edited by-dark spider

West Rukonagi.

In some forest...

While washing rice after cutting meat into small pieces and its ingredients to cook I heard the Orange haired girl cry for water and quickly washing my hand I went to her side with a glass of hot water.

"Here let me help you drink." sitting on the side of the bed I raised her head before helping her in drinking water.

"Thank you." the Orange haired girl said with a whisper after she drank the water as she looks at me with confusion. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked her with worry as I need to know if she is feeling any discomfort so I can help her as fast as I can.


"I am hungry can you give me something to eat?" was the only thing that came out of her mouth because when you are hungry nothing else but food will be in your mind.

"We don't have anything in the house besides Persimmon." Takashi said quickly moving his hand to bring a few Persimmons from somewhere as she shows them to her before asking "Will it be alright? "

"Thank you very much." Rangiku said with a smile as she nods again and again.

"Then you can eat them while I prepare something to eat." Takashi says with a smile as he gives a dozen Persimmon to her before he returns to prepare all the vegetables.

By the time Takashi finished cutting the vegetables, Rangiku who had finished eating all her persimmon arrived behind him after regaining some strength as Takashi asks with a smile "Do you need some help?"

"No." Rangiku replied with an emotionless tone before asking again "Why?"

"What?" not understanding her issue Takashi asks raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"I am asking why did you help me?" Ranging asks with a serious face looking at Takashi who finally turns towards her before saying "Isn't it obvious when I saw a beauty in distress how can I let her suffer when I can help."

After that Rangiku and Takashi started having a long discussion about how he had found her before bringing her to his house and even explained why she collapsed when normal Souls doesn't get hungry while she collapsed in hunger.

"So you are saying I can also become a Shinigami?" Rangiku asks in surprise because the Shinigami is something she fears and respects just like all the ordinary Souls in the Soul Society.

"Yes you and I, we both can become a Shinigami with proper training." Takashi said with a smile looking at her face when Gin shouts from the outside "Takashi I am back with the wood you better finish cooking fast I am starving."

"Oh Gin has returned." Takashi said with a smile as he went to take the firewood and before he left he didn't forget to introduce Gin and Rangiku.


It's been a few months since Rangiku is living with Gin and Takashi.

As they didn't have an extra room Gin and Takashi had to sleep in the same room before they build another room and Rangiku finally got her room to stay.

"I am going to take part in the Shinigami selection exam are you sure you guys aren't going to join me as well?" Takashi asks with a smile as he stood outside the house.

"You go and try first and we will try next year after you go through the process." Said Rangiku with a smile as she looks at him.

"Yeah, I don't want to fail." was what Gin said with his signature smile.

"Then you will regret when I become someone strong." Takashi said with a smile before leaving the house.


With the help of his vast Spiritual Pressure, Takahashi easily scored 4 out of 5 in the analysis of the Spiritual Pressure and entering the Shino Academy's genius class.

(Getting 5 out of 5 is possible and his pressure is strong enough to destroy the crustal but his Zanpakuto soul is suppressing it for him so he doesn't get much attention from everyone.)


"Where do you think you are walking in?" came a cold tone the moment Takashi sets foot on the door of the room he was assigned to stay in the Dormitory.

"Is it not room number S054." asked Takashi in surprise as he looks at the angry boy who has his black hair tied into a ponytail with the help of a red ribbon.

"Yes, what about it?" asked the boy in annoyance as he is getting interrupted into his metal training by this kid.

After which Takashi explained that he was assigned to this very room to which the other kid shows his disagreement but soon he agrees to let Takashi stay by saying it is just because he is part of a Nobel family who makes rules.

So he who is making rules must not break the rules when they are making it after which Takashi also introduced himself as did the boy who is The young heir of the Kuchiki clan Byakuya Kuchiki.

'Talk about luck the legendary Byakuya Kuchiki has become my roommate while Rangiku and Gin have become part of my family.' looking at Byakuya for a moment Takashi didn't know what to say which irritated Byakuya to no end as he asks in anger "Why are you looking at me as if you are shocked?"

Hearing Byakuya's question Takashi wanted to apologize but soon refrained himself when he hears Byakuya saying "Oh I know you must be shocked by my elegance it's alright I will forgive you for you are a commoner and it's natural."

Hearing him the only thing that came to my mind is 'No wonder Ichigo would say someone as Byakuya when they act arrogant because this guy is the improvement of arrogance which makes me wonder how will he become a Captain with this mindset?'

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