Blazing Armour

Chapter 198

After the breathtaking concert, song Juhan thanked Ren Yi and returned to the nanny car.

The door isolates all the noise and is wrapped in a limited space, making people feel a little safe.

"Brother Han, where are you going?" Asked the driver.

Song Juhan didn't think about whether to visit his parents at dawn, which decided whether to live in the city or huixiangshan villa. He said, "drive out first." Wherever he goes, he just wants to stay away from this damn place now.

Why did the whole person sink into the chair and silently look out of the window without saying a word. Obviously, he was also 1.8 meters tall, but at this time, he seemed to be trying to insert himself into the backrest. His body was slightly bent, so he was a little thin.

In the front row of the seven seat business car, there are two independent luxury seats. Song Juhan can't hold him. He can only hold his hand: "why?"

Why are your hands as cold as ice and trembling slightly.

Song Juhan's heart tightened: "why, come here."

Why did he turn around? The cold moonlight seemed to coat his face with a hazy silver frost, which made his face white and his eyes a little confused.

"Sit here."

"... it's too crowded."

"No, the chair is very wide."

Why did they look at the driver and Komatsu in the cab? They had a tacit understanding that they didn't deviate. One focused on driving and the other on playing with their mobile phone. It seemed that they didn't hear it at all.

"I passed?" Song Juhan's tone was a little threatening.

Why was he helpless, so he had to get up and sit on song Juhan's leg. Song Juhan adjusted the backrest to about 120 °, put his arm around him, patted him on the back, put his face close to his face, and whispered to him, "baby, are you afraid?"

Why did you give a slight "um".

Afraid, how could he not be afraid. He and song Juhan are likely to die here today. Not only they, but also tens of thousands of fans and staff, together with the gymnasium he built with painstaking efforts, are brutally annihilated in the bell of the new year. At the thought of that possible picture, his heart fell with fear. In particular, the gangster's ultimate goal is song Juhan.

If they didn't dismantle the bomb, he didn't dare to imagine the consequences.

"I'm afraid, too." Seeing why he was taken away by the police, he thought that everyone's fate might be in the hands of several people. He worried about why and pretended to sing as if nothing had happened. Song Juhan was also suffering this night. He gently stroked his back, hoping to warm his body and embrace his beloved to obtain inner peace, "But I'm not directly involved in solving the case. I don't have that intuitive feeling. You're different. You feel all the urgency, worry, anger and fear on the front line. This may be something we won't encounter in our life. All your emotions are normal now. As long as you know, everything is over and we're safe."

"I know." Why did he hold song Juhan's neck? He always doesn't like being close in front of people, which will cause embarrassment to both sides. But at the moment, he needs to hold song Juhan tightly, feel each other's temperature, heartbeat and pulse, and feel the fact that the other party is safe and sound.

Song Juhan said softly, "why don't you tell me how my baby helps the police solve the case?"

"Keep your voice down." Why do you keep your voice down and complain, "I said don't call me that in front of people." He is a big man in his thirties. He can't hang up when he is called so in public. However, in private, he enjoys this sweetness.

Song Juhan smiled indifferently.

Why take a deep breath: "the whole process is like making a movie. I still don't think it's true."

"Well, the company invests in movies every year. Isn't this a ready-made theme?"

Why did he lie in Song Juhan's arms and tell him how he, Ren Yu, Gong Yingxian and others found bombs and suspects placing bombs in such a large gymnasium step by step with the exclusion method? These memories are still as fresh as hot air. He even remembers the suffering mood every minute in less than an hour, so they are particularly vivid, Song Juhan was also nervous.

"I've never done this kind of thinking under such high pressure. Of course, I'm very tired and stressed when doing projects, and there's never enough time, but it's not enough to not even an hour." Why did I sigh, "when they came to me, I was very resistant in my heart, not unwilling to help them, but afraid that I couldn't bear such a great responsibility, so many lives, including you... But I knew I had to do it. Even if I wasn't the best candidate, I was the only one."

"You are the best person." Song Juhan kissed his sideburns. "You are the chief engineer of Honglin gymnasium. You are smart, calm and resolute. Without you, the consequences today would be unimaginable. You are really great. You saved me and everyone." He was very proud. Such an excellent person was the one he loved, the one he recognized in this life, and his baby. Why.

