Ren Yu rushed to the monitoring room. In the room, in addition to the security guards, there were also sun Qingming, Liu Hui, the venue staff, and Zhang Zhong, the leader of the police force on duty.

"What happened?" Ren Yu has tried his best to adjust his mood along the way. Although sun define likes to joke - they all like to joke - he is absolutely meticulous in business. He can hear the seriousness of the matter from sun define's tone.

Sun pointed to the monitoring screen: "play it again."

The security guard opened a pop-up window and explained, "I was just on duty. Suddenly all the screens were black, and then such a video popped up."

The pop-up window was dark at first. A few seconds later, a strange and smiling bird mask appeared on the screen without warning!

Ren Yu's heart trembled. Is this mask

The camera slowly retreats and enlarges the field of vision. Wearing a bird mask, it is a man in a black robe. He sits in a chair barefoot. In the field of view of the camera, there is only empty darkness except for a person and a chair.

The picture is very strange.

"Hello, Dr. Gong, Captain Ren." The man opened his mouth, and his voice was changed, which was more gloomy and terrible.

Ren Yu just looked at the screen and his hair stood up.

"I think you can guess who I am, but out of courtesy, I'd like to introduce myself." He said, "my name is Ziyan. I am the humble messenger and devout believer closest to the God of light."

Purple flame!

"I'm sorry for all the unpleasant experiences that have happened before. In fact, we are all doing the same thing. We all try to save others, but we use different means. You may say that we are evil and crime. This view is narrow, and you will give up other people's lives in order to save people, such as red flame." The man said with appreciation, "red flame has proved his loyalty and courage. He will be remembered by his brothers and sisters forever."

Ren Yu clenched his fist.

"Have you ever thought about whether fire came down from heaven as a reward or punishment for mankind? Fire brought mankind into the farming generation and opened an era of civilization, but fire also deprived countless lives and annihilated the traces of civilization. In Greek mythology, Prometheus stole fire and came to the world. Unfortunately, the world misunderstood his intention. He was not the Savior, he was just a missionary, because fire was so dangerous It's God's will. Fire has no distinction between good and evil, good and evil. It is the same as thunder, sunshine, breeze and rain. All those from the gods have no will, at least not as human beings interpret them affectionately. They just treat every plant, person and thing in the world fairly. So the water irrigated the farmland, but also poured back into the village, so the fire burned and roasted the grassland, nourished the soil, and all things were reborn when the spring breeze struck. So all things are reincarnated and live forever. "

Everyone was stunned.

The man continued in a bewitching tone: "God does not come to the world, but fire represents God's will to come to the world. Therefore, reward and punishment, prosperity and decline, life and death are the way of heaven. People inspired by God will treat fire in different ways to convey God's will. Housewives use fire to cook food, hunters use fire to keep warm, those in power use fire to attack cities, and scientists use fire to promote the progress of the times. You, captain." The man suddenly reached out and pointed to the camera.

Ren Yu looked at the screen rigidly.

"You fought bravely with the fire to save people and things trapped in the fire. And you, Dr. Gong, you watched your family die in the fire with your own eyes and wanted to find a way out of the siege of the fire all your life. And I, I purified evil with fire and let those guilty souls get new life from the fire. How interesting, we have a mysterious fate. Maybe this is also the secret meaning of God Lead. "

Ren Yu thought that the leader of this sect was really good at brainwashing. He said, "Captain Zhang, have you informed captain Qiu?" The police involved in the security of non-governmental activities are all police. There is no criminal police. This kind of thing can not be handled by them.

"Yes, Captain Qiu is coming."

Ren Yu thought that Qiu Yan would tell Gong Yingxian, so he stopped worrying about whether to call Gong Yingxian.

The camera zooms in again, and the bird mask is enlarged step by step until it fills the whole screen.

The man said slowly: "This kind of fate made you and me connected 18 years ago. Only God's will can explain all these coincidences. But even though I often admire the divine light, I haven't completely got rid of the shackles of human nature, so in the past, I instinctively avoided you, just like criminals avoiding the police. It's wrong to oppose our relationship between justice and evil It's wrong. Just like the prairie fire, although it burned the grassland, it also enriched the soil and left a large area of cultivated land. Before the fire burned out, who can say whether it is right or wrong. So I decided to follow God's will, light the fire and see what the fetters between us will lead to in the end. "

Ren Yu frowned deeply. He had a very bad hunch about what the man was going to say next.

Suddenly, the door of the monitoring room was roughly pushed open. Ren Yu turned his head and breathed.

The visitor is Gong Yingxian. Although he knew that Gong Yingxian would appear soon, he thought he had adjusted his mood and prepared for the face, but when Gong Yingxian stood in front of him, he found that he was not ready.

Gong Yingxian also saw him. The two eyes collided in the air.

Gong Yingxian looked complex. He didn't open his eyes, and Ren Yu hung his eyes painfully.

"Dr. Gong!" Captain Zhang said, "you came so fast."

"... I'm nearby."

At this time, a man's low laughter came from the screen: "a new year charity concert is being held in Honglin gymnasium where you are now. I decided to give you a new year gift. Now please listen."

Gong Yingxian followed the sound and looked at the screen. His face suddenly changed. The familiar bird mask stabbed him like a knife.

"There is still one hour before the new year. I have placed six bombs in the venue and will detonate at the whole point."

There was a whiff of air in the room.

"You can find them before the countdown is over, but if you try to evacuate the crowd, I will detonate in advance. If you stop the concert, I will detonate in advance." The man smiled and said, "after all, I also want to listen to song Juhan singing with my fans."

Sun Qingming looked at Ren Yu pale: "Ren team, is he or isn't he scaring us? We've all checked the venue."

