Bleach: In World Of Soul With A System

Chapter 78 - Garden of Silence

It contains only some unimportant information so you are free to skip it and wait for the next chapter tomorrow.

Thank you.


The moment Takashi had removed the Kido barrier Thor immediately discovered the anomaly in his son's energy and without hesitation he decided to contact Odin and asked for him to train Takashi.

Yes, he wanted to let the energy inside Takashi's body stabilize itself before he started training however now it looks like Takashi had done something drastic causing his energy to go out of control slowly and it was evident enough to not delay the training for Takashi.


After stepping through the Portal Takashi discovered a huge forest without the presence of anything in it, there is no soul in the forest, and if you are wondering what about the trees then you need to know all the trees in the forest are already dead.

Yes for miles from his position he discovered no presence as if he is in some desert and the portable is also gone behind him.

Not knowing his location Takashi wasn't sure about his situation when he tried to speak something opening his mouth just to discover no words coming in his ears or it is fine to say he lost the ability to speak.

When he looks at the sky to assume the time he discovered the sky and the sun also lost its color and soon he also notices his body is made of black and white.

'What the hell is wrong with this place, everything is strange, just where am I? ' asks Takashi in surprise not understanding if his dad made a mistake or he has arrived here by accident but one thing he is clear about and that is he doesn't like this place.

'Before taking any drastic actions it's wise for me to look around and make a correct judgment of my present time. ' thought Takashi before he started walking while ignoring the sun the is right above his head.

Walking for hours he finally decided to move using flash steps but no matter how much he ran or walks he can't find the end of the forest and he is quite sure with his speed and the time he had spent here should be enough for him to cover half the planet, however, it is not only the Sun which is unmoving and still above his head but the forest also doesn't have an ending.

Just what is this place and why doesn't it have any end?

Also where the hell is Odin who should be here to train him?

'Fine, if I can't find the end of this forest then I will destroy it. ' thought Takashi with a gloomy face before summoning his Zanpakuto and started channeling Divine energy into it before calling out "Getsuga Tensho. "

When he was done calling the name of the attack a white light covered his Zanpakuto and the moment he swings his Zanpakuto a white wave in the shape of a half-moon went through the forest before destroying the whole forest into a pile of ashes or the area in front of his vision.

Now if you are curious if he can use Getsuga similar to Ichigo or Isshin then it's a no however, it is undeniably true he can use one and that's because he used the same principle of the Getsuga which enables him to use the attack.

So you can also say he calls this move Getsuga because he had copied it from Getsuga and the principal behind Getsuga is channeling as much energy you can into your Zanpakuto before it gets amplified by your Zanpakuto for you to shoot the energy.

Anyway, after he had obliterated the forest the next moment it returned to its previous form as if it wasn't attacked by him at all.

"Fine if a normal attack won't work how about this? " thought Takashi with a serious face before long his body gets covered by a water shell as he calls out "Drown everything into despair, Suijin. "

The next moment the water shell on his body explodes before flying in all directions and everything the water touched turned into the ice while the sky became Dark from clouds as heavy rain started while the Zanpakuto in his hand vanished and he now stood in the middle of the constant burning, freezing and repairing forest with a serious face in his 10 decision Captain haori with a burning white wing Phoenix-like wing which also has a dark shade in it.

Although it's not the first time he has transformed into his Shinigami form after his rebirth however this is his first time releasing his Shikai and it's much stronger than it was previously since it doesn't have multiple forms but only one form which contains all the forms of his previous Shikai.

The power from his Shikai soon started spreading at the speed of light and the place it passed through will have the mark on the sky it is getting covered by dark lighting cloud while on Earth it will burn frize everything that comes in contact with the rainwater.

Standing in the middle of a frozen area of an unknown length Takashi slowly flew towards the sky before he started releasing his Spiritual Energy without restraint for his strongest move ever "Disintegrate everything…  "

"Stop~ " when the whole world of ice started glowing a loud shout suddenly came into his ear no it's direct transmission to his mind and looking ahead he can see his grandfather suddenly arriving in front of him with a flash of light with a worried face.

"Are you satisfied with the show Grandfather?  " asks Takashi with a smile as the glow under him vanishes as he withdraws his energy from his surrounding area.

"Did you know I was watching you, so you pretend to use that high level of the destructive move? " asks Odin with suspicion looking at smiling Takashi who is in his Shinigami form in a Captain dress and a pair of Devine wings on his back.

"No, I was surprised and wanted to destroy this whole space dimension to escape this place," said Takashi with a smile as he transmitted his thoughts shaking his head.

"You are kidding, right? " asks Odin with a sweatdrop learning how his grandson wanted to destroy his beautiful Prison.

"Then you should have waited a little longer and you might get the answer if I was kidding. " said Takashi with a chuckle but his expression was enough of an indication of how serious he was.

"No, it's alright I understand everything very well. " said Odin in disagreement come on why don't you just curse me instead of pretending.

"Anyway what is this strange place? " asks Takashi with a curious face not understanding why he didn't hear about this place which is the exact opposite of the world of the Hollow which is always night and here it's always midday and there is some more anomaly.

"It's the Garden of Silence. "

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