After a period of preparation, Gong Yingxian not only restored all the image evidence of that year, but even built a perspective model of the house according to the design drawings, photos and memories.

Ren Yu also brought all the information he found from the fire brigade.

Qiu Yan revolved around the model on the table: "it's similar to what I remember. It's restored very well."

Gong Yingxian lowered his head and quietly stared at the model of the three-story villa without speaking.

Ren Yu looked at Gong Yingxian across the table, and his mind echoed the conversation between the two not long ago.

He is calmer now than he was just now, but the calmer he is, the more sad he is. Whenever he raised a glimmer of hope that the two could at least rebuild their friendship, Gong Yingxian always told him with words and actions that they were delusional.

He could not imagine what kind of person he had become in Gong Yingxian's eyes after that night.

At this time, Gong Yingxian is really like an ignorant teenager in his teens. Under the action of hormones, he begins to be interested in the secrets of adults. He wants to explore, but he is cramped. He happens to be a suitable object of exploration. He does not exclude, leak or take responsibility.

Yes, he fantasized, fantasized about countless close contacts with Gong Yingxian, but none of them would be under such a premise, which made him

"Captain, captain?"

Ren Yu suddenly woke up and looked blankly at Qiu Yan calling him: "sorry, I may..."

"Are you sleepy?"

Gong Yingxian looked at Ren Yu thoughtfully, but Ren Yu avoided his eyes.

Qiu Yan looked at them and felt helpless.

"OK." Ren Yi went aside, took a sip of coffee and said, "it's okay, let's start."

Qiu Yan first talked about the timeline: "Ying Xian saw the masked man around 2 o'clock. When he went to the bathroom at night, he saw a man wearing a bird mask moving in the yard. He was afraid and hid in the quilt. Ying Xian's mother reported the fire at 2:36. You have heard the alarm content. There was no indication of arson by outsiders or any words pointing to his husband. The first one The fire squadron arrived at 2:44 and entered the rescue at 2:48. It was three minutes away. At 3:00, the fire should be rescued. At 3:38, the fire was put out. "

The description of a short time line summarizes the last time of a family of four, the last time struggling in fear and pain.

Gong Yingxian stood motionless, with an icy expression on his face. In order to pursue the truth, he has been familiar with these contents thousands of times, including his mother's desperate cry for help. He has been numb. Behind the numbness is the dysfunctional pain nerve.

Qiu Yan looked at Ren Yu and continued: "the fire squadron that arrived at the scene at that time was the fifth squadron in Hongwu district. Ying Xian told me that the firefighter who first entered the fire and rescued him was the captain of the fifth Squadron, that is, your father."

Ren Yi nodded: "the fifth squadron is the predecessor of the Phoenix squadron. Later, after the adjustment of the organizational structure, several squadrons were added, and the area under the jurisdiction was re planned. The original address of the palace family is no longer under the jurisdiction of the Phoenix squadron."

"Such a coincidence..." Qiu Yan paused, and a trace of incomprehensible emotion appeared on his face.


"Nothing, it's just a coincidence." Qiu Yan said, "there is really fate between you."

In the past, Ren Yu would tease a few words, but now he just smiled perfunctorily.

Gong Yingxian said: "this model is restored in equal proportion. The villa has four floors, three floors above the ground and one floor underground. The underground is the garage and storage room. There are no guest rooms on the first floor, all functional areas. On the south side of the second floor, this is my parents' master bedroom, and these two are guest rooms and study." He pointed a laser pen at each area he mentioned in turn, "My sister and I live on the third floor. The two rooms on the south side are side by side. The murderer sprinkled the combustion supporting agent on the first and second floors. The fire started on the first floor and spread rapidly upward. Because the way down the stairs was completely blocked by the torch, and my sister and I were upstairs, my parents would go upstairs. When they went upstairs to find us, our whole family was trapped on the third floor, and there was an anti-theft net in each window. ”

Ren Yi sighed.

At that time, every household was equipped with anti-theft nets. Until the last decade, because there were more and more tragedies that the anti-theft nets hindered escape, the anti-theft nets gradually installed escape doors.

"Finally, we hid in the bathroom of my room." Gong Yingxian's voice became deeper and deeper, "I have a vague memory of this period. When the psychologist guided me to recall, my consciousness was also very resistant. On the contrary, the masked man was relatively clear."

Ren Yu said, "what did you tell the police? Did you mention the masked man?"

Gong Yingxian shook his head: "after the incident, I refused to speak for nearly half a year. My treatment in China was not smooth. My grandfather sent me to the United States. When I can think of some, the case has been closed for several years."

"So you didn't give any testimony to the police."

"Even if there is, the testimony of a six-year-old child is invalid in court." Qiu Yan said, "in the end, it will be judged as suicide because there is not enough evidence to prove that others set fire."

Ren Xuan revolved around the model, then picked up the data to compare carefully, and inserted a label next to the sofa in the living room: "according to the report, this is the fire point, but the explosion of the kitchen gas tank also left obvious traces of explosion and deep combustion."

Qiu Yan pointed to the scorched black object on one side: "this is a section of the wreckage of the sofa at that time, with traces of alcohol on it."