Why did his eyes turn red? He seems to be aware of it later. No, maybe after his nerves are extremely tight, he has experienced from numbness to awakening. Until now, he has really realized that he may just lose song Juhan, and he may lose his favorite person in the world. He tightened song Juhan's clothes and his voice trembled: "I'm really afraid if I fail..."

Song Juhan lowered his head, held why's lips, and gently sucked and kissed. He held why's hand with his five fingers and exerted a little force, so that he could feel the breath of his existence from his lips and tongue and the strength of his support from the palm. He rarely saw why he was so fragile. Most of the time, this man was patient and quiet, and was used to hiding his thoughts in the bottom of his heart. Obviously, this event really left a great shadow on why.

Song Juhan felt distressed: "it's all right. You've succeeded. We're all fine now. Everyone's fine. I'm not afraid. Darling, I'm here. I've been here all the time."

Why did you cough with embarrassment: "you've rubbed your lipstick." He stretched out his hand to wipe it. Song Juhan first stroked the lip flap with his thumb, leaving a thick deep purple red on the corner of his lip. The demonic color was painted on song Juhan's lips. It was a vampire controlling the blood, but it appeared on why Qingjun's upright face. It was clear that the beautiful red stained the pure white, so song Juhan's eyes darkened.

Song Juhan came up and wanted to kiss. Why did he dodge? He wiped his mouth and thought of returning to his seat. He still couldn't accept this in front of others, but song Juhan hugged him tightly, made him greedy, and said to the driver, "go to dijingyuan."

"Ju Han, let me get up." Why whisper.

"No, I'll hold you. You think they don't exist."

"Don't I make you tired? Your legs should be numb."

Song Juhan smiled: "I always press you, occasionally let you press..."

Why did he cover song Juhan's mouth and glare at him.

Song Juhan had a deeper smile in his eyes. The deep eyes were full of banter and affection. He even stretched out his tongue and licked the palm of why.

Why did he shake his hand, but he didn't dare to let go, for fear that song Juhan would say something more humiliating to him.

Song Juhan pinched his waist, pressed his head on his shoulder socket and gently ordered: "have a rest."

Why did he hesitate for a while, then he released his hand, lay obediently in Song Juhan's arms and closed his eyes.

Dijingyuan is a community where the two live in the West Third Ring Road. This 320 flat floor was bought by song Juhan specially for the convenience of going to work, and what's the name written. He usually doesn't like to buy houses indiscriminately - the investment doesn't count, the real house he lives in - to buy a set, he needs to buy a set of music making equipment, and also consider factors such as space, sound insulation and environment. Often, because of subtle differences, the things made here will be a little different when put elsewhere. Many people may not hear it, but he is picky about music, It will take extra effort to adjust because of this difference.

However, in order to have more time with why, these are not important.

When they got home, it was more than two o'clock and they were exhausted. Why did they change their slippers and casually asked, "Ju Han, are you hungry? Do you want me to cook something for you?"

Song Juhan suddenly pulled him over against the wall, protected the back of his head with one hand, grabbed his wrist with the other hand, and kissed him heavily.

The kiss was rough and urgent. Why was he caught off guard and was kissed so that he could hardly breathe? He "purred" twice, but song Juhan swept his mouth with his tongue and swept the air away.

Why was kissed to almost lack of oxygen? When song Juhan let go of him, their lips were in a mess. Lipstick rubbed off the lip edge, making their face more white.

Why can't he say: "you have to rub lipstick on my mouth, aren't you? It's not childish."

"I didn't expect you to look so good with lipstick." Song Juhan stroked the lips that had been kissed red and swollen. The more clean and square, the more people want to mess up.

Why are you afraid that he will have some strange ideas: "don't toss about, aren't you tired and hungry?"

"I'm not hungry. I'm a little tired. I sweat a lot on the stage. I want to take a bath."

"Then you take off your makeup first and I'll put water on you."

Song Juhan nodded, but did not let go. Why, he whispered, "are you better?"

