Bleach: In World Of Soul With A System

Chapter 61 - Tsubaki's invitation

Karakura High.

Although the students of the Kendo club had entered the Kendo Tournament yesterday, however, they weren't given any vacation today because at that time Misato argued when the teacher has to work the next day why should the student get a vacation.

Did she even realize it was only the students who took part in the exam not her, but who will correct her when she holds the final marks on their test paper?

Anyway right after Misato left the classroom Ichigo and Rukia also follow behind her with the excuse of an emergency while Takashi walks near Uryu before asking with a smile "How are you doing my best friend? "

"I am working on it, you don't need to remind me all the time. " said Uryu with an annoyed tone looking at Takashi who is now blackmailing him for a position in the student council.

"If you understand. " says Takashi with a nod when Tatsuki comes near to ask in surprise "When did you become so good friend with the nerd precedent Takashi? "

Hearing the sudden question Takashi wanted to explain the story from a few days ago however Uryu quickly stopped him and explained Takashi had helped him in the past when he had lost his dog and thus they became friends after a few more encounters.

After Tatsuki's sudden outburst Orihime and a few more students also surrounded them before starting to ask about Uryu's dog and the process of how they met until the teacher for the next lesson arrived.

Ichigo and Rukia returned to the class only when there were a few minutes left for the next lesson but they were forgiven for different reasons.

After that, there wasn't anything different except today Ichigo and Rukia went out of the class a few more times than usual.


As time passed the school finally ended and Takashi decided to return home with Orihime and Tatsuki was just tagging along with the two of them when the phone in Takashi's pocket started ringing making his companions curious as he took out his phone.

"Why is she calling at a time like this?  " asks Tatsuki in surprise.

"Who is Tsubaki? " asks Orihime in surprise after reading the called id.

"Let's hear what she wants first. " said Takashi with a smile before receiving the call to say "Are you missing me, Tsubaki? "

"No, why would I miss you of all people? " asks Tsubaki in frustration from the other side of the phone.

"It's truly a shame you have forgotten me even after all we have gone through the other day and here I am feeling lonely without you by my side. Sigh~," says Takashi with a sad tone then he saw Orihime looking at him in confusion while Tatsuki is looking at him as if she will hit him any moment so without pretending he went to the point "Anyway what is the reason for you to remember me at this hour when everyone is tired after school. "

"It's not me but the student council President of our school wanted to have a meeting with you. " said Tsubaki with a serious face.

"Your school student council President? " asks Takashi with a thoughtful face but doesn't remember why Sona wants to meet him but he needs to make sure it is not someone else because of his intolerance in the timeline in the past "Is she as cute as you? "

"Yes President Sona is very cute and more beautiful than me but you must never think of doing anything to her, you shameless Perverted bastard. " shouts out Tsubaki from the other side.

"Then when do we meet? " asks Takashi with an excited smile thinking he can get some information from Sona.

"Tomorrow afternoon at the Kuoh back Mountain Shrine. " replied Tsubaki with a serious tone after confirming from someone.

After hearing the time Takashi didn't forget to ask when he saw how Orihime and Tatsuki were looking at him "Can I bring a few friends along? "

"No, you should come alone because this meeting is very important but maybe in the future we can get acquainted with your friends. " says Tsubaki with a serious tone.

"Then see you tomorrow. " said Takashi before disconnecting the call.

"What was all that? " asks Tatsuki looking at Takashi in suspicion.

"Will someone please tell me, who was the girl you were talking with? " asks Orihime in full of curiosity while jumping for an answer.

"Tsubaki is from the Kuoh Academy of the next town and she is the current 2nd place holder of the Western Tokyo Kendo Tournament. " says Tatsuki with a serious face.

"I know her, she is the one who defeated Tatsuki? " says Orihime with an enlightened face hearing Tsubaki's story from Tatsuki.

"Anyhow, why did she want to meet you? " asks Tatsuki with a serious face.

"How will I know? You also heard what we talked about. " says Takashi shaking his head.

"Are you truly going to meet her tomorrow? " asks Tsubaki with a curious face.

"Well, I did agree. " says Takashi with a smile as Tatsuki warns him not to mess around when he visits Kuoh tomorrow while walking back home.

"I am back home " entering the house says Takashi and Orihime with a smile while Tatsuki says " I have come for a visit. "

"Welcome back. " says Tamako from the kitchen.

"Good thing you are back. " walking down the stairs from the second floor, Takashi's father said with a smile then taking out a few bank card asked "Takashi, my laptop charger has broken. Can you get me a new one? "

"No problem dad. " says Takashi with a smile before taking the bank card from his father and asking "Are you going to give me a pair of shoes as well? "

"Yes buy a new pair for your sister and Tatsuki-chan as well. " says Takashi's father with a nod.

"Let's go, you two we, I am going to get that new running shoe, I saw the other day. " asks Takashi in surprise.

"I want the crystal blue one we saw the other day. " said Orihime with an excited face.

"Let's buy similar ones for our friendship.  " said Tatsuki with a nod.

"Return before evening everyone. " shouts Tamako from the kitchen as Takashi and Orihime gave their school bag to Thor as they left the home.


While walking on the streets Takashi discovered Rukia running on the street in distress and before long she crashed into him however before she fell on the floor Takashi quickly held her before asking "Slow down Princess else you might hurt yourself. "

"Takashi you need to help Ichigo..."

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