Edited by_Dark Spider

As the road is quite long and he does not want to use Flash Steps to arrive at the back Mountain of Kuoh Town which is now a Territory of the Demons, so when he entered their territory at that high speed they can discover his abnormal identity so he took a bus for this journey.

After passing the borders of the Karakura town which is the start of the bridge that connect the two towns he can feel the energy in this area doesn't have any influence from Spiritual energy like the Karakura town and neither does it contains any influence of the Demonic energy from Kuoh town, which is under the influence the Devil's.

So this area of the bridge can be called a neutral zone however the moment he passed the neutral Zone and enters the territory of Kuoh he got the same feeling he felt when he entered the Underworld from Soul Society even if it's only a fraction however the same can be said for Karakura town as well.

However, he also discovered it isn't only the Demonic energy that is densely packed in the zone but there are also many supernatural signatures in this town compared to Karakura town and it should have something to do with the Shinigami who doesn't like to have anyone in their area, so the other supernatural entity are afraid to enter that area however Kuoh is different.

While making a judgment on the whole city he soon discovered a very familiar energy signature in the Town as his heart started accelerating and he felt excitement before exclaiming in surprise "It can't be… I need to observe before making any rash decisions."

Although the thought of getting reunited with her made him excited, however, the worry of making a mistake like last time also made him sigh in worry before he decided to wait till confirmation of his discovery, although the energy is similar to her it is also far stronger than how he remembers.

After observation of the supernatural entities in the Town Takashi decided to stop using his spiritual senses for the time being, although he is confident in himself however he doesn't want to take any risks at least not yet.

While looking at the Town through the bus window he soon arrives under the Kuoh back Mountain's bus stop before getting down the bus.

"It seems there is someone on the mountain however it's not Tsubaki." looking at the mountain he again released his spiritual sense only on the mountain for a moment before retreating it after not finding whom he is looking for before he started climbing the mountain stairs when he received a call "Hello Mom."

"Return home before evening." says his mother with a serious tone from the other side of the phone.

"But mom… " Takashi wanted to explain about his situation from the other side however, his mother cuts in without allowing him "Did your grandfather's teaching affected you so much that you have even gone to chase after girls in another town?

Next time I see that old man I will inject him with some drugs that will make his reproductive organs stop working."

"Aunty isn't just a single girl, maybe there is more than one girl. After all Kuoh Academy is an all-girls school, you also need to know it was the girl who has lost against him that has invited him." after his mother's angry outburst he can also hear Tatsuki explaining some more to fuel his mother's anger.

"Tatsuki, don't inform mom about Takashi's secrets else he will get angry. " says Orihime stops Tatsuki which made Tamako angrier as Takashi thought 'Orihime you are making the situation even worse, if I could BS my way out before now it's getting sealed.'

"Mom I can explain myself-" says Takashi with cold sweat from the fear of getting scolded all night long although he doesn't worry about getting hit which his parents never does however the scolding from his mother truly makes him afraid not understanding how can someone scold without repeating even a single world for so long.

"Like I care about your explanation return home before sunset and make sure to not cause any trouble with the girls and only have a conversation about why they called you." commanded Tamako with a serious tone before repeating "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes mom, I will not chase after the girls and only hear what they need from me." says Takashi with a humble tone.

"Return home before evening else I will send your father to pick you up." says Tamako before disconnecting the call.

"This is truly troublesome." says Takashi with a sigh as he warily shakes his head.

"What is troubling you guest?" suddenly asks someone with a sweet tone from the front.

Hearing the charming voice from the front Takashi looks at the front just to discover he has already arrived at the end of the stairs and the top of the mountain can be seen and there he saw a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure with very long black hair and violet eyes.

Her hair is tied in a long ponytail that is reaching down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place and she is wearing the traditional Japanese white shrine maiden robe.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" While cleaning the shrine and hearing someone talking, Akeno was curious to know who was coming to the Shrine.

So when she arrived near the stairs she saw a young man walking on the stairs of the shrine and finally sighing after putting his phone down and saying something is troubling him and asks in curiosity with a smile " What is troubling you guest?"

After hearing her as if the boy got startled and looks at her before stopping moving just to stay on the spot like a statue as if he has frozen on her sight making her confused as she again asks in worry "Why are you looking at me like that, Mr?"

Hearing her worried tone Takashi quickly recovered from his stopper before saying with a smile "Please forgive for my rudeness, it's just you are so beautiful that I couldn't take my eyes off of you."

"Oh~ my, you are overpraising me, Mr." says Akeno with a shy tone as her face went red from embarrassment.

"No, I am truly honest because you are so beautiful that I had even forgotten to breathe for a moment." says Takashi with a sincere expression as he looks at her in the eye.

Although Akeno is well aware of her beauty it is her first time someone praising her beauty so sincerely and from his expression, she can find no l.u.s.t like some devils she had met in the past when she was in the underworld, although this boy doesn't look as handsome as her King older brother however he has a charm that is far superior to her King and another look makes her think this ordinary-looking boy might be more extraordinary than anyone she came across so face.

Finally locking her eyes into Takashi for a while, Akeno couldn't take it anymore and look at him with a shy red face before asking "Please stop saying so many sweet things to me, else I will not be able to take it anymore."

"Please forgive me if I made you feel uncomfortable." when Takashi saw her looking to the side and requesting in a whisper he says with an apologetic tone.

"No, it's alright you don't need to apologize, it's just I am not used to this feeling." says Akeni shaking her head.

"I see." says Takashi in an understanding nod before adding "I am truly sorry for making you uncomfortable but you look cute when you are shy."

"Guest please." finally Akeno hides her face with her hands before saying in a whisper.

"Alright alright, I will stop but you can not blame me." said Takashi with a smile before looking around to ask "Did someone else come before me?"

"No guest." says Akeno shaking her head before asking with a thoughtful face "Have you came here to meet someone?"

"Yea, I was asked by the vice president of the student council of the Kuoh Academy to meet her here for a meeting with the student council president of Kuoh Academy." says Takshi with a nod.

"So you are a guest of the Student Council President Sona?" asks Akeno with a smile 

"Yes, do you know them?" says Takashi with a nod.

"Of course I am a student of the Kuoh Academy myself, so it's normal for me to know them." says Akeno with a smile before introducing herself "I am Akeno Himejima of class 9 A. "

"Oh! Right, I have forgotten to introduce myself." hearing her introduction Takashi quickly nods as she giggles a few putting her hand on her mouth to hide her smile as Takashi continues "I am Takashi Yamamoto from Karakura Junior high class 9 c, I am truly happy to be acquainted with a beautiful girl like you Miss Himejima."

"I am also happy." says Akeno with a smile before she said "Now that you have arrived all the way, won't you have a visit to our Shrine?"

"Please lead the way?" said Takashi with a smile as he follows behind Akeno to arrive at the side of a small shrine made of wood and the condition of the Shrine is also not that good even if it's clean.

After the tour around the shrine and a few conversations, they got well acquainted with one another when Akeno brought green tea for the two of them.

While drinking, Takshi asks "Can it be they had forgotten about me, that is why they have not come?"

"How can you expect me to forget about you after inviting you, it's just I had some work in the student council which made me late."

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