Ren Yu looked impatient: "I've been busy all day. What time is it? Ying Xian, I think don't waste time here. Don't there be several households to ask tomorrow."

Gong Yingxian returned to Ren Yu with a clear look and nodded: "yes." He closed his notebook. "Ms. Bai, please come back today."

Ms. Bai raised her head and looked at them standing up in surprise.

Ren Yi turned his back and whispered to Gong Yingxian, "2207 is young. If you want a future, you must let go before her."

Gong Yingxian nodded solemnly and made a move.

"Wait, wait." Ms. Bai cried, "you've kept me waiting so long. I'm leaving now?"

"Ms. Bai, you are wasting each other's time by refusing to say anything. It's getting late. Go back."

"Wait!" Ms. Bai hesitated and said, "if I tell you everything I know, will I... Not be convicted?"

"It depends on the extent to which you are involved in the crime."

"I just threw away the garbage. I didn't do anything."

Gong Yingxian and Ren Yi looked at each other and said, "let's go."

"Xiao Peng asked us to throw it!" Ms. Bai hurried.

They looked at Ms. Bai together.

Ms. Bai covered her mouth and sobbed, "let's discuss how to treat 2209. Xiao Peng said, how do they disgust us, how do we disgust them, and let's throw garbage at his door."

"So you made an appointment to throw garbage at the gate of 2209 on Friday?"

Ms. Bai nodded: "but no one said to set fire. Really, we didn't know it would be on fire. If we knew, what would we do in the house? Who wants to set fire to his own house."

"Then why didn't you say it at first?"

Ms. Bai cried: "Xiao Peng said that we are all accomplices. We have killed so many people and burned so many houses. If the police know, we and we will be responsible, so no one can say."

"He's right, but the responsibility can also be divided into severity. If you really just throw garbage, which has nothing to do with arson, you won't bear criminal responsibility, but shielding crime is much more serious than throwing garbage."

"I dare not, I dare not cover up. I've told you everything I know." Ms. Bai cried, "my own mother is dead. I really don't know."

After they sent the crying old woman away, they were full of miscellaneous feelings for a moment, and no one spoke.

"I think what she said is true. The residents may really just throw away the garbage and don't know it will catch fire."

Gong Yingxian thought: "others may not know, but Peng Fei may not. According to the current evidence, it still can't prove that he knew or participated in arson."

"By the way, what about the owner? Can you find any motivation?"

"The car is picked randomly. As Zhou Chuan said, the owner doesn't know them, and there is no intersection in the life circle."

"The key to the case is still in these three people, but one is more difficult to deal with."

Gong Yingxian said coldly, "Chen Pei, he has always asked to see me, but I haven't seen him these days. Instead, I asked sister Yan to try him. This is what sister Yan means. She's afraid I'll be affected."

"He wants to see you?" Ren Yu said in surprise, "what does he want to do?"

"Mostly he wants to talk to me about terms." Gong Yingxian's eyes were gloomy. "He knew there was something I wanted in his head."

Ren Yi murmured, "as long as these three people can defeat one, the other two will be defeated."

"Unfortunately, we lack key evidence." Gong Yingxian rubbed his eyebrows wearily, "I hope others can make progress there."

"Let's go and see Cai Qiang and Zhou Chuan."


They went to another interrogation room, but did not go in, but knocked at the door.

Cai Qiang looked up, looked at them through the glass, and then got up and came out.

"How's it going?"

Cai Qiang brought him to the door and yawned: "this grandson is really fucking counseling and bad. He made a condition that he would not live in a detention center or a hospital before the trial. If we agree, he will speak."

Gong Yingxian frowned: "how much value is the thing in his mouth?"

"He knew we had caught Chen Pei. He said he knew something about Chen Pei, enough for us to convict."

Ren Yu asked, "what about the man who burned the car?"

Cai Qiang smiled bitterly: "Hey, look at the wechat group now. I'm worried to death."

