Blazing Armour

Chapter 194

Ren Yu stared. His upper body pulled out of the chair and stretched straight. He looked at Zhang Wen in disbelief. No, he Xiuyu looked at him and answered to the gong.

He knew that Gong Yingxian's attention to this man would not be simple, but the development was greatly beyond his expectation. He looked at Qiu Yan again and saw that Qiu Yan's face was calm. Obviously, he knew it long ago.

He Xiuyu was slightly stunned: "do you think I'm purple flame?" The tone of the rhetorical question was quite surprised, mixed with confusion and ridicule. "If I were purple flame..." he smiled bitterly, "I wish I were."

"We suspected long ago that Ziyan doesn't exist at all. It doesn't mean that the person who recorded videos, talked to us, gave orders to others and planned these evil deeds doesn't exist, but that he is not a specific person. He is just a symbol, a false god created by you and a microphone for the God you believe in. The more mysterious and less human this person is Well, if he is like a man, he will inevitably lose his divinity. " Gong Yingxian said while observing he Xiuyu's expression, "so he disguised his face, body shape and voice in the video."

Qiu Yan also nodded: "All kinds of evidence show that Ziyan is in this city, but after months of efforts, all of us have been arrested, but we can't catch this person alone, or even find any trace of him. It's almost impossible. Now it's the data age. Unless you live in a deep mountain and don't come out all your life, you can't leave anything behind Trace, but Ziyan has no trace of existence, but there is such a person who manipulates you behind your back. The only explanation can only be that he was fabricated. "

He Xiuyu's glasses flashed cold white light under the strong light reflection of the interrogation room.

"Fabricating such a symbol is not only easy to manipulate the members of the organization, but also easy to confuse the police, but also a great scapegoat." Gong Yingxian's eyes were as cold as the ice spring for thousands of years. "You know you can't run away, just come from the head. If you can commute your sentence according to the circumstances of surrender, and then judge that you are only an accomplice, maybe you can go out before you are thirty. That's the abacus you play."

He Xiuyu's eyelashes are very long. When he hangs the eyelashes, he blocks all the emotions in his eyes. He muttered: "they all say that if the police can't catch people, they will find someone to press the charges. Sure enough... Do you have evidence? Do I have a crime if I earn some money from working, go out to play and live in a good hotel?"

Gong Yingxian clenched his fist and resentment flowed between his eyebrows, He said in a deep voice: "He Xiuyu, you're good at acting. At the beginning, we really didn't doubt you, because everyone was cheated by you, including your believers. They worship the purple flame like an angel of God and obey their orders. Even if no one has seen you and even junior members can't take the initiative to contact you, it makes them worship you more. We've been tracking it all the time. In fact, they didn't worship you at the beginning Existing people spend a lot of police force and are brought into countless dead ends. You hide in the dark and play an indispensable role in the organization, but you control everything secretly. You cover up your evil with small crimes. You push everything onto the person who can't be caught and doesn't exist at all, and you only need to pay a little price, There is still the possibility of continuing to commit crimes in the future. "

He Xiuyu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Dr. Gong, you... Very smart, well-off and dazzling people will not understand me. I... in fact, if I were really Ziyan, I would be honored. If I had that ability to become an envoy of God, unfortunately, I am not. After talking so much, do you have any evidence?"

Qiu Yan took over: "do you know when we began to doubt you?"

He Xiuyu still shook his head.

"Ying Xian found that after the photos of Captain he in the private hospital were exposed on the Internet, he knew that either there were ghosts in the hospital or someone had sneaked into the hospital. You let Qingyan black the hospital's computer and deleted all the surveillance videos during that time, but what you wouldn't know is that there are three cameras in the activity room on the first floor, which is the place for the elderly, In order to facilitate relatives to view it at any time, it needs to be able to share it with many people at the same time, so a separate route is pulled, and the host is also in the rehabilitation room. It is a camera here that caught you. " Qiu Yan sneered, "of course, at that time, we just thought you were an insider and sent you the photos. First, we wanted to track you and use you to catch others. Second, we wanted to coerce you to cooperate with us, but we soon caught Huang Yan. We thought Huang Yan was more important than you. At the same time, something happened in the hotel. You ran away because of your negligence."

"You should have run in a hurry and didn't have time to clean up the house. You might have wanted to burn the house with a fire, but you were too vindictive, so you set up a bomb instead. You not only burned the house, but also retaliated against the police who caught you. As a result, Cai Qiang was injured and the house burned, but we saved a lot of things. In your opinion, those things may not be safe It's valuable. You think you won't leave any evidence, but we can see your consumption habits from several humble daily necessities. It's not like people living in super first tier cities with a monthly salary of only more than 5000. "

"After all, you only find that I have some high consumption?" He Xiuyu sighed, "I think it's ridiculous, police. Is that the level? I think when I was in the fire control department, the people there were smarter than you."

Ren finally couldn't help scolding: "you still have the face to mention the fire regulation department."

He Xiuyu looked at Ren Yu in fear, blinked and looked elsewhere.

"Of course it's more than that." Gong Yingxian said, "At that time, we still don't doubt that you are Ziyan. After all, you have painstakingly fabricated a person out of thin air, and you are really smart to play a low-level member who has been exposed for a long time. What really makes you suspect is that first, we start to further question the authenticity of Ziyan's existence through the interrogation of your other associates, and second, in your growth In the process, there are everywhere traces of fuzzy origin, fuzzy experience and fuzzy self. We will do background checks on everyone. Only your are the most difficult to check. There are even faults in the middle. The more you want to cover up, the more you want to cover up. These are not what a poor ordinary person can do. "

He Xiuyu lowered his head and his shoulders trembled slightly, His voice is not quite right: "You, you are just cheating too much. If I had a background, would I still sit here and let you catch me as a scapegoat? After the fire in the orphanage, I couldn't afford to go to high school and was forced to work. In your mouth, I deliberately covered up my background experience? I did odd jobs, some of which were not very legal. Of course, I didn't pay taxes, and I didn't have transfer records. I don't like to socialize Account number, too? If you can't catch Ziyan and want to close the case, you'll cut me. " He Xiuyu trembled with anger, but he seemed to be born weak. His anger was like the chirping and kicking of chicks, raising up a few leaves at most.