Why smile: "it's much better. I just feel that the whole thing is too dramatic. Now my mind is still a little confused. Maybe I'll just have a sleep."

"Not afraid?"

Why do you touch the dark curly long hair? The hair is soft and elastic. It is richly wrapped around your fingertips and feels great: "I'm at home now and you're by my side. This is the safest place and safest state in the world. I'm not afraid."

Song Juhan kissed him again: "I will always be by your side."

Why did he stare at Song Juhan with loving eyes and say, "I know."

"I love you."

"I know, I love you too."

"Wash together."

"... tired, go to bed early." Why pretend not to hear.

"You just loved me." Song Juhan held him discontentedly, "isn't it worth celebrating for the rest of his life?"

No matter why song Juhan agrees or disagrees, there is a saying that chicken soup is well cooked - live every day as the last day. Today is really almost their last day. If the world ends, every minute he has left just wants to spend it with why.

He decided to make tonight his last night... Well, he came.

The same is true for the rest of your life.

Song Juhan pressed on the wall and kissed and rubbed it for a long time. Then he was driven to remove his makeup. Why did he go to the bathroom in the master bedroom to drain the bathtub? At the same time, he also washed his face with cold water before washing off the residual lipstick print on his lips.

What can't be washed off is the lingering breath and residual temperature of song Juhan. Why is your face a little hot.

It's not that he doesn't like sex. He just can't accept song Juhan's unrestrained.

The night before yesterday, he tossed him for half a night on the grounds that he hadn't been on the stage for a long time and needed encouragement. Before leaving for the venue, he said he was nervous and needed to relax. There were concerts for 100000 people. How could song Juhan pay attention to such a small scene? Why did he look at his cheating appearance and have nothing to do, but his legs were still soft, so he was afraid he would make him unable to walk, I had to use my mouth to help him vent once.

They have just experienced a life and death disaster. They are obviously physically and mentally exhausted. They should have a good rest. No, song Juhan must not be allowed to act willfully today.

Why, as soon as he made up his mind, the bathroom door was pushed open. Song Juhan came in with wet stains on his face and faded his stage makeup. His facial features are still as deep as a knife. I don't know whether he kisses too hard or removes his makeup too hard. His lips are full and slightly tilted, and red - a lip that seems to be asking for a kiss at any time.

"Why don't you take off your clothes." Song Juhan said and began to take off.

Why is the throat a little tight: "the water is ready for you. Take a bath here and I'll go to bed." He said and wanted to leave.

Song Juhan blocked the door and didn't let him go. Instead, he approached step by step. At the same time, he took off his thin sweater and exposed his strong upper body. His shoulders were very wide, his limbs were slender, his chest muscles were bulging, the gullies of his eight abdominal muscles were clear, and two deep chiseled Mermaid lines were inserted into his pants, which aroused people's infinite reverie: "we agreed to wash together."

"Who told you."

"I don't care, that is to say." Song Juhan took off his underwear and trousers, naked and naked.

Song Juhan walked towards why without shame. Although he had only a quarter of white blood, the size of that thing could be amazing for any race. At this time, it hung between two long legs against the sky and shook with his actions

For some reason, I don't know how many "lessons" I had received from this thing. For a moment, it was still a little difficult to look directly at it. Just when I wanted to say something, song Juhan was trapped between his body and the washing table. He could feel that the abrupt piece was against himself.

Song Juhan supported the marble table with his arms and deceived him with a smile. Why: "it's an old husband and wife, and it's so easy to be shy."

"Where do you see I'm shy." Why do you look like usual.

"Your face really looks calm most of the time. Ordinary people really can't see what you're thinking, but I can see it." Song Juhan kissed the tip of his nose. "What are you thinking? The night before yesterday or yesterday afternoon?"


Song Juhan made a clear voice: "Oh, I want to now." He pressed forward again, so that he could clearly feel the change of his lower body.


Song Juhan picked him up and threw him into the double massage bathtub in his protest.

The whole body was surrounded by warm water. Why his clothes were all wet at once. He struggled to get up. Song Juhan had stepped in with him and held him in his arms with a bad smile: "if you don't take off your clothes early, no one will take a bath in clothes."