"Were you sure the sofa was here? By the window?"


"If the sofa is the fire point, the combustion supporting agent is scattered all the way along the sofa to the door, kitchen, stairwell and stairs, and the fire spreads on the first floor and goes upstairs..." Ren thought, "it's feasible, but I always think there's a problem." He continued to rummage through the photos.

"Look at this one." Gong Yingxian handed him a picture of the scene, "is it normal that the curtains were not damaged by such a big fire?"

"Although the curtain is highly combustible, it must be the latter that attracts fire more than the combustion supporting agent." Ren Xuan frowned. "However, even if the fire spread along the combustion supporting agent and the curtain is so close to the sofa, it should be burned out, only half of it..." an idea flashed in his mind, "wind."

"The wind?" Qiu Yan said, "do you mean the wind direction?"

"Yes, the wind direction is too important in a fire. It can completely control the spread direction of the fire. Assuming that there is a wind sucking and igniting the fire in the opposite direction of the curtain, it can explain why the curtain can survive the second half, so the direction of the wind is..." Ren Yu looked at the model of the villa, "East, kitchen window?"

Qiu Yan said in surprise, "the murderer opened the kitchen window? It was late autumn. No one would forget to close the window."

Gong Yingxian found the photo of the kitchen. After the explosion, it was seriously damaged. Only the wooden frame window was indeed open, but it was impossible to judge whether it was caused by man-made or explosion shock wave.

"There's a problem." Ren Yu frowned deeply, "I can understand why the murderer led the fire to the kitchen, because there are a lot of electrical appliances and gas in the kitchen, but according to the trace of combustion supporting agent, that is, the trace of pouring gasoline, the fire went east, and he ignited in the living room. Look at the structure of this floor, didn't he trap himself in the fire?"

They observed the model: "yes, the door is on the way from the living room to the kitchen. How can he escape?"

"He can only go upstairs." The red dot of the laser pen in Gong Yingxian's hand stayed on the stairs.

"It's unrealistic. There's also a combustion aid on the stairs. He ignites the combustion aid in the living room and runs upstairs? No way, he can't run faster than the fire spread. If he poured the combustion aid after lighting the living room, he added fuel to the fire and may set himself on fire, arsonists with some common sense don't dare to do so. Even if he didn't get burned after doing so, what happens when he goes upstairs? The windows are sealed. He'll trap himself in the fire. "

"Isn't this a paradox? Isn't the fire in the living room?"

"Even if the fire is in the kitchen, he can't get out."

The three fell into meditation. It seemed that something was ready to come out, but they just couldn't think of it.

After a long time, Gong Yingxian said, "we are preconceived. If the murderer didn't light a fire in the house."

Ren Yu's eyes lit up: "yes, he can leave the villa after pouring gasoline and light a fire from the kitchen window!"

Qiu yanfan looked at the photos of the kitchen and living room: "but in this way, how to explain these V-shaped burn marks and floor burn pits in the living room? Aren't these all evidence of the fire point?"

Ren Yi's heart sank and hesitated: "I have a guess, but..."

Gong Yingxian said decisively, "no, but just say it."

"Imagine that I am a murderer. I know a lot about fire and the means of fire investigation. I want to forge a man who is afraid of crime and commits suicide by arson. What should I do first? I want to erase the traces of me in this house and make everything look like it was done by the people in the house. In short, it is a secret room fire. What should I do?"

They looked at him solemnly.

"First, I pour gasoline in the kitchen, corridor and stairs to the second floor, and open the kitchen window. Then I leave the house and throw the fire in from the kitchen window. The fire will spread from the kitchen to the second floor in an instant." Ren Yi narrowed his eyes and his eyes were cold. "Then I went back to the house, poured gasoline into the living room sofa and lit the sofa."

Qiu Yan stared and said, "two fire points!"

"This is the most reasonable explanation I can think of. First, after the kitchen gas explosion, a lot of evidence was destroyed, such as whether the window was opened and the trace of the fire point. Although the kitchen is also like the fire point, if there is a more obvious and clear fire point in the living room, the investigators will prefer the living room and will not think of two fire points."

"You're right." Gong Yingxian said in a deep voice, "however, although the kitchen window was destroyed, the living room door was basically intact. According to the report, its lock was forcibly damaged by firefighters during rescue. It can't prove the integrity of the lock before firefighters destroyed the lock, so it can't prove that someone illegally invaded."

Qiu Yan sat slowly in his chair, Murmured: "Everything else makes sense except that the curtains are a little suspicious. If the kitchen explodes, it can not prove that the windows have been opened, and the door has been damaged by rescue workers, it can not prove the illegal invasion. Whether it is lighting a fire in the living room or in the kitchen, once the fire breaks out, the arsonist has no way out but to run upstairs, which can point to the arsonist, that is, the people in the house, that is, deep in the fire Male masters with full suicide motivation under the pressure of production accidents, laws, debts and public opinion! "

The more analysis, the more cold they felt. Assuming that Ren Yu's guess is correct, the murderer set up a bureau without obvious flaws to disguise a murder as suicide. If there were internal investigators to help destroy the evidence and mislead the investigation, and the male host had a suicide motive, it would look seamless.

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