Bleach: In World Of Soul With A System

Chapter 32 - End Of Civil War part 3



After the clash between the tornado of Water and Wind lightning started sparkling around it and destroyed a few building and killed some devils from both sides before the tornadoes exploded when it wasn't able to counter the other which claims the life of a few more devils in the process but in a war, some death is not unexpected and so the fight continued without any stop else someone else will claim your life if you are not focused enough.

When the explosion happened Takashi got pushed back from the shockwave and even lost control of his water for a moment when he discovered something moving at him with tremendous speed and focusing on it he found it to be Razevan who now had silver armor covered his body.

"Is this armor what is providing him with this boosted strength? " Takashi asks himself with surprise before shaking his head in disappointment "How disappointing here I thought he had something more to offer but it is only a minor boost in strength comparing to Sirzechs and Ajuka combined.

Anyhow it is still not where it can threaten me. "

"Playtime is over now I am going to kill you and show Grayfia that she had made a mistake then I will… " Razevan shouts with a crazed smile as he arrives in front of Takashi while the violent wind is covering his body using which he punched Takeshi towards his face just to be stopped by Takashi's b.a.r.e hand.


Although Takashi was playing around with Razevan because of his curiosity as he wants to know how long he can keep up and how much his strength gets enhanced by the armor which gives him the look of a Knight in silver armor however insulting his close one is not something he can tolerate and not to mention his wife whom he loves dearly.

So when Razevan insults Grayfia his patience has run out and he decided to hold no more and end this pointless battle right here and right now and without letting Razevan finish his monologue Takashi held his fist before punching Razevan on the face with condensed cold water and sending him crashing on the ground.

After Razevan crashed on the ground and gets buried under the destroyed buildings of the city Takashi says with a cold tone while looking at Razevan "You are truly brave and that is truly commendable and I have to agree to that because even after that much trashing from last time you still dare to show yourself in front of me but I am not going to tolerate you for you have dared to insult my woman. "

"That was a good one and I am surprised you can catch me off-guard when I was least expecting but that is all just a one time luck nothing more and now that your one time luck has run out I will show your place for insulting the Nobel blood of the true heir of the Lucifer. " said Razevan with a loud shout after pushing all the destroyed fragments of the building under which he was buried using a strong wind thrash which turned all the rocks into dust.

As Razevan's show of might wasn't small the dust flies far and wide but the heavy rain also washed the city clean from the dirt in no time.

"Like I will give you the chance to try anything I don't want. " Takashi said with an emotionless face arriving behind Razevan and saying with a cold tone before he condensed a large amount of water into a small ball which is freezing even his hand before he thrust it at the back of Razevan mercilessly and the next moment he arrives a few hundred meters away from Razevan.

After Takashi lands on the building far from Razevan who got the hit from Takashi's attack not only Razevan but also the few hundred meters area around him turns into ice instantly and everything the water drops from the explosion touches turns into ice as well.

Grayfia used her magic to create a barrier to stop the water from touching her but her barrier was still frozen solid.

Sirzechs and the other 3 Kings used all their power to stop the water drop from touching their followers and family members from getting contacted by the water as well when they felt the danger of this attack a moment ago.

While all the members of the Old Satan Faction who are at the Ultimate Class only saved the High Class with their best ability but still some of the High class lost their lives and the rest of the members who joined in the war lost their lives instant after getting frozen.

While the living beings are affected by the attack the city is also not in such good condition as the whole city of Lillith has now turned into a huge wasteland of Ice after the explosion.

"That was dangerous? " said Sirzechs with worry as he looks at the condition of the whole city at the moment.

"We were lucky that Grayfia-san had warned us at the last moment if not I can not imagine what will happen to everyone. " Ajuka said with a serious face.

"Takashi's more amazing than I had thought but it is just on a whole another level than I had imagined him to be. "said Serafall with a smile.

"We had underestimated his strength all along and it looks like it's not only us we were holding back but he was also and the amount he was holding back is far greater than all of us. " said Sirzechs with a worried smile.

"No wonder he was moving so fast while fighting with us and he said he is only fast but what about this strength he is displaying at the moment? " asks Ajuka with a sigh.

"He didn't want to make the future ruler of the Devils feel inferior so he was holding back all this time but it appears the threat of Razevan is so great he doesn't have any other choice but to show you all your right place. " Grayfia said with a chuckle as the ice on her barrier shattered into pieces.

Hearing the way Grayfia spoke the 4 Great Satans were left wondering since when was she like this and why had they never seen her speaking this way in front of Takashi but something didn't feel right as Takashi is still looking at the position of Razevan with a serious face as if something is wrong over there.

"How can it be? " asks Grayfia with surprise as everyone saw the ice in the center position where Takashi has attacked is now cracking slowly.

"How can someone be alive after that magnitude of attack? " asks Serafall in surprise.

"Why did the Magical signature of Razevan change so suddenly? " asks Ajuka in surprise.

"It is also increasing drastically and I don't think it is Razevan who is under the ice but if my guess is not wrong it should be Draghignazzo who has taken over his body. " said Sirzechs with a grim face looking at the changes in front of them.

"Everyone evacuate the city now else you will not be able to face what is coming out from the Ice. " shouting in a hurry Takashi puts his hand in front while the water around him started condensing into his Zanpakuto as he whispered to himself "Hope I won't have to regret my decision. "

"Everyone let's leave the city as my husband suggested and don't become an obstacle in his battle against the Draghignazzo. " said Grayfia with a serious face.

"I think we should leave now else when it's too late we won't be able to even regret it. " said Serafall with a serious face as she is also feeling the changes in the one and the pressure that Takashi is letting out.

After giving each other a nod everyone in the Anti Satan Faction decided to teleport from the city but Grayfia and Serafall look at Takashi one last time while saying "I believe in you dear/Takashi. "


Just when the final teleportation circle is about to vanish the whole city started shaking as a deep tone came from the ice after a series of laughter "Finally I have retained my freedom. "

Looking at the Ice getting destroyed fast Takashi says with an expressionless face "The to Extinguish Rain the fire and Extinguish everything in the existence Suijin. "

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