Bleach: In World Of Soul With A System

Chapter 17 - Arrival of Gotei 0 part 2

Edited by_dark spider

Soul Society.


Gotei 1.

"Can you guys be a little less violent to me?

What if I had become dumb from that punch of yours?" asked Takashi with resentment as he sat on Yamamoto's chair while rubbing on the top of his head where Chojiro had punched him on the head.

"When was the time you weren't a dumb person, kid?"  Yamamoto asked with a smile as he gave a side glance at Takahashi.

"That was a good one Captain." Chojiro said with a chuckle as he put his hand up to where Yamamoto gave a high five before also chuckling "Right?"

"Damn I hate you, two old mean men."  Takashi said in frustration while looking at the Captain and the Vice-Captain of Gotei 1 who are known for their strict and serious nature but here they are making fun of him. Are they the same Yama and Chojiro anymore?

"Like we give a damn about you hating us." said Chojiro with a laugh.

"I will also get a chance one day." Takashi announced with irritation 

"Yes sure and we will be waiting for that day." Said Yamamoto with a chuckle.

"Damn it." Takashi said with anger and before he can argue anymore they felt someone's spiritual pressure outside and the two old men went serious as he asks "Come on keep laughing why did you go silent at the presence of someone outside."

"I don't know what you are talking about." 2x.

A few moments later Kirio Hikifune a slender woman with Captain Haori of the Gotei 12th and long purple hair entered the meeting hall of Gotei 1 and looking at Takashi who is still sitting on the seat of the 1st Captain asked with a curious face "Why do you have a sad face Takashi–san?" 

"Kirio–sam my love you are finally here the two old men are bullying me again." Said Takashi with a sad face as he moved near Kirio to give her a hug aiming at her b.r.e.a.s.ts.

"Stop lying and trying to get any advantage of Captain Hikifune you little pervert." suddenly Hiyori the lieutenant of the Gotei 12 punched Takashi on the head making him fell on the floor before he can hug Kirio Hikifune before she announces.

"It's you, the short stuff again." Takashi says in annoyance as he turns towards Hiyori in irritation.

"What did you say you little pervert?" asked Hiyori in anger hearing Takashi calling her short.

"Don't be mean to Takashi–san, Hiyori?" said Kirio with a smile as she puts her hand on Hiyori's right shoulder.

"As you command Captain." said Hiyori with a smile when a chuckle came from the outside "what is the reason for the commotion in the Captain assembly Hall?"

"Yoruichi my darling, everyone is bullying your husband. Do something about them?" hearing the call from outside Takashi vanished from his spot before arriving at the door and giving a tight hug to the dark-skinned and purple-haired beauty who just entered the Assembly Hall. 

"Let go of Lady Yoruichi, you little pervert!" asked little Soi Fon in resentment as she finds Takashi hugging her lady the moment she entered the Assembly Hall.

"It has nothing to do with you So I Fon don't put your nose between me and my darling wife to be." Takashi said with a serious face before he looked at Yoruichi "Right darling?"

"Takashi–san when did I agree to marry you?" although Yoruichi has a good feeling for Takashi however she has yet to agree to his proposal so she asks him with a warm smile.

"Not you too." as it stuck by lightning Takashi turned into stone he says in sadness freezing on the spot. 

"You heard her now let go." while Takashi is stuck in spit Soi Fon moves Yoruichi by pulling her away from Takashi while saying "Let's do and take our position, my lady."

"He is such a drama." Yamamoto said with a small smile.

"I think he had surpassed Captain Kyoraku." said Chojiro with a smile.

"I am afraid he might have." Yamamoto said with a worried face as he looked at Takashi before giving a sigh and saying as he shook his head "Kids this day."

"Takashi–san is really pitiful maybe I need to help him?" Kirio said with worry as she looks at Takashi froze in place.

"How can you worry about the little pervert who went running to Yoruichi San the moment she arrives." Hiyori said with a serious face as she stops Kirio before looking at Takashi "Also this proves my point from before he is not good enough for you."

"But he is such a charming boy?" Kirio said with a blushed face.

"Captain??? " Hiyori shouts with a shooter's face as she couldn't believe her ears.

"Little Soi Fon don't be like that, Takashi needs me." Yoruichi says with a worried face as she looks at Takashi's sorry face.

"No, you can't captain because if you go near him then he might take it the wrong way." Soi Fon said in a hurry while thinking 'Besides I won't let you be his if he doesn't include me as well.'

Retsu Unohana the Captain of the Gotei 4 found Takashi at the gate of the assembly hall frozen in a spot as if he had lost his soul and walking beside him asks with a kind smile as she held his hand to check his condition "Are you, alright Lieutenant Nohara?"

"Captain Unohana my angel you are the only one who can heal my broken heart." feeling the gentle touch as the sweet voice of kindness gets in his ears, Takashi comes back from his stopper before holding Unohana's hand as she confesses.

"You are so funny Lieutenant Nohara." Unohana said with a smile as she puts her free hand on her mouth to cover her elegant smike before saying "But of course I will help you any way I can as it Is the duty of mine as a doctor."

"Captain you don't need to waste your time in helping Lieutenant Nohara let me help him instead." Seinosuke Yamada the lieutenant of Gotei 4 enters the assembly hall before saying with a smile.

"Who needs your help Seinosuke?" Hearing a man who wanted to help him made Takashi angry as he shot Seinosuke an irritated stare before saying.

"Oh~ my Lieutenant Nohara you are so energetic with a few words from Seinosuke and I think you are all better now and don't need my help anymore."  Unohana said with a giggle before moving away from Takashi and taking her place in the assembly hall. 

"Damn it Seinosuke now even my Angel Unohana has left me and it's all your fault." said Takshi in frustration.

"I am not sure what I have done to make you angry but I am truly sorry for my actions that displeased you." Said Seinosuke with an apologetic face as he looks at Takashi.

"Damn it Seinosuke now that you say that I cannot hate you anymore." Takashi said with annoyance before taking the spot for the Gotei 10.

"Why are you in a bad mood today little brother?" asked Shunsui Kyoraku with a laugh as he came beside Takashi followed by his beautiful Lieutenant Lisa Yadomaru.

"If you allow me to date beautiful Lisa then I will tell you." Takashi said with a serious face.

"I am not interested anymore."

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