Gong Yingxian took out his mobile phone and looked at it. His face suddenly changed: "this is... Peng Fei's alibi?"

"Yes, on the night of the car burning, he said he lived in a friend's house, and no one could prove it, but he went downstairs to buy cigarettes at more than 11 o'clock, and the surveillance caught him. It was impossible to rush to the scene of the car burning at that time."

"This alibi, why didn't he say it at first?"

"He said he just remembered." Cai Qiang scolded: "fart, he is intentional. He is testing how much we know, and then deliberately disrupt the investigation."

Gong Yingxian was silent. He clenched his fist and looked uncertain.

Ren Yu was secretly frightened. Peng Fei's mind was too deep. He asked the police to check him as a suspect for a long time. He not only found out how much the police knew, but also put the police together. With this alibi, the work done along his line may be in vain.

Gong Yingxian said in a cold voice, "no wonder he dares to force other residents to unify their caliber. He knows that we have insufficient evidence."

"This son of a bitch is too Yin, which makes us very passive now." Cai Qiang glanced at the interrogation room, "I'm afraid I can only promise his conditions."

"Let's discuss this tomorrow."

Cai Qiang nodded: "it's so late. Go home." He laughed at Ren Yu, "Captain Ren, you really don't consider changing careers. I think you are very enthusiastic about handling cases."

Ren Yi also said with a smile, "if you ask your leaders how much money they can give me a month, I will seriously consider it."

Cai Qiang laughed.

After saying goodbye, the two walked to the parking lot. Ren Yu yawned and hungry all the way. He wondered what takeout he should order back to the squadron. Thinking of what to eat, Ren Yu hesitated to ask Gong Yingxian to have dinner together. Although the process of eating for the first time was very awkward, now they have a good relationship. Gong Yingxian should agree. As long as he can get along with Gong Yingxian for an extra minute and a half, he is very satisfied.

"Ren Yu..."

"I said old palace..."

Both spoke at the same time.

Gong Yingxian squinted at him.

Ren Yu laughed and said, "don't look down on this title. If everyone calls you that, you'll take advantage of it."

"You think everyone is like you." Gong Yingxian snorted.

Ren Yu secretly rejoiced because he was the only one who called him so: "you should be satisfied. Really, if you think about me, I will suffer no matter whether it is' Xiaoren 'or' Laoren '."

Gong Yingxian couldn't help laughing: "I'm less poor. Get in the car and I'll take you back to rest."

When they got into the car, Ren Yi touched his hungry belly: "Hey, are you hungry?"

Just as Gong Yingxian was about to speak, he yawned as if he had been infected. His eyebrows were hard to hide his tiredness: "fortunately, you're hungry?"

Ren Yu looked at Gong Yingxian's tired appearance and couldn't say if he wanted to invite him to have a snack. After a day's tiredness, Gong Yingxian didn't have to. Let's forget it. He said, "it's OK. Let's go back and have a rest." Then there was another yawn.

"Are you so tired that you can drive?"

"No problem, I'm used to it." Gong Yingxian drove to the squadron.

"I usually have a holiday. I don't seem to see you have a holiday." Ren Yu was so sleepy that his eyelids were straight. He slightly adjusted the back of his chair and leaned at a comfortable angle.

"I also have a vacation, but I didn't put it." Gong Yingxian said, "I have a lot to do. I don't need a holiday."

"People can't be stretched all the time. You always know the truth of the combination of work and rest."

Gong Yingxian shook his head: "I'm short of time."

The 20-year prosecution period was like a beast chasing after him, which made him afraid, unwilling and unable to stop. He must firmly believe that the truth is ahead and run hard.

Ren Yi sighed: "you are too hard."

Gong Yingxian was noncommittal.

The carriage was quiet for a moment. Ren Xuan looked at the windshield in front of him. Due to the special light and shadow, he could see the blurred face of Gong Yingxian reflected on the glass. He looked at it with some obsession and guessed what Gong Yingxian was in the same room with him. At this time, he was thinking about whether he would have a little bit of his own position.

