Gong Yingxian is busy investigating the case day and night, while Ren Yu is busy studying the evidence materials and squadron affairs of the Gong family arson case. They haven't seen each other for a week or two. They have contacted occasionally, and they are all related to various cases. Both of them have a tacit understanding not to mention private affairs. As long as they don't mention private affairs, their relationship seems normal.

Recently, Ren Yu often looks through several photos of Gong Yingxian secretly taken by him and secretly remembers the kiss. He regretted that when they had the best relationship, they didn't take a group photo. The two big men took a selfie with their mobile phones. Now he thinks he's very regretful. Why care so much.

I don't know if I will have a chance to take a group photo. They both face the camera and smile from their hearts.

These days, Ren Yu also took time to see his father. The old man was well taken care of in the hospital and gained a few pounds. He was full of praise for the environment and care here, which made Ren Yu very comforting.

Qu Yangbo accompanied him this time, because he was not allowed to act alone, from leaders to soldiers, including Gong Yingxian.

On the way back, he was chatting. Qu Yangbo suddenly pointed to the bus stop and said in surprise, "Hey, is that the actor?"

Ren Yu looked around. On the huge billboard of the bus station, there was a beverage advertisement shot by a team of stars. They wore similar clothes. It seemed that they came from a variety show, in which there was a familiar face - Qi Xiao. He was a little surprised: "it seems that it's really Qi Xiao." At a glance, he was not sure.

"I'll check." Qu Yangbo took out his mobile phone. "It's him. He just got on this popular variety show. The gossip news said that he is the artist held by song's media this year. Ouch, a film he just received is a match for Zhou Xiang."

Ren Yi thought that song Juhan really counted his words. He didn't expect song Juhan to hold Qi Xiao so much: "it seems that he is finally going to be angry. That's great."

"You two..."

"No contact." Ren Yu thought of the last side of the two. What Qi Xiao said now seems to be coming true soon. He is very happy for Qi Xiao.

"The man looked at himself before. He was handsome, but he didn't have the feeling of luminescence like song Juhan. Now pack it and look really handsome."

"People's temperament should be cultivated."

"Styling is also important." Qu Yangbo glanced at Ren Yu and tried to stop talking.

Ren Yu caught his furtive eyes: "you want to inquire about Gong Yingxian and me again, don't you? I think you're really idle. Go and make a girlfriend when you have time."

"Idle fart. I can't coax you. I can't coax my girlfriend. I don't have time."

"He and I are still like that. We only talk about work, not personal affairs."

"In fact, he has nothing to say to you. He takes care of your father so well."

Ren Yu smiled bitterly: "he is good at everything, but he doesn't like me."

Qu Yangbo sighed softly, "I'm not used to such literary and artistic words."

Ren Yu smiled and scolded, "get out."

"What about the case? Any news?"

"They have found the place where they made the bomb. It is estimated that they are about to lock in a major member of the organization. Now many lines are checking in parallel. The whole branch is busy. I'm afraid he doesn't have time to eat and sleep."


"What's the use of..."

"In fact, I think what he said that day was obviously angry. Don't take it too seriously. If he really hated you, he would have been far away from you. He obviously still attached great importance to you."

"Maybe he just needs me to help him investigate the case."

"Don't think people so cold. You are friends of life and death, and more than once. This is not an ordinary friendship."

Ren Yi pretended to shrug his shoulders easily.

At this time, Ren Yu's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it happened to be gong Yingxian.

Qu Yangbo winked and said, "it's him."

"Drive your car." Ren answered the phone, "hello."

"You just went to see your father?"

"Yes, I'm going back. Lao Ren is very happy in the hospital. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Gong Yingxian said, "I need your help."

"You say."

"We made a new discovery in that abandoned playground."

"What did you find?"

"In a well, there are bodies."

"Where is the playground?"

"It's not in your jurisdiction. We don't want to find the local fire brigade. There are a lot of people. Now we try to keep all the investigations confidential."

"OK, you send me the address and we'll go there now."

After hanging up, Qu Yangbo asked, "what's the situation?"

Ren Yi said reluctantly, "go down the well to dig a corpse. Do you want to go?"

Qu Yangbo even wrinkled his facial features and said reluctantly, "go."

Ren Yu looked at the address sent by Gong Yingxian: "this should be the jurisdiction of the western suburb squadron. Do you know their captain? You have to say hello to the captain. Needless to say, it's easy to misunderstand if they see our car."

"This is from another district. I don't know. I'll let the chief of staff coordinate."

