Hearing the "amputation", the originally noisy scene suddenly quieted down, and everyone was dumbfounded.

The buried wounded didn't hurt his head, body and other fatal organs, so he was still conscious. When he heard Gog's words, he struggled excitedly: "no... no..."

Shi Xiaoqian pressed Xiaowang: "please don't move."

"No... don't amputate..." Xiao Wang shouted in horror, "I can't live without legs..."

Ren Yu squatted beside Xiao Wang and looked at the face mixed with blood and tears. His distorted face was full of despair. He pressed Xiao Wang's shoulder and said softly, "the surgeon of Hongwu hospital is on his way to make the final decision."

Xiao Wang grabbed Ren Yu's sleeve and said in a dumb voice, "don't cut off my leg. I, I'm only 20. I can't live without legs... Please, help me... Help me..."

Ren Yu felt his temples swell and ache, and his nose was sour. He said in a deep voice, "you are only 20. You still have a long life. Without legs, you at least have life."

Xiao Wang cried and lost his voice, and everyone present was moved.

Soon, the doctor arrived with the nurse.

Xiao Wang held the last glimmer of hope and looked at the doctor with praying eyes: "doctor, help me, don't, don't cut my leg, please."

The doctor examined his pressed legs, took a document from the nurse's hand and said calmly, "young man, even if you are sent to the hospital, most of your legs will not be saved."

Xiao Wang shed tears in despair, his eyes were gray, and murmured "why".

The doctor handed him the pen: "in short, your legs have been necrotic and released a toxin. The reason why this toxin did not kill you is that your legs are pressed and the blood does not circulate. Once the leg pressure is gone, the toxin will immediately enter your blood circulation, causing acute renal failure and shock. Without amputation, you may not be able to get to the hospital. Sign."

Xiao Wang signed with trembling in tears.

Doctors and nurses began to prepare for on-site amputation.

Ren Yi couldn't bear to watch any more. He asked Gao Ge to take care of the aftermath and went back first with a class.

When we returned to the squadron, it was dinner time, but everyone had no appetite. If the harmonious police come back with good news, such as a false alarm, such as no danger, then everyone will be in a good mood. But in such an accident, even if you try your best, you can't avoid death and disability. That sense of powerlessness can make people feel depressed for a long time.

Ren Yu couldn't stay any longer. He greeted Qu Yangbo and went out. He planned to go to the veterinary hospital to pick up the kitten.

The kitten has basically recovered. The veterinarian said he could take it home, but he has to go to the nearby pet hospital to change his dressing every other day. There is a pet hospital next to their Squadron, which is very convenient.

After a week's absence, the little black cat seemed to have gained a little weight and disappeared from its dying weakness. Although it was still wrapped in gauze, it looked in good spirits and played with a paper ball in the cage.

Ren Xi said, "is it really all right?"

"It's all right, but it may be difficult to grow hair after the burn."

"It would be nice to survive." Ren Yi put his finger into the cage and poked the kitten. The kitten held his finger and chewed it with thin milk teeth.

The vet opened the cage, grabbed the kitten out and handed it to Ren. Ren gently stroked its soft fur and smiled knowingly.

On the way back, Ren Yi called Gong Yingxian: "Hello, Dr. Gong, are you in the branch?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Sure enough, I'm working overtime. I... just passed by. I want to show you something."

"OK, you come."

When they arrived at the branch, the policewoman in the hall saw Ren Yu and began to tease: "Captain Ren, why do you run to our police investigation station every three days? Do you want to change careers?"

Ren Yu said with a smile, "well, there are so many beautiful women in the police investigation bureau. It's not like our squadron. I'm here to explore the way."

He found Gong Yingxian in the back office area. It's almost nine o'clock now, but half of the stations are still occupied, and everyone seems very busy.

Ren Yu smiled and waved to Gong Yingxian.

Gong Yingxian picked up a stack of thick materials with one hand: "just as you came, I'll take you to the cyber crime section. We have some new discoveries." He strode over, looking hurried.

Ren Yu followed Gong Yingxian, "Hey, wait, I have something to show you."


Ren Yu looked around, opened the door of his office and dragged Gong Yingxian in.

Gong Yingxian frowned and looked at Ren Yu's hand holding his arm at will. He felt a little uncomfortable, but that kind of discomfort was not the rejection or even disgust when others touched him in the past, but... But that he realized that he didn't reject much. Such abnormality made him uncomfortable.

Perhaps, as Ren Yu said, he really began to get used to this person slowly?

Ren Yi closed the door of his office. He was a little excited and mysteriously took out a furry thing from the big pocket of his training clothes.

Black fur, golden pupils, a soft, smart and lovely little milk cat.

Gong Yingxian raised her eyebrows and moved back a step.

"Why, are you afraid of cats?"

"Not afraid."

"What are you hiding from?"

