Edited by_Dark Spider

"Here, I thought after Orihime became my sister, I wouldn't need to walk home alone." complaint Takashi walking home alone after school finishes today.

Last night after Orihime came to their house his parents arranged a welcome party for her and it lasted late for the night.

So his parents didn't agree to let Tatsuki return home and she stayed in their house.

This morning his parents went to the lawyer to complete all the paper to adopt Orihime and Tatsuki followed them.

When Takashi asks to tag along his mother denied letting him join them and asks him to inform the teacher, Takashi was against it and asks why would he have to inform instead of Tatsuki when he is part of the family, besides can not they just give a call to inform.

Anyhow after that question, Tatsuki started acting all emotional and Orihime also felt bad together with his mother, so he had no other choice but to go to school.

By the time Takashi arrives around the river where he found Karin walking in disorder and almost falling on the ground a few times.

"Why is she walking like that, is she ill?" thought Takashi before quickly running to catch up to her and holding her hand to ask in a worry "Are you feeling ill, Karin?"

"Big…. Brother… Takashi? " says Karin in confusion before she fainted in his hands.

"Damn she is burning, I need to take her to a doctor. \" says Takshi with a serious face before he takes her in a princess carry and started moving towards the Kurosaki residence.


Arriving at the Kurosaki house which is also a clinic, Takashi pressed the doorbell with an impatient face because Karin's conditions are getting worse every moment.

"Coming!" came a shout from inside the house and before long Yuzu opened the door with a smile but the moment she saw Takshi holding the unconscious Karin it vanished to get replaced by worry as she asks in concern "Big brother Takshi, what happened to Karin?"

"I am not sure quickly call your dad over in the clinic while I take Karin to the clinic bed. " Takshi said with a serious face as he walked inside the house and Yuzu quickly went to calm her father.

By the time Takashi has put Karin on the bed, Isshin and Yuzu also arrived in the clinic room and found Takashi putting a moist cloth on Karin's face.

"Let me take a look first." said Isshin with a serious face before he went to check Karin's pulse. 

"How is she dad?" asks Yuzu in concern, while Takshi looks at him for answers.

"She is alright, just an injection and a little rest will be getting her back to normal in no time. " said Isshin with a confident face but the lack of smile proved he is holding something from them.

After Isshin injected an injection into Karin, he asks Yuzu to stay beside her sister and inform him the moment she feels something is wrong, after which he asks Takshi to follow behind him, as he wanted to have a conversation with Takashi.

After leaving the Kurosaki house Takashi and Isshin went to a small restaurant near his home, for a proper conversation where no one can disturb the two of them.

"Is there something wrong with Karin that you don't want to speak in front of Yuzu, uncle? " asks Takashi with a serious face as they take an empty seat.

"Yes, I think it's because of a Hollow." said Isshin with a serious face.

"Hollow? " says Takashi with confusion pretending to be surprised.

"Yes, a Hollow." said Isshin with a serious face.

"What is a Hollow uncle?" asks Takashi in confusion.

"You don't need to pretend Captain, I know it's you" says Isshin with a respectful tone as he used to have back in the Soul Society, making Takashi surprised.

Although he is surprised by the sudden change of tone however he soon calms himself before asking "What are you talking about, also who is the Captain uncle?"

"Please stop pretending and take this seriously because my child's life is on the line and I don't want you to keep pretending." says Isshin with a very serious face.

"How did you know it is me?" asks Takashi with confusion as he stops pretending to be ignorant when he knows how much worried Isshin is for his daughter.

"I had always suspected it is from the time I had seen you in Ichigo's school but you have never used your Shinigami abilities.

So after years, I had thought I made a mistake, however, yesterday while shopping I saw you with an Asauchi and I knew it is you.

But where did you receive the Asauchi?" asks Isshin with a serious face.

'So I had made such a grave mistake in my excitement, I wonder who might have discovered me besides Isshin.' thought Takashi before replaying to Isshin "Yesterday Aizen made a visit and gifted me a new Asaushi."

"Aizen?" hearing the name made Isshin vigilant and shock as if he has seen a ghost.


You see a few days ago Orihime, Tatsuki, and I got attacked by a Hollow and almost got ourselves killed however at the last moment I got my memories back and with it came back my abilities although I didn't have an Asaushi to use my Zanpakuto ability, however, the rest wasn't a problem.

As I had regained my ability not a moment ago I was at a disadvantage but at the crucial time, your son arrived and lent a helping hand." explained Takashi with a smile.

"Yes he is good, isn't he?" hearing the man whom he once looked up to receiving help from his son and getting praised made Isshin very proud.

"Well, he is also my childhood friend if you ask me. " said Takashi with a smile.

"You are right he is and Captain I am very happy to have another opportunity to meet you in this life.

To be honest, I had never expected to meet you once after your death in the Soul Society

Why don't we also tell Yoruichi and Kisuke about you? 

I am sure they will be as happy as I am after learning that you are alive." says Isshin in excitement.

Hearing Isshin mention the name of Yoruichi instantly caused the smile on Takashi's face to vanish and say with a serious face "After what she did, I don't think it is important for us to meet again."

"But Captain she is waiting for you for over a century and she feels guilty for what she did in the past. " says Isshin with an uneasy tone.

"Does it matter after I had lost my life for her?" said Takashi with a serious face then his eyes became sharp as he says "The moment I had lost my life all my feelings for her also died back then."

"But Captain she is been keeping an eye on you for a long time." said Isshin with a serious face.

"I know and I had also visited Mr. Urahara's little shop in the past but that was when I had no memory of my past.

Just pretend I don't know any of them and that will be better for everyone." Takashi explained after a sigh.

"But Captain back then she had to choose between you and her duty." said Isshin.

"You think I don't know that.

Don't forget the moment I arrived there she was half dead with Sou Fon and I was forced to transfer all their injuries in my body so they can be saved and they decided to disregard me just for the mission.

Can you be serious?

I had fought the Hollow that had destroyed all of Soul Society in the past and she was trying to help the residents of the Southern Soul Establishment.

Be honest Isshin, if I didn't die after killing that Hollow that day are you sure anyone can stop him after he had devoured me.

Hell she even said they didn't need my help when I had lost my life just because I transferred all her injuries into my body." asks Takshi in anger.

"Fine, I will not get in between the two if you however you need to be careful of Aizen." warns Isshin with a grave face.

"I am well aware of Aizen's plots and it seems you have forgotten there was no subordinate of mine, who can hide something dark from me.

Even if it's a hundred-year in the future, he is still not worthy to be a threat for me even if he were to use the Hogyoku.

Do remember my death has also given me a few advantages." says Takashi with a confident face and they agreed to not tell anyone about him specially Urahara and Yoruichi.

"Don't worry I will step in when Ichigo is unable to handle the problem." said Takshi with an assuring face as the two of them returned to the Kurosaki house just to catch Karin getting out of the house with hardly any strength in her and can fall any moment as Takashi quickly held her before she falls on the floor "What are you doing outside with your condition Karin?"

"Elder Brother Takashi, help me find Ichigo. " said Karin with a pleading face.

Giving a nod towards Isshin as they both know why she is looking for her brother Takashi says while putting her on his back "Alright."

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