His eyelids grew heavier and heavier.

After a while, Gong Yingxian heard an even gasp around him. He glanced at the co pilot and Ren Yu fell asleep?

Gong Yingxian gently turned the steering wheel, drove the car to the side of the road, and then slowly stepped on the brake with the softest force to make the car stop smoothly.

Gong Yingxian hung up the parking gear, turned his head and silently looked at Ren Yu in his sleep. His deep eyes flickered in the dim light. Then he leaned over curiously and looked at Ren Yu's face carefully.

Why does his hair always curl up? Is it too soft or too hard? His eyebrows have a lot of miscellaneous hairs, but they are very stylish. The mole on his nose grows very special. His lower lip is a little thicker than his upper lip. It looks really full. His earlobes are small and round. What's the feeling when pinched?

One question after another came to Gong Yingxian's mind, and the answers to these questions were encouraging him to reach out and touch it. I don't know.

Gong Yingxian pursed her lips, tentatively stretched out her hand, and first gently touched the mole on the bridge of Ren Yu's nose.

A little bulge can also feel the hardness of the bridge of the nose.

Gong Yingxian moved his hand down again, gently covered his finger abdomen on his soft lips, and quietly exerted a little pressure. He could feel Ren Yu's warm breath.

Ren Yu unconsciously muttered.

Gong Yingxian's hand bounced back like an electric shock. He woke up like a dream and his face was full of surprise. What's he doing? What was he thinking? It was so strange that he had never been so curious about anyone.

Is it because Ren Yu was his first friend?

Perhaps, Sheng Bo and sister Yan are right. They need friends. Everyone needs friends. Having a friend is not a trouble at all, and even makes him happy. The existence of Ren Yu makes him happy.

Because he had no human friends before, it was natural for him to be curious about his friends.

Gong Yingxian found a reason to convince himself before he settled down. He looked at the sleeping Ren Yu. He didn't want to disturb him, so he quietly looked at the case file.

I don't know how long later, Ren Yu sneezed and woke himself up. He opened his eyes and said vaguely, "I, I fell asleep?"

Gong Yingxian looked at him sideways and saw his nested neck stacked with double chins. They all thought it was fun: "HMM."

Ren Yu sat up and yawned greatly: "why don't you call me? I'll... Shit!" He looked at his watch in surprise. "I slept for two hours?"

"One hour and 42 minutes." Gong Yingxian took a bottle of mineral water and handed it to him, "what kind of police did you have today? You're so tired."

Ren Yu roughly described to Gong Yingxian: "it's OK to be tired, mainly because he was frightened by Gao Ge."

Gong Yingxian frowned and said, "so you have to go to the branch with me. You should have a good rest."

Ren Yu said with a smile, "it's all right. I'm alive again after I sleep."

Gong Yingxian started the car: "let's go. I'll take you back."

"It's this point. You take me back to the squadron. If you go home, it'll be two or three o'clock when you get home."

"I can drive faster."

"Forget it, your home is so far away. You've been tired all day. It's dangerous to drive tired."

"It's all right. I'm used to it."

"What's all right, you..." Ren Zhuzheng said, and suddenly there was a loud grunt in his stomach.

Gong Yingxian chuckled, "are you so hungry?"

Ren Yu patted his abdominal muscles: "aren't you hungry?"

"A little."

"Why don't you go to my house? It's very close to my house." Ren Yu said with a smile, "have you ever eaten instant noodles? I'll cook instant noodles for you."

"Instant noodles are not a good thing."

"Listen to my analysis." Ren Yu said solemnly, "first, you certainly don't eat takeout. You don't think it's dirty. Second, it's too slow now. Third, you haven't eaten instant noodles. You lack such a life experience. You just make it up tonight."

Gong Yingxian smiled gently.

Ren Yu tried not to let his expectations escape from his eyes, pretending to be relaxed and asked, "and I still have your pillow in my house. Are you going or not?"

"Isn't this going to your house?"

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