Qiu Yan took a cigarette and was silent.

Her silence makes Ren yu feel nervous. He can only see that Gong Yingxian has an unusual attitude towards Qiu Yan, but he doesn't know how Qiu Yan views Gong Yingxian. He has always avoided this problem, in case she also

Qiu Yan looked at Ren Yu and sighed: "I don't discriminate against you, and I don't want to hit you, but I advise you to give up the idea."

Ren Yu looked at Qiu Yan in a daze.

"Captain Ren, you are a good man worthy of respect. Ying Xian and I regard you as friends, especially Ying Xian. He trusts you very much. If you let him know what you think of him, he..." Qiu Yan seems to be a little hard to say.

Ren Yu nodded, noncommittal. He has no intention of swearing in "love determination" in front of an unfamiliar person. It's too stupid. He doesn't care what Qiu Yan's purpose and what he thinks. His love is his own business. Even if Qiu Yan doesn't say it, he doesn't intend to change the current situation of himself and Gong Yingxian.

Qiu Yan knew he was perfunctory when she looked at his expression. She looked into Ren Yu's eyes and said seriously, "you may think I'm nosy or selfish. No, I'm just for your good. You don't know about some things. Ying Xian was harassed during puberty."

Ren Yu froze: "he, he was..."

"When he was a teenager, his sexual development was not obvious. Because he was an oriental, he was often harassed by boys at school. He was followed and photographed by a middle-aged man for half a year, and even tried to kidnap him."

Ren Yi's face suddenly changed: "did the man catch it?"

"Yes, I have a criminal record of sexual assault on children. I haven't released it now." Qiu Yan shook his head. "Fortunately, Ying Xian practiced martial arts since childhood. Many boys who harassed him were beaten into the hospital by him. Because of these things, he studied four times and didn't get better until he went to college. Therefore, his" isolation "is not only related to his childhood, but also related to his experience in adolescence."

Ren Yu took a deep breath and felt his hands and feet cool. The whole person had the illusion of falling straight down

"So you see, he is very exclusive and disgusted with this group." Qiu Yan said in embarrassment, "Captain Ren, I don't mean to offend you. It's certainly wrong to generalize, but Ying Xian has had a shadow in this regard, and I can't blame him."

Ren Yu pretended to smile easily, but the smile was difficult to hide: "Captain Qiu, don't worry, I just have a good impression on him. At my age, I can control my feelings, he..." Ren Yu suddenly felt a dull pain in his heart, "he won't know at all."

Qiu Yan nodded and looked at Ren Yu apologetically: "then I'll go back to the branch first. We're reviewing Zhou Chuan and Peng Fei. You can come and listen when you're finished."

"OK, I'll be there in a minute."

After Qiu Yan left, Ren Yi leaned wearily against the railing, looked up at the sky and sighed silently.

He didn't expect that Gong Yingxian had experienced these in his youth. Just listening would make people feel numb. Qiu Yan is right. Having had such an experience, it is impossible not to prejudice the whole group.

If Gong Yingxian knew his mind, would he think he had ulterior motives to approach him?

Ren Ying hid it because he didn't want to betray Gong Yingxian's trust. He didn't want the relationship between the two people to be destroyed. Because he had a hunch that Gong Yingxian just regarded him as a friend. Now Qiu Yan's words just verify this more.

He has been popular since childhood. It's easy to fall in love, so he has never tried secret love. If he really likes a person, he doesn't lack the courage to express and pursue. But he alone dared not let Gong Yingxian know that it had nothing to do with face and dignity. He just cherished the relationship between them. He just didn't want to see his disgust and disappointment from Gong Yingxian's face. He just wanted Gong Yingxian to have a reliable friend - Gong Yingxian needed a friend.

Therefore, he will press all his desires to the bottom of his heart. He will always be a friend of Gong Yingxian, and he will do anything he can for Gong Yingxian.

It's enough to accompany Gong Yingxian as a friend.


Ren Yi went downstairs and asked sun Qingming to deal with the aftermath before returning to the squadron. He went straight to Hongwu branch.

The old man who was about to jump off the building should have been sent to the hospital, but the ambulance came. He refused to go to the hospital for fear of spending money. Now he is still shouting in the police hall. When Ren Yu entered, his son had been handcuffed.

Qiu Yan said coldly, "Mr. Gao, if you continue to disrupt official business here, we will arrest you, too. I will do what I say."

The old man scolded, "dare you, you let my son go!"

"Dad, you are old. They dare not arrest you. If they want to arrest you, you jump off the building!" Cried his son.

Ren Yu stared at him contemptuously. He couldn't help scolding: "you're really a stupid and unfilial waste. You're greedy for your cousin's real estate, and let your father spare his face and life to play rogue with you. Today you can't get anything except handcuffs."

"You, who are you! Whatever you do!"