"Dirty." Gong Yingxian paused. "Moreover, the temperature of cats is higher than that of people."

Ren Yi shrugged. "His whole body has been sterilized and very clean. And we saved him from the fire together. Don't you want to hug him?"


"Then touch it?" Ren Yi sipped and poked the kitten's soft stomach with his finger belly, "it's soft, like no bones."

The kitten gave a thin "meow" and looked at Gong Yingxian without blinking.

Gong Yingxian hesitated and shook his head.

"Touch it, it's not hot." Ren Ying holds the kitten and comes up to Gong Yingxian. "Besides, you're wearing gloves. What are you afraid of?"

Gong Yingxian frowned slightly, stretched out his hand and tentatively stroked the kitten's stomach.

It's so soft.

Ren Yu said with a smile, "isn't it very soft? Look at you. You don't like to contact people and don't have a pet. Don't you feel lonely?"

"I have pets."

"Really?" Ren Yu said unexpectedly, "you can have a pet. What do you have? A dog?"

"Do you want to see it?" Gong Yingxian looked into Ren Yu's eyes.

Ren Yu's eyes lit up: "OK, where to see?"

"You showed me your pet, and I showed you my pet." Gong Yingxian said casually, "you can come over at the weekend. Sheng bozheng really wants to cook for you."

Ren Yu's heart rejoiced: "you, did you invite me to your house for dinner?"

"Well, Sheng Bo has talked to me several times." Gong Yingxian's eyes moved a little, "besides... You said it yourself that friends should have dinner together."

"OK, this Saturday." Ren Yu said quickly.

Gong Yingxian glanced at the kitten and said, "are you going to keep it?"

"Well, I can keep it in the squadron or at my house." Ren Yu had saved small animals before, but he had no idea of raising them. But he and Gong Yingxian saved the kitten from the fire together. He always felt that there was some special significance. He wanted to keep it with him.

"Do you have a name?"

Ren Yu looked at the kitten and grinned, "why don't you just shout."


Ren Yu went to the whiteboard in the conference room, picked up the marker and wrote two words on the whiteboard: "."

Gong Yingxian sneered, "where did you find the rare words?"

"This is the name of the game I play. You see, I have four fires, and these are four waters, which can just press my anger."

Gong Yingxian also walked over, took his pen and wrote "Miaomiao", "it's not good to lose all the pressure."

Ren Yi smiled at Gong Yingxian: "don't you hate my name? In fact, I don't want such a big anger. If it weren't for the trouble, I would have changed my name. I'm a firefighter called four fires. It's unlucky to listen."

"I said, your fire is the fire that attacks the fire." Gong Yingxian stared into Ren Yu's eyes, "moreover, people live with this fire."

"What do you mean?"

"Fire is spirit, emotion and soul. The heart belongs to fire in the five elements. We can also see the referential significance of fire to human life from the words of fire of life, dry oil lamp and rebirth."

Ren Yu was stunned: "Captain Qiu said that you have studied too much."

"Not to mention research, I know fire culture. It helps me overcome my fear of fire to the greatest extent."

"So... What do you know?"

Gong Yingxian was silent for a moment: "have you heard this saying, 'heaven and earth are inhumane, and all things are ruminant dogs'."

Ren Yu smiled bitterly: "people in my line can't be more profound about this sentence."

Gong Yingxian shook his head: "People think that this sentence is to say that heaven and earth are not kind and trample on all things. This interpretation is wrong. The so-called inhumanity of heaven and earth means that heaven and earth 'do nothing' and 'have no grace'. The will of heaven and earth is no will. Heaven and earth just follow their own way of heaven and earth. The sun rises and sets, rain and dew, severe cold and heat have never changed. Heaven and earth are not transferred by the will of all things, and the fate of all things There is no need to blame heaven and earth. "

Ren Yu was confused.

Gong Yingxian sighed: "fire is the essence of heaven and earth. Fire also has no will and no good or evil. What is really terrible is not fire, but the use of fire, especially... People's use of fire."

Ren Yu said in a deep voice, "you can understand this, but you are still afraid of fire."

"I'm trying to overcome it."

"In fact, everyone has something to fear. You don't have to force yourself to be fearless. No one can be fearless." Ren Yi quietly looked at Gong Yingxian and said softly, "it's nothing to be afraid of fire."

Gong Yingxian was stunned.

All along, the fear of fire not only made him painful, but also made him ashamed. The fear of fire was an enemy he wanted to defeat all his life, but it was difficult to defeat.

But Ren Yu told him, "it's nothing to be afraid of fire". This sentence is like a warm hand smoothing the folds, making him feel relaxed. Even if it's only a little, he seems to be able to breathe a little from his fear of fire.

Ren Yu knocked on the whiteboard and grinned: "listen to you, just call Miaomiao and leave me a fire."

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