Qiu Yan shook his head. If the long hair of black silk and satin was thrown gently, the floating light swept, which only made her face more and more gloomy. "He Xiuyu, your acting skills are really great. In the previous contacts, you cheated everyone. If we didn't find the key evidence, it's really hard to doubt you."

"If there is any key evidence, just..."

Gong Yingxian threw another file on the table.

Ren Yu was attracted by the apparently angry smashing and falling. He glanced at Gong Yingxian and suddenly shocked - for his ferocious face and cold light at the bottom of his eyes, Gong Yingxian was calm and self-contained when contacting most suspects, but there was only one case where he would lose control, that is, when it was related to his own family's case.

If he Xiuyu is really Ziyan, he must know the real murderer of the Gong family arson. No wonder Gong Yingxian shows such a look.

Gong Yingxian seems to be restraining his impending hatred. He slowly opens the file and, in turn, pushes it to he Xiuyu.

Ren Yu glanced and didn't understand.

When he Xiuyu saw it, his body was as motionless as a nightmare. Only his pupils contracted violently, exposing the waves in his heart.

Gong Yingxian's voice was trembling: "do you really think you can be seamless? Do you really think there will be no retribution?!"

Retribution? Ren Yu was even more surprised. He had known Gong Yingxian for so long and had never heard Gong Yingxian say anything idealistic. There were serious suppressed personal emotions.

What the hell is going on? Ren Yu wants to get that file and have a look.

He Xiuyu slowly loosened from his bleary state. He lowered his head and laughed for a long time. That laugh, contemptuous, bored, ironic, impatient, are all in it.

"How did you find it?" He Xiuyu raised his head. His eyes had changed. It was like peeling off a layer of face and finally revealing the original green faced fangs. "Was it through capital exchanges or did she jump over the wall and expose herself?"

Gong Yingxian hit the table with a heavy fist. His eyes were like eagles and falcons: "if you want people to know, don't do it unless you don't do it."

He Xiuyu smiled: "but even if you prove our relationship, what happens? I've never killed anyone. Do you have any evidence of my killing?"

Qiu Yan said sternly, "you still have the face to argue! You are not a knife, you are also an executioner with a knife!"

Ren Yu finally couldn't help grabbing the file and opened it. He thought he would see some shocking evidence. Unexpectedly, it was a DNA test. But when he saw the name of the DNA comparator with he Xiuyu, he also froze.

"How..." Ren Yi opened his mouth as if he was leaking air, "how could it be?" He looked at Gong Yingxian and verified it with his eyes.

Gong Yingxian's eyes were bloodshot. He quietly grabbed Ren Yu's corner under the table and whispered, "she's here too. He applied for an arrest warrant early this morning."

Ren Yu was stunned: "the nurse in the hospital is also her?"

Gong Yingxian nodded.

"Funding the organization..."


Ren Yu suddenly lost his strength. A pile of light paper seemed to weigh more than a kilo in his hand. He still couldn't believe it: "when did you know?"

"The nursing home began to suspect before it caught fire." Gong Yingxian had pain in her eyes, but her tone was calm. "Since the day I began to doubt her, a lot of things have been explained. I......"

Ren Yu's eyes were also red. During that time, he and Gong Yingxian broke up again. Gong Yingxian's injury was not healed. He accepted his anger and accusations and loaded the pressure of high-level investigation. At the same time, he also found that it was his own aunt, Gong Mingqing, who killed his family 19 years ago and pushed him into the abyss of suffering?!

He didn't know how many times Gong Yingxian needed the baptism of collapse and the quenching of blood and tears.

He couldn't stand being re elected. He stared at he Xiuyu with scarlet eyes and moved his lips, but he couldn't make a sound. He didn't know what to say. He was afraid of opening his mouth and only showed his fangs that wanted to tear up the man.

He Xiuyu smiled faintly, a little tired: "don't look at me like this. In fact, I don't think it's interesting. I had a good time myself, but it's not interesting since she began to participate in and tell me what to do."

"When did she get involved?"

He Xiuyu smiled cunningly: "Long, long ago, I just liked to watch videos and post on the Internet. I never thought of really hurting anyone, but she had to let me help her hide what she had done. You said Ziyan was not a real person, just a symbol. That's right, because in fact, she was the real Ziyan, Ziyan, blue Yan, all her."

Qiu Yan coldly saw he Xiuyu: "that's not what she said."

"Of course, she will blame all the crimes on me, but I just walked 19 years ago. Who is more like the mastermind?" He Xiuyu leaned back in his chair. His face was no longer vino, but a little proud. He looked at Gong Yingxian, "Dr. Gong, do you think you beat me?"

"... meaningless."

"We keep almost the same blood, but just because I am an illegitimate child and you are a genuine young master, our lives are very different." He Xiuyu smiled twice. "I'm smart, I'm progressive, and I have no father or mother. But why should I be bullied and given alms in the orphanage? Now in the police station, I'm wearing handcuffs and you're wearing a police badge." In the end, there was resentment in his eyes.

Gong Yingxian's lips vomited gently and was extremely mean: "because your life is bad."

He Xiuyu was stunned, and then laughed like crazy.

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