Song Juhan's hot chest and powerful hug also made him a little emotional. He had no choice but to say, "let go, I'll take off my clothes."

"I'll take it off for you." Song Juhan happily unbuttoned his shirt, "today I'll take a bath for you."

Why is the voice a little unstable: "what do you want to play?"

"Play..." song Juhan licked his ears. He said hoarsely in an erotic tone, "you."

Why does your breathing become rapid and your body has a subtle response.

Song Ju cold took off his wet underwear and threw it outside the bathtub. He squeezed some bathing foam and put it on his chest. The big hand first grabbed and rubbed the chest muscle, and then fingertips clamped the tiny meat on the chest and rubbed it gently. His tongue also poked into his ears and licked vaguely.

Why, leaning against song Juhan's arms, the chest was as hard as iron, as wide and thick as a wall, and the sexual organ against his caudal vertebra was also frighteningly hard. The chest slipped through bursts of current, why did he twist his body impatiently.

Song Juhan muttered, "they all say this is the most useless thing for men. I don't agree."


"Turn around, I want to eat."

Why, gasping for breath, he turned around and sat across song Juhan's legs. Song Juhan lowered his head, opened his mouth and contained the upright little meat ball. He licked and bit it, and smacked his mouth like sucking milk. At the same time, he grabbed their meat sticks and rolled them up and down.

Why did he hold song Juhan's neck and moan in a low voice.

Song Juhan's mouth was busy, and his hands were not idle. One stroked their desire, and the other dug a piece of paste lubricant and put it directly into the hip seam.

Song Juhan needs a lot. There may be lubricants in every corner of his family for him to feel estrous anytime and anywhere.

His fingers went in very smoothly, the hole mouth was wet and soft, and the warm water also went in. Why did his body get used to such entry and instinctively suck his fingers.

"It's so soft." Song Juhan said with satisfaction, "it's not in vain. I worked so long yesterday. It seems that I can go in directly."

Why did he cherish words very much at this time, but he couldn't stop song Juhan from flirting with him. He casually kissed song Juhan's cheeks and ears and felt song Juhan's hot skin with soft lips.

"Baby, I want to go in."

Why did he say, "don't talk nonsense."

"But I want to see you eat it yourself." Song Juhan bit his neck and played coquettish. The guilty hand had closed three fingers together and twitched quickly in the back hole for what reason, "can you eat and show me?"

Why did he seldom refuse song Juhan's request? Most of the time, he was tolerant or even conniving. At this time, he endured shame, knelt on both sides of song Juhan's body with his legs apart, and guided song Juhan's meat blade with one hand to his back cave.

Although it has been fully developed, the flesh head of the little song brothers is really big. Because the water is too slippery, why did they try to slide away twice.

Song Juhan's flesh blade swelled red, Yang tendons were everywhere, and the roots were ferocious. Obviously, he couldn't wait, but he looked at why he was ashamed, worried and had to bite his lips. He just felt that the ultimate beauty in the world was just like this. He couldn't help kissing his lips, gently pryed open his teeth, and the tip of his tongue licked his lips, His voice was so soft that he was tired of it: "don't bite yourself."

As a last resort, he wound his hand around his hip, opened his own flesh hole with his fingers, and held song Juhan's meat stick to send it in.

The top of the meat head had just entered a little, and he had felt the resistance from the layers of the inner wall. Why did he try his best to relax his body, endure the discomfort, and eat the thickest part in. The feeling of fullness made him tremble slightly.

Song Juhan gently stroked why's hand, suddenly held his thin waist, straightened up and sent his sex apparatus into the deep of the narrow hole.

Why did he let out a low cry, softened his knee and rushed into song Juhan's arms.

Song Juhan held why's waist and strongly pushed it a few times to make the tight and narrow part adapt as soon as possible. His kiss fell on why's lips, chin, clavicle and chest. The kiss was gentle and sweet, as if he cherished every inch of why's skin, but the lower body movements were on the contrary, gradually fierce. Why's body was stifled by damp heat and was wrapped by the meat wall layer by layer It's a pleasure to rub around. He's not tired of tasting it. He wants to do nothing every day and only fuck this man.