On the way, Ren Yi called Gog to let him drive, and they went directly to save some time.

They arrived at the scene before dark.

The fire engine of their squadron has arrived. Gog and Gong Yingxian are talking next to the well.

Ren Yu glanced at the scene and sank in his heart. The well was not a sewage well, but a foundation well. The difficulty of going down was not the same order of magnitude as the sewage well.

"Ren team, instructor." Gog saw them from a distance and shouted, "this well is conservatively estimated to be 20 fucking meters deep."

Qu Yangbo said, "foundation well?"

Ren Yu walked over and looked at Gong Yingxian. He suddenly remembered what had happened at Gong Yingxian's house that day. Gong Yingxian obviously thought of the same thing. They both avoided each other's eyes.

Gong Yingxian coughed: "Captain Gao said it was difficult to go down this well?"

Ren Yu stood by the well and looked down. It was dark and bottomless. Just looking at it made people feel angry.

This is a typical foundation well, which may be left by a building abandoned in the middle of the amusement park. The foundation well is different from the blowdown well. The blowdown well is designed to allow people to go down for maintenance. Although the environment is bad, it will be fine as long as it is equipped. The foundation well is used to fill cement, not for people. It is narrow and deep, and more than 20 meters is not deep. Many high-rise foundation wells are often hundreds of meters, and things fall like falling into the center of the earth, I'll never see it in my life. It's a great choice for discarding the body.

Gao Ge said: "this well is not particularly narrow. It has a diameter of 70 cm. It can go down, but it's not easy to go down." He looked at Ren Yu, "if there are living people below, how can we all get down, but the dead..."

Ren Yu didn't speak. He understood what Gog meant. Although he could go down, it was dangerous. I'm afraid it wasn't worth taking the risk in order to dig the body.

The dangers of foundation wells are multiple. In addition to being narrow and deep, the underground environment is extremely bad, dark, anoxic, wet and cold, claustrophobic, and there is a risk of collapse, which is a double test of the physical and psychological quality of soldiers. The only good thing about this well is that it's winter. The soil is frozen and it's unlikely to collapse.

Gong Yingxian said, "Ren Yu, if it's dangerous, forget it."

"How did you find bodies underground? You can't see them in broad daylight."

"The evidence found in the playground, coupled with Wang Rui's crazy testimony, was inferred. During the day, we put down the instrument and determined that there was a body."

Ren Yu stood up and sighed: "a few years ago, we also encountered a foundation well to save people. Gao Ge, you didn't come at that time, but you should have studied."

Gao Ge nodded: "at the construction site of Zhongnan building, a two-year-old child of a worker husband and wife fell in."

Ren Yu said, "this is a fairly wide foundation well, which can barely get down. The well is narrow enough... We found the thinnest soldiers in Beijing, and they can't get down. Only children can get down."

"And then?" Gong Yingxian asked.

"Later, there was no way. Everyone knew that the child was 100% gone. There was groundwater below, but he was saved. He had to dig the ground for eight days before he dug out the child's body." Ren Yu looked at the well again. He wanted to ask Gong Yingxian if he was in a hurry.

But he realized that this was nonsense. How could he not be in a hurry? Now the whole Hongwu branch is racing against time to investigate the case. For fear that Ziyan will do more terrible things and hurt more people if it is too late. The bodies underground may provide them with important evidence.

Gong Yingxian nodded: "how many days will it take? I'll find someone as soon as possible."

"Forget it, it's the coldest time now. The soil is frozen. It's a waste of time." Ren Yu took a deep breath, "let's go. I'll go down and explore the way first."

Gong Yingxian has regretted that he didn't understand the danger of going down the foundation well before. Just now, Gao Ge told him a lot. His heart tightened at the thought of putting Ren Yu down. He immediately said, "dig it. As you said, there are no living people below. It's not worth taking such a risk."

"At least there is no risk of collapse now. We should try. If the body below can provide useful clues, it's worth it."

Gong Yingxian stopped talking and looked at Ren Yu with concern.

"It's all right. I'll be careful."

Gog said helplessly, "you go first, I'll be the second."

"Forget it, you are tall and fat. Let Sun define the second."

Gao Ge arranged to prepare all the equipment and equipment. They set up a support above the well and sent the air bottle to the bottom of the well to "deliver oxygen" to the bottom of the well.

Seeing that Gong Yingxian was frowning and his face was cloudy, Ren took the initiative to say, "don't worry, I'm not going down the well for the first time. In fact, the most dangerous thing about the foundation well is soil falling and collapse. Generally, there will be no such situation in northern winter. If I lack of oxygen or physical strength, they will pull me up immediately. There will be no big event."