"Believe it or not, you will bear the consequences." The man opened his arms. "Go save, brave firefighters and police."

The video came to an abrupt end here, only the bird mask solidified in the center of the screen, and the dark hole dug in the eye was not deep.

After listening to the last paragraph of Gong Yingxian, he pointed to the screen and said, "what's going on?!"

Ren Yu glanced at Gong Yingxian in a hurry: "is that the mask?"

"... yes."

Zhang Zhong said: "the security guard was on duty in the monitoring room, and then the system was invaded and played this video."

"Play it again." Gong Yingxian said.

When the video began to play again, Ren Yi looked at his watch. He rushed from the lounge to the monitoring room and watched the video. Seven minutes have passed. Now they have only 53 minutes to find the bomb.

He had no doubt about the authenticity of what Ziyan said, because he had seen and experienced the madness and cruelty of the organization with his own eyes.

After watching the video, Gong Yingxian had almost no blood on his face: "Captain Zhang, how many people do you have now?"


"Captain Qiu will arrive soon. She brought instruments and bomb disposal experts, but Ziyan is so confident that the bomb must not be easy to find. I need you to mobilize all your staff to watch all the surveillance videos inside and outside the venue at the highest speed in the past week, and pick out all the wrong places."


"Ren Yu, I need architectural drawings."

"It's already here." Sun Qingming immediately handed the drawing to Gong Yingxian.

The drawing is as thick as a shutter. It can't be read in a while.

Gong Yingxian held the drawing, closed his eyes and recited in his heart: calm, calm, calm. When he opened his eyes again, he said: "the venue is too large to be found blindly. We must analyze his motivation and intention and speculate where he might put the bomb."

"No matter where it is, there are more than 30000 people in the venue, which can cause a lot of casualties at will." Sun said anxiously, "let's quickly organize all available forces for carpet investigation."

Ren Yi shook his head: "it's too late, not to mention he can't evacuate the crowd. What if he puts a bomb in the crowd."

Gong Yingxian also said, "it's too late. First of all, we have to do an exclusion method to eliminate the place where he can't place a bomb."

The security team leader said, "I don't think it's possible to be in a crowded place. This security check is very strict. Not only people and bags need to be checked by machines, but also by manual inspection. The stage and grandstand facilities are simple, and metal detectors have been used to check around the stage and seat area. In this case, it's almost impossible to bring bombs in or place them in advance."

Gong Yingxian nodded: "you can exclude the open-air stage and grandstand area."

Ren Yu asked the venue manager, "Mr. Li, are you familiar with the design of the venue? We can't see the design drawing. We need someone to help us find out which places are suitable for burying bombs and which places can be eliminated. Circuits, heating, pipes, exhaust, everything."

President Li said anxiously, "I've just been transferred for two months. Lao Chen, you've been here all the time. You're more familiar than me."

The security team leader said, "I'm familiar with the venue, but I don't know what structure, circuit and so on. I can't say I can help with such a big thing."

"Just try your best."

"Oh!" He patted his head. "I remember a person. He must be more familiar than me."


"The engineers of the venue."

Gong Yingxian flatly rejected: "it's too late to call an engineer now."

"He is at the venue. I watched him. His last name is he. We knew him when the venue was built a few years ago. He came with the big star."

Ren Yu was stunned: "why?" He vaguely remembered the gossip news of that year and mentioned why he was an engineer.

"Yes, he Gong."

Gong Yingxian took the design drawing and said, "go find him. Team Zhang, don't spread this matter and don't cause panic. Ziyan must have some way to monitor us and wait for team Qiu to come."


Ren Yi also ordered, "Sun Qingming, Liu Hui, you should inform the chief of staff immediately."


Gong Yingxian and Ren Yu went out of the door and went straight to song Juhan's lounge.

Song Juhan's performance will start in the last 40 minutes until the new year, so now he is probably still in the lounge.

They were silent all the way until they reached the fork in the road. Gong Yingxian stopped. He was not sure which direction it was.

"Left." Ren Yu whispered.

Gong Yingxian did not move, and his shoulders fluctuated violently.

Ren Yu knows how much impact the bird mask has on Gong Yingxian, but now is not the time to indulge his emotions. He wanted to comfort Gong Yingxian very much. Not long ago, he had the position and qualification of comfort Gong Yingxian. Now

"Ying Xian, are you okay?"

Gong Yingxian shook his head: "you go first." He was emotionally sensitive because of Ren Yu, and saw the mask in the childhood nightmare unprepared. When the mask appeared in the dusty memory, he tried his best to see it clearly, but it was never clear enough. Just now he was finally forced to see it clearly. In the case of neither psychological preparation nor psychological expert escort, this impact was very serious for him.

The hellish night associated with the mask, the burning fire, the frightened face and the scream of pain all rushed into his mind. He swayed and quickly supported the wall with his hand.

Ren Yu was worried. Before he could think, he had conditionally pressed Gong Yingxian's shoulder: "Yingxian, you..."

Gong Yingxian was stunned. The heavy, gentle hand that fell on his shoulder suddenly became a vent for all his negative emotions. He shouted, "don't touch me!" Then he opened Ren Yu's hand.

Ren Xuan looked at Gong Yingxian rigidly. His heart was hurt and his face was hot. He subconsciously raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender. He said in a trembling voice: "... I'm sorry."

He and Gong Yingxian are back to the origin. No, it's worse than the origin, because Gong Yingxian really hates himself now.

Gong Yingxian looked at Ren Yu's frustrated eyes and felt very uncomfortable. How he hoped that Ren Yu's open hands were to embrace him, and how he hoped that he could accept it without any objection. He shook his head, turned his head and strode away.

Ren Ying endured his sadness and unspeakable shame and quickly followed up.

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