Why was he so excited that he trembled again and again. His face was flushed and sweaty. He whispered to song Juhan to be gentle. The white and smooth texture set off every drop of water, which was like inviting song Juhan to lick it.

Song Juhan really licked, licked, sucked and bit. He always likes to leave some love marks on why and swear sovereignty.

Why is it that the beautiful skeleton enough to hold up the suit is covered with appropriate muscles. They are full of elastic and tough vitality. They beat and burn in Song Juhan's hands, and are stained with light pink and thin red by lust. Every place is sprinkled with fatal temptation. Song Juhan keeps touching and kissing, looking at the traces he has made on it, his possessiveness can be greatly satisfied.

Why the panting sound became more and more out of control. The hot meat stick accurately wiped his sensitive points and set off an endless wave again and again. It went so deep, as if it had to top his internal organs every time. His eyes were wet and his eyes were stained with a trace of red.

This posture has been unable to insert himself. Song Juhan thinks the bathtub is wet and slippery, which makes him hard to focus. He slapped on his ass: "clamp my waist."

Why are you confused? Two slender legs obediently surrounded song Juhan's waist. Song Juhan stood up with one hand supporting the edge of the bathtub and the other holding his hip. His meat blade was still inserted in his body. Together, he hugged his neck in horror, his body immediately sank, and the honey cave was forced to swallow song Juhan's giant object further, Almost stuffed the bag into the fortress.

Why did he let out a scream and hugged song Juhan's neck.

Song Juhan's voice became more and more dull because of his lust: "do you like me to fuck you standing? Or fuck you while walking?"

"No, no, it's too slippery." Why do you do things very carefully and don't forget safety when you are confused.

Song Juhan thought about it. They kept dripping water. It was really not safe. While he was doing it, he retreated to the washstand, put it on it, adjusted the angle, pumped it fiercely again, rubbed the sex instrument, and rubbed his sensitive horse's eyes back and forth with his thumb.

Before and after the attack, why he almost went crazy. He held his hands on the table, his body was backward, his legs were sandwiched with the waist of the Song Dynasty, and then he opened the big hole to invite the hideous giant in his body. The lubricant had been squeezed out of the white foam by the song cold and arrogant, and it mixed with the bath water and ran down the two places.

Song Juhan reached out and grabbed the greasy, fat and tender hip meat. He said, "wife, it's like your water."

Why did he blush, close his eyes and lips, just resist the pleasure of waves of sea tide, and have no time to talk to him.

Song Juhan held his chin and forced him to turn his head: "look, look in the mirror."

Why did the eyelashes with water tremble and open slightly. In the mirror behind me, I saw two naked people - or two animals. Song Juhan's long dark curly hair was wet and scattered, revealing the unmodified and messy wildness. Every bend of their curl was like an intertwined net, emitting the sexual attraction of fatal temptation. Once they approached, they would be captured, bound by cocoons and swallowed up. That pair of deep and boundless pupils were filled with strong lust. I don't know whether it was sweat or water that fell on the tip of the nose from the peak. With his fierce action, he shook violently, and his bright red lips opened slightly. Every breath of huff and puff had an obscene taste.

Then why do you see yourself again. See his red eyes tortured by lust, see his legs wrapped around Song Juhan's waist, see the love marks left by song Juhan on his body, and see his spine twisted, just to provide song Juhan with a better angle.

Why did he turn his face in a hurry? He is a man who can't get rid of his sense of shame in his heart. It's just that song Juhan always bullies him on this point.

The strength of song Juhan's waist and buttocks was very terrible. He inserted them quickly and ruthlessly. The violent impact of his crotch made his white and tender buttocks red. Why did the corners of his eyes burst into tears and subconsciously pushed back song Juhan's chest. Song Juhan grabbed him, licked his roots and fingers, and continued with a bad heart: "you're really comfortable, wet, soft, tight and hot." Every time he said an adjective, he had to cooperate with the breath that was so comfortable that he said, "he can suck so well. Well... My husband wants to insert it anytime, anywhere."

Why can't he bear it and said, "shut up!"

Song Juhan bit his fingertips and smiled: "don't you like me praising you?"

Why was song Juhan's legs softened, his sex organs trembled, transparent liquid seeped from the front end, and torrents flowed down.