Gong Yingxian murmured, "if I knew it was so dangerous, I wouldn't let you come."

Qu Yangbo stood not far from them. Hearing this dialogue, he immediately raised his eyebrows.

Ren Yu smiled lightly: "my job is so dangerous. I'm still alive and kicking. Today, I'm the captain of the western suburb squadron. If he knows that going down this well can help you catch the arsonist as soon as possible, he will also go down. Don't worry."

Gong Yingxian stared at Ren Yu and gently bit his lips.

"Team Ren, all right."

Ren Yu returned to the well. He took off his heavy cotton clothes and put on his light rescue clothes. At this time, his warm clothes include thermal underwear, sweater, rescue clothes and warm baby. In the winter night of minus 12 degrees, it is better than nothing.

He began to warm up.

Gong Yingxian looked at Ren Yu's rapidly frozen red ears and was very distressed.

After warming up, he put on his mask, rescue rope, lighting lamp, walkie talkie and other tools, hung the rope and was slowly put down by the soldiers.

The four walls of the foundation well are wet and cold. The temperature drops with each meter. With his body, he will hit the wall almost with a little action. The lower he went, the more he felt depressed. He was surrounded by cold frozen soil, a narrow night sky above his head, and a dark abyss under his feet. He was like wrapped in a bottomless pipe, or swallowed into the huge mouth of a monster. He hung up and down, nothing but unknown fear, penetrating into every pore of him.

Ren Yu tried to adjust his breathing. He can't bring an empty bottle. He depends on his mask to worry about the underground air. The underground air is thin and too nervous will only make him lack of oxygen.

He was shivering with cold, and his hands and feet began to feel stiff.

"Ren Yu, how's it going?" Gong Yingxian shouted from above.

"Keep playing." Ren Yi said tremblingly.

Finally, Ren Yu's foot stepped on the ground. He said in the intercom, "it's the end."

"24 meters." Gog said.

Ren Yi raised his hand and wanted to adjust the angle of the flashlight. As a result, his fingers were too stiff and did not hold it firmly. The flashlight fell to the ground with a bang. He looked down and his heart was like a hard blow. What he stepped on was ice. There was a thin layer of soil on the ice. When the strong light of the flashlight penetrated the soil layer, a skull appeared impressively under the ice. The deep dark eye socket was right below the flashlight. Its whole face was upward, as if it was looking up at the sky overhead until death. It looked at the sky day and night, and buried itself in a deep well. If the deceased had a spirit, how could it be willing to enter reincarnation.

Ren Yu took a breath. He was ready for what he had underground, but he still felt creepy.

"Well, see."

"Yes, but it's hard to get. It's frozen." Ren Yu tried to squat down to pick up the flashlight, but found that he could barely squat, and his hands could not reach the ice. Finally, he picked up the flashlight with both hands and feet. In the oxygen thin environment, this action had made him pant.

"You have to melt the ice first." Quyang channel.

Gong Yingxian frowned and said, "no matter what method to melt the ice, it will destroy the body. Only by preserving the status quo of the body to the greatest extent can the forensic medicine give the identification closest to the truth."

Ren Yu felt that his breathing was becoming more and more blocked. I'm afraid the air from the bottom of the well had been almost consumed by himself. He said, "that can only be smashed. The damage to the body can be less. The ice is not deep."

"If you smash it, you have to fall down." Sun defined, "it's easier to lack oxygen when you fall down. You have to change people frequently. I'm afraid we're not enough."

Ren Xuan began to feel dizzy and couldn't stand the cold. He said, "pull me up first."

They quickly dragged Ren Yu up.

Back to the ground, Ren Yu took off his lower cover and took a big breath of fresh air. His lips were purple with cold and his whole body was shaking. Gong Yingxian just wanted to come forward to help him. Qu Yangbo put on his coat first, pulled him up, and stuffed a thermos cup into his hand: "drink some hot water quickly."

Gong Yingxian's eyes suddenly showed a lost color.

Ren shuddered and drank: "there is not enough oxygen underground. Transfer an exhaust fan to completely replace the air. We don't have enough hands. We still have to find the western suburb squadron for help."

Qu Yangbo said, "you rest, I'll arrange it."

After Qu Yangbo left, Gong Yingxian looked at Ren Yu anxiously, but he didn't know what to say. The only thing he wanted to do now was to hold Ren Yu in his arms and cover him warm.

But he can't do it. He doesn't have that position.

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