Ren Yu said, "Captain Qiu, this uncle is not over 70 years old. You can arrest him."

Qiu Yan put his hands around his chest and smiled coldly, "yes."

"Then stop talking nonsense to them and arrest them directly."

Qiu Yan winked at his subordinates.

Two policemen went up and detained the old man.

The father and son finally got scared and shouted, but they were dragged away in the end.

"Ren team, you are so handsome today." The familiar policewoman praised.

Ren Yu said with a smile, "that's right. I've always been so handsome."

"Captain Ren Ran to our bureau at two ends in three days. Which police flower did he like?" Another male policeman joked, "if you tell me secretly, I won't compete with you."

"Yes, he has a crush on our police flower. Isn't our police flower Dr. Gong?"

The crowd burst into laughter.

At ordinary times, when Ren Yu came to the police station, he often joked with them, but in the past, everyone passed with a smile. Today, listening to this, Ren Yu and Qiu Yan had some subtle expressions.

Ren Yu laughed and said, "if you have the ability, you can say this to Dr. Gong's face and see if he will spray alcohol into your eyes."

After a few more words, Qiu Yan took Ren Yu to the interrogation room.

It happened that two policemen pushed Zhou Chuan, who was in a wheelchair, across the corridor.

When Zhou Chuan saw Ren Yu, he couldn't tell whether he hated or feared, or both.

Passing by, Ren Yu asked Qiu Yan, "is he lame?"

"No, but after the burn, the muscles atrophy and it's difficult to walk."

Ren Leng snorted, thinking that he was to blame.

Entering the interrogation room, Gong Yingxian and Cai Qiang are discussing something.

When Ren Yu saw Gong Yingxian, his heart trembled for no reason. He had just made up his mind to suppress himself, but at the moment of meeting, that love, that desire and that impulse turned into an invisible force, pushing and pulling him to get closer and closer.

It's no wonder Qiu Yan can see how "like" a person can be hidden.

Cai Qiang joked, "Captain Ren, I didn't go just now, but your feat spread in the police station."

Ren Yu said with a smile, "don't praise me. I should float."

Qiu Yan asked, "how's it going?"

Gong Yingxian looked reassured: "Zhou Chuan will be transferred back to Hongwu hospital from the detention center today."

"For such a scum, we have to pay for him to live in the intensive care unit and assign police to watch him." Cai Qiang's tone is also very bad. "It's not enough. The information he provides is really valuable."

"He confessed Chen Pei?"

Gong Yingxian nodded: "Zhou Chuan came into contact with Blazing Angels when he was in college four years ago. He said he didn't have arsonism, but he liked to hunt for wonders, so he had been on many dark networks, but he just watched and didn't participate. After graduation, he couldn't adapt to the society because of his personality. He stayed at home after working for a short time. In order to make a living, he had the idea of making money by trading on dark networks. But he was timid and didn't dare to commit a crime , so just shoot fire related videos. "

"So he hasn't contacted the core users of blazing angel in China?"

"On the contrary, because he knows technology and has contacted several people, those people occasionally spend money for him to help, but they are all online, and none of them have met."

"Who are there?"

"He doesn't want to say, but only about Chen Pei. It sounds like he's really afraid."

"What did he say?" Ren Yu is very curious.

Gong Yingxian gently breathed out, glanced at his file and said, "there is an organization for the domestic users of blazing angel. Although it is not clear whether this organization has anything to do with the founder of blazing angel, this organization may be related to many arson cases."

Ren Yu was surprised.

"Zhou Chuan said that the organization was inferred by himself. In fact, there is no fixed situation, or he doesn't know. He only contacted a few members, and may be more peripheral members, but the power of this organization is very huge."

"How did he know?"

"He said that the consumption of those people in the blazing angel was very high. He had seen hundreds of thousands of people once. Moreover, when participating in the live broadcast, he talked about what arson was committed by them more than once. He was not sure whether it was bragging, but he inferred that the members of the organization had a high social status from their words, expenses and some intriguing posts in the forum."

Cai Qiang said: "in fact, according to our analysis, Zhou Chuan still knows some exact news, but he refuses to say. He must know something to be so afraid."

"That's right." Qiu Yan mused, "he is likely to be threatened."

"He refused to say at the beginning and clearly showed his fear." Gong Yingxian asked Ren Yu, "do you remember that time in the hospital."

"Remember, he was really afraid."

"Now he is willing to say, first, Chen Pei has been arrested, and it is a foregone conclusion. Second, his injury is very painful. If he is thrown into the detention center, he will have a very painful time, so he spoke, but he still has reservations." Gong Yingxian said, "however, the top priority now is to solve the case of Wanyuan community. He has provided enough evidence."

Ren Yixi: "can you convict Chen Pei?"

Gong Yingxian's eyes showed a trace of Yin cold. He nodded slowly.

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