Song Juhan knew that he was going to shoot, and pumped it more fiercely. Every move was as fierce as a beast. Why did this small mouth bite very tight when shooting? The ultimate pleasure can send people to the peak of lust.

Sure enough, when the jet came out, the flesh hole suddenly sucked in and twisted song Juhan's meat stick tightly. Song Juhan roared loudly, picked up the air again, and fiercely went down and up.

"Ah --" why such a character would never make such a cry unless he was out of control, and song Juhan always took pleasure in forcing him to call the bed. He couldn't help but get his eyes bloodshot and dry his crazy body.

Why did all the semen spray on their chests, and even a few drops fell on song Juhan's lips? He licked his soul tongue, swept it into his mouth, and then kissed him fiercely. Why did he tangle with his lips and tongues, kissing hot and wet.

Song Juhan took people into the bedroom separated by a door and threw them on the big bed.

Why is he so soft? His lower body is so sensitive that he can't help touching. He is still absent-minded. Song Juhan has pressed up again, grabbed his thin ankle and separated his legs. The wet and messy flesh hole appears unreservedly in front of song Juhan, which can't be closed and shy.

Why did he just glance at Song Juhan's still stiff and swollen meat stick and instinctively tremble all over? He begged for mercy and said, "Ju Han, wait..." he just shot was extremely sensitive and couldn't stand a little touch.

With scarlet eyes, song Juhan pulled the pillow under his waist, grabbed his ankle, almost folded his two long legs to his chest, and then stabbed him to the end.

"Ah, ah -" why did he scream loudly, clench the sheets with both hands, throw his head helplessly, and the dormant sex organs began to look up feebly again.

Song Juhan gasped and said, "open your eyes, baby, open your eyes."

Why do you open your wet eyes? From this point of view, you can see that your legs are wide open. Song Juhan's meat stick almost pestles hard from top to bottom. The narrow hole is held to the extreme, greedily swallowing the purple giant, and the place where it is combined is constantly rolled with beautiful red intestinal meat and white mucus. This picture excites the two people crazy.

From the bathtub to the bed, song Juhan almost fainted, so he shot "well, baby, I'm really afraid of losing you today, I'm afraid I'll never see you again, I'm afraid you're in danger, you're afraid, I'm as afraid as you." Song Juhan held tightly. Why, he wished he could not embed people into his body, "I want to feel you tonight, otherwise I can't be down-to-earth."

Why was he a little softhearted for a moment? He whispered: "... Go out first."

Song Juhan reluctantly pulled it out. Without the blocking of the sex organ, the semen shot into the body flowed out along the intestinal wall, making their lower bodies wet and sticky, and the smell of fishy sandalwood filled the air.

Why did he feel his cheek burning so badly? He turned around and stroked song Juhan's face: "we are the most down-to-earth together."

Song Juhan responded with a gentle kiss.

Why did you take the initiative to cater to this precious kiss for the rest of your life? You just feel that your heart is also soft in a mess.

But he soon felt that song Juhan's dishonest hand had been inserted into his back hole and stirred up, stirring up a nasty sound of water stains. He grabbed song Juhan's hard arm with muscles all over, but could not shake it. The voice of protest was blocked in Song Juhan's mouth, and those who could escape became ambiguous groans.

Song Juhan kissed deeper and deeper, and his sexual organs were ready to go again. After he kissed the brain for lack of oxygen and was unable to resist, he turned over, raised his hips and inserted them again.

Why was his cry so fragmented that he could only bear song Juhan's invasion powerlessly. His whole body was so numb that he had almost no bones. With song Juhan's pumping, he made a voice that was difficult to control. The surging pleasure broke out in the sensitive honey hole and spread to the ends of each divine Sutra, paralyzing his reason like poison.

Song Juhan tried his best to let him know how much "joy" there was in the rest of his life. He fucked all night and cried. He coaxed them gently, shamelessly lied, and slowed down the pace appropriately, but he refused to stop, taking them to the peak of desire again and again.

At a time of lingering death and blurred consciousness, only the love that is constantly emphasized, marked and wildly interpreted has become the only important thing in their blank consciousness.

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