii was accompanying Gong Yingxian in the ward. Several pieces of paper were spread on the table, on which they were writing and drawing.

"Captain." Dr. Pompeii said, "I'm tired. I also want to pay tribute to the old captain, but I'm afraid he won't eat and dare not leave."

"Thank you." Ren Ying nodded and smiled. He walked over and looked at the pictures on the table. The pictures were very abstract. He couldn't recognize what they were.

"This is his way of expression. Most of them are still difficult to understand." Dr Pompeii pulled out the one pressed under his sleeve, "but this one is obvious."

Ren Yu looked and drew a little man in blue. Is that him? He shook this one in front of Gong Yingxian and said with a smile, "is it me?"

Gong Yingxian hesitated for a moment, took the paper, picked up the pen, began to smear again, and finally drew a lip on it.

Ren Yi was embarrassed and sweating. Dr. Pompeii also thought for a while and made a "eh" sound.

Ren Yi rubbed Gong Yingxian's head: "did you have a good meal?"

"I stared at him and ate, but I didn't cooperate as much as you did when you were there." Dr. Pompeii packed up his things. "You accompany him. I'll go back to the hotel."

"Well, it's hard for you."

"By the way, I communicated with the doctor today. He recovered well and can be discharged early."

"That's great, that hypnosis..."

"Oh, we're waiting for Ms. Gong to return home. Just these two days, it's better to communicate some problems face-to-face."


After Dr. Pompeii left, Ren Zhuo crowded into bed, next to Gong Yingxian and told him a story.

However, Gong Yingxian would come up from time to time and take the initiative to kiss him. The kiss made people feel very simple. There was no further purpose. It was just to kiss him, as if this was the best communication. It seemed that in this way, it would make them more at ease.

But Gong Yingxian had no evil thoughts, but Ren Yu, who had been teased several times, couldn't help it. When he remembered what Dr. Pompeii said, his old face was rarely ashamed.

After telling a story for a while, Ren Ying gave Gong Yingxian today's funeral and repeated all the details he remembered. This time he didn't cry, but felt very calm and peaceful.

That night, Ren Yu didn't sleep in his companion bed, but squeezed one with Gong Yingxian. In order to avoid touching Gong Yingxian's legs, he didn't dare to get too close. The two gently held their hands in the quilt across a shoulder distance, and the palms sweated.

He used to watch movies together as an excuse to share a bed with Gong Yingxian. The sweet ambiguity, careful temptation and the desire to say goodbye are all very beautiful memories in life.

He has many good memories, all related to the people around him.

Fortunately, they still have the opportunity to create many good memories.

That was the most secure sleep Ren had in the past two or three months.


Two days later, Ren Yu got the exciting news that Chen Xiaofei woke up and he was out of danger.

Although there is still a long recovery to be done, he has at least passed the first level.

Now he can't visit. Only the police can go in and ask questions. Ren Yu is waiting outside.

After Qiu Yan came out, Ren Yu said, "how's captain Chen?"

"I think he will be fine. He is very strong and has a clear mind."

Ren Yu breathed out: "that..."

"Before the explosion, he received a phone call. We will follow up. I will tell you if there is any key progress. As for whether he is suspected or not, I can't answer you now." Qiu Yan showed Ren Yi his mobile phone. It was a picture with unclear monitoring. A tall man in black was entering the door and blocked his face. "This may be the suspicious person who planted the bomb, that is, Ziyan."

"Why do you think he is Ziyan? Doesn't Ziyan have many believers?" Although this man is in line with the purple flame shape they saw in the video, he only has the upper body, which is difficult to judge.

"Now it's gone. We can catch and suppress it. He has to do a lot of things himself. Revenge on you may be his last madness."

"If he is for revenge, why should he give me away? Doesn't he always want to kill me?"

"These abnormal thoughts can't be understood by ordinary people's ideas. Maybe he found that you will be more..." Qiu Yan said, "it's also possible that some plans can't be implemented if you are here, such as the phone that transferred Chen Xiaofei from the old captain."

"What did the phone say?"

"According to Chen Xiaofei, the other party claims that there is a bomb in the tea room. He must check it alone and is not allowed to tell anyone."

"Is there any evidence?"

Qiu Yan shook his head: "Chen Xiaofei is the captain of the fire brigade. Without strong evidence, we can't monitor him, so first focus on the source of the call."

Ren Yi sighed: "by the way, when can the agreement be signed? You can go home at the weekend."

"Soon." Qiu Yan said, "Ms. Gong has returned home. She will meet Dr. Pompeii tomorrow."

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