By the time Takashi returns it is already midnight and Rukia has already fallen asleep on the comfortable bed while waiting for his return when he entered the bed to hug her from behind and saying "Is this how you fall asleep without covering yourself, what if you catch a cold from staying this high. "

"Since you have returned I won't anymore. " without opening her eyes says Rukia in her half-asleep state.

"Aaaaa~ so you were expecting me to warm you all along. " says Takashi with a smile as he tightened his hug on her before puts his face on her shoulder as well as pulls her closer.

"What you don't want to? " says Rukia turning herself the next moment before opening her eyes to look at his as a mischievous smile formed on her lips.

"If you are so eager what am I afraid of? " asks Takashi before he brings his face closer to her and asks "You were pretending to be asleep all along, weren't you. "

"How can I be asleep when you aren't back? " whispers Rukia with a smile before her face gets covered in a red blush.

"Oh~ you were impatient to be hugged by me, is that it? " says Takashi as his lips come closer to her.

"Would you believe if I say I wasn't? " Rukia says as she takes the initiative to close the distance between their lips and kissed him without any shame.

After a very long kiss, the two of them finally parted when Rukia was out of breath while Takashi says with a smile "Someone is very impatient. "

"Can you stop already… "Rukia said with an impatient tone as you can see the l.u.s.t in her eyes and face and it's up to you to imagine the rest of their action on the bed.

The next morning it was the morning cold that woke them from their sleep as Takashi asks in confusion "How did I end up on the floor? "

"I don't know. " says Rukia shaking her head as she looks at her lover on the floor with hardly anything covering himself.

"Can you not tear my clothes next time, please? " asks Takashi while using his magic to not only clean the room but also create clothes for him and Rukia.

"Who asks you to were clothes that are hard to remove. " says Rukia with a smile.

"What is the fun in something easily achievable? " asks Takashi with a smile looking at her.

"You do that on purpose. " asks Rukia in disbelief.

"No, you just get impatient at that time. " says Takashi before he took out a bathtub and they both get inside the bathtub full of water.

While looking at the bathwater Rukia says "Yesterday not long after you left Renji visited me to inform me about Ichigo and everyone. " 

"Yes I had gone to look at their progress but from what I saw they aren't prepared for a fight against a Captain by far at this moment. " says Takashi without hiding anything from her.

"Do you want to train them? " asks Rukia with a curious face.

"Maybe push them a little bit, however, training and improve now that is a whole new story since it's them when need to work hard if they want to get stronger. " says Takashi shaking his head.

"Yeah, says the guy who helped me regain my power to the pick and beyond in just a week from my all-time low. " says Rukia in refusal to believe him.

"You regained your power because the base of power was already there while they need to become stronger little by little and if I do something there can be some unexpected accidents. " explained Takashi shaking his head before he walks out of the bathtub and covered himself with a Shinigami attire.

"Are you going to return to them just so you can make sure they are alright? " walking out of the bathtub asks Rukia with a smile as she wore her white dress for the prisoners.

"Am afraid so. " says Takashi with a sigh as the bathtub vanished from the room and planting a lite kiss on Rukia's forehead Takashi walks out of the door.

"Be safe. " looking at his says Rukia as she remembers his words from last night while whispering "I am not sure if I can live here till the execution date and escape before then.

While before I wanted to delay the date now whe I have made up my mind to leave Soul Society with him I want it to come sooner. "


10th Division.

"Where do you think you are going? " after leaving Rukia to rest on the bed Takashi arrived at the front door of Rangiku's bedroom and before he can even take a step inside the room he was stopped by a short silver-white hair kid.

"Lieutenant Hitsugaya it was Captain Rangiku who called for me very early in the morning? " said Takashi with a smile on his face as he observed Toshiro Hitsugaya.

"Captain called for you but why don't I know anything about it? " asks Toshiro in confusion remembering how his Captain makes him do most of the works related to the office when she is busy with tbe other works and it is himself who would be responsible for calling anyone who needed to be called by his captain, so he has some doubts on this Shinigami who has a mark of their Division on his clothes but not known to him 'Is it possible this guy stop some Shinigami outfit from our division then came here in Captain's quarters with some evil motive.

With Captain's beauty, it's not impossible, I need to stop him before he takes advantage of her. '

"I don't know. " says Takashi shaking his head while giving Toshiro an innocent smile which indicates his innocence.

'Maybe I was wrong in assuming him to be evil and from his face, there is no trace of malice that can be seen even if he doesn't look good in my eyes.

I think Captain needs him to do some minor chores which do not need my attention and just called for him. ' thought Toshiro with a nod as he deducted before saying "Alright you can knock on the door before asking for her permission and tell her I am outside practicing and available for instructions. "

"Thank you, Lieutenant Hitsugaya. " says Takashi with a smile as he directly entered Rangiku's room without knocking making Toshiro surprised at his bravery.

While Takashi is inside Rangiku's room Toshiro went to practice his Swordsmanship when the sound of repeated knocking comes from Rangiku's room making him confused before he stops to ask "What does Captain Matsumoto want him to do that requires constant knocking??? "

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