Edited by_Dark Spider

After a good conversation with Kisuke using her hand, Yoruichi arrived at Takashi's home and landing on his balcony discovered him sleeping without a care in the world while hugging the Yokai girl intimately making her anger sour to the high haven.

"A century ago pressing my sadness in my heart and stopping myself from telling all my true feelings after biting my tongue so you don't feel guilty for leaving me behind with the others.

Knowing you will hate me when you die and the love you had for me will be gone because of all that I said that day.

All that was so you feel less guilty and all your attention Is kept on me by not getting worried for others.

When I felt your energy disappearing from you I was so afraid and sad knowing the most important person in my life will be gone soon I wanted to die with you but knowing I have to live cause you sacrificed your life to save me. 

I pretended to make you less guilty and now that you have returned to life why are you not questioning me for reasons and disregarding me?

After bearing the burden for all this year's I had almost given up and wanted to end my life.

So why are you sleeping without care while I am so depressed?" asks Yoruichi in depression as she looks at Takashi when she discovered the Yokai girl trying to kiss him on the cheek to earn her wrath since she is yet to do that even when she is in love with him for over a century while this girl meet him just today, so disregarding all her thoughts she shouts out with a cold tone "Shunko~"

Kuroka who was pretending to be asleep and admiring Takeshi's body when he is in deep sleep wanted to give a kiss on his cheek since she was unable to control her emotions since this guy is so good to her and even if she has met him for the first time the care he had shown towards her is the most care anymore had ever shown for her.

In her life, everyone hates her and wants to hurt or hunt her but this young man who is sleeping right beside her and hugging her like something precious is the only one who didn't show any kind of malicious intention at her and even helped her without caring for her identity.

Even when she told him of her story and even explained how much the Devil's are looking for and will give a good reward if he were to let her get captured he didn't care for that but only felt bad for her sufferings, he wants to help her have a meeting with her sister who hates her.

From all this and now knowing his true identity there is only respect and love for him in her heart since he is the first person to show love to her since forever and she wants to be with him if not as a lover or wife it's ok if he keeps her by his side since that will be enough for her.

And, now that she is alone with him and no one is here to discover her it's alright if she gives a little kiss on his cheek since it's not something crossing the line, right?

However, the world doesn't let you do as you want, and before she can put her lips on his cheek a fraction of strong energy making her feel extreme danger came from the direction of the window as she instantly moves out of the bed before activating her Senjutsu and moving at the balcony to nullify the sudden deathly attack, she ask the purple-haired woman in resentment "What is the meaning of this?"

"Trying to take advantage of him while he is sleeping and asking what is my problem?" says Yoruichi in anger before she again gathered lighting on her hand to stroke the catgirl with twin tails.

Knowing a battle is unavoidable and this attack can cause some damage to the Yamamoto house Kuroka decided to take the fight elsewhere since she doesn't want to disturb her new family and before Yoruichi can land a strike Kuroka covered her body with natural energy then quickly diverting Yoruichi's attack to the sky and before Yoruichi can react she held her by the face before shooting out of the Yamamoto residential area and arriving in an empty park not far away asked with anger "Why do you care about what he and I are doing?"

"If it's not I who cares about him then who would care about him?" asks Yoruichi sending a right hook at Kuroka's face asks Yoruichi before getting freedom from her.

"What is your relationship with him that you need to care for him so much?" asks Kuroka sending a left jab as the both of them were sent flying from their attack.

"Why would I need to explain myself to some nobody like you?" said Yoruichi before collecting herself and looking at Kuroka while taking a deep breath.

"Since you are so hiding your relationship with him that means you are in no position to come in between the two of us." said Kuroka with a mocking smile as she used her kimono sleeve to cover her mouth.

"You don't know anything about us." said Yoruichi with a shout before lightning and wind started forming from her body while the ground under her feet soon starter cracking when she moves towards Kuroka.

Feeling the devastating power in Yoruichi's move Kuroka was surprised before she too gathered all the energy in her body to use Touki which instantly started cracking the ground from the force she puts on her legs before a long white aura covered her body as she moved towards Yoruichi like a bolt of lightning.


The moment the two of them came near one another Yoruichi who is known as the flash goddess and a master of Flash steps easily dodged Kuroka's attack before landing a Shuko empowered fist on her belly to make Kuroka shooting like a cannonball before destroying some bench on the park and finally crashing into a big tree to stop then cough up a mouthful of blood.

Although the attack she received was not something to take lightly and she wanted to nullify it with her Touki however, it looks like her opponent is not only stronger than her but also poses a far greater speed in comparison nonetheless her Touki had stopped most of the devastating power of her opponent from killing her but it still caused her some damage in the end "That one was rather painful and must say you are the strongest opponent I had faced so far."

"I believe you already know from our battle so far that you are not my opponent, so I advise you to leave Takashi and never show yourself to him in your life." walking towards Kuroka said Yoruichi with a cold tone.

"Like I need to listen to a nobody like you whom I hardly know about or who knows Takashi even knows you." standing with some efforts and healing herself at the same time said Kuroka with a serious tone.

"Honestly I didn't want to tell you the truth however you give me no choice and it looks like you will only leave us alone only after knowing the truth." looking at Kuroka with a deep sigh said Yoruichi before she explained "You see Takashi and I had a little misunderstanding between the two of us and now he is angry at me, so he has found you from somewhere to be a substitute for me until we are back in a relationship once again.

So I advise you to leave him before he throws you out himself."

"I finally remembered." after hearing Yoruichi's explanation Kuroka said with a brightened eye as if she had discovered something important before she clapped her hand and says with excitement "Aren't you the one who stopped us from leaving the candy shop earlier?"

"Yes, what about it?" not understanding of the Yokai girl just got some brain-damaged from her earlier attacks Yoruichi says with a surprised face as he wants to know why Kuroka is so excited.

"From how he disregarded you back then before opening the portal it did not take a fool he cares little about you and I don't think I also need to care about what you think besides he never said he wants me as a lover or promised anything, so I am happy just by staying his side.

While you who is even lower than trash in his eye need to worry." explained Kuroka with a series of laughter while looking at Yoruichi.

Hearing the brush truth from a girl who is being with Takashi not for a long time Yoruichi lost all her reasoning before she shouts out in anger "Lie all you are saying is a lie!"

"Yeah, pretend, however, much you may but the truth can never be hidden." feeling the huge energy gathering around Yoruichi it will a lie to say Kuroka didn't felt intimidated however, she also doesn't want to lose and quickly released all her energy to counter her opponent.

Giving one another a single glance they move towards one another unrestrainedly to end this with a final blow when the sky turns dark and a huge Hammer falls from the sky with lightning covering it between the two of them when a might voice fell "Enough."

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