Bleach: Sign In To Liuhun Street

Chapter 135 - Not informed

Chapter 135 – Not informed?

When Yamamoto Genryuzhai’s words fell, Shigure’s eyes jumped.

He thought it was all over, but he didn’t expect to be mentioned again.

However, if you think about it carefully, you can understand that this incident has indeed brought a lot of losses to You Lingting.

Even though Yamamoto Genryuzhai’s heart, there is no anger at Shigure anymore.

But this superficial investigation work still needs to be done.

“Since there is no team leader to express his views, the old man will speak first.”

Yamamoto Genryuzhai raised his eyes slightly, and said unhurriedly:

“Three days ago, the travellers entered the Xiliuhun Street through an abnormal route.

“Subsequently, he broke through the soul mask from the air and entered the court, causing a great sensation.”

Yamamoto Motoyuzhai retelled the matter completely, and then asked the captains to express their opinions.

In fact, from the tone of his speech just now, the “two, two, seven” people have basically been determined.

He has no plans to hold those people accountable.

After all, the reason why the travelers came here is entirely because of Aizen’s conspiracy.

In essence, they did not bring any loss to the corpse soul world.

On the contrary, due to their invasion, Aizen’s conspiracy and minions were revealed.

For the short-term stagnant spirit court, perhaps some vitality was severely injured, after all, three captain-level combat powers were lost all at once.

But in the long run, it is beneficial to Jinglingting without any harm.

Because internal thieves are always more difficult to deal with than external enemies.

In the end, all the captains also agreed to let the travel disasters return to this world, and as a victim of Aizen’s conspiracy, Kushiki Lu

Kia’s sin was also exonerated.

The next second topic is about the rebellion of Aizen three people.

But this matter, because the evidence is solid, there is no place to dispute.

At the beginning, because there was only Suikawa Shigure alone, the people on the double-breasted stage, Yamamoto Genryusai and everyone were only temporarily facing each other.

Just the letter.

After all, the situation was urgent at the time, and everyone wanted to suppress the traitors earlier.

After that, the Lan Ran trio escaped from the virtual circle.

In the fourth division, Uozhihuaretsu awakened the seriously injured Tosushiro Hisugaya.

From Hisugaya Toshiro’s mouth, they also learned the exact same answer.

Whether it’s Aizen’s plan or his Zanpaku Sword ability, it’s completely consistent with what Shigure said on the Shuangdantai.


This is enough to prove the authenticity of the two people’s words.

“There is really nothing to dispute about this matter.”


Yamamoto Genryuzhai’s eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Shigure.

“Sichuan Shigure Acting Captain had known the plans of Ai Ran and the others in advance, but he concealed it.

“Also arbitrarily took action, sabotaged Shuangshou and destroyed King Huang, and interrupted the execution.”

“Although these actions are intended to stop the rebel’s plan, they definitely violate the laws of Jingling Court.”

Yamamoto Motoyanagi said flatly:(Read more @

“And this is the third topic of today’s rally.

“Xichuan Acting Deputy Captain, please explain to me–”

“How did you learn about Aizen’s plan?

“Also, why did you choose to know not to report?”

At the end, Yamamoto Genryuzhai’s eyes were fixed.

The surrounding captains also looked over in an instant.

Except for Mao Zhihualie, the faces of all the captains were a little strange.

This is also the doubt in their hearts. After all, according to what Hisugaya Toushiro heard from Aizen-

Once caught in the complete hypnosis of Jinghuashuiyue, it is impossible to know that he was hypnotized.

So, how Suikawa Shigure discovered their plan is indeed a strange thing.

When Shigure heard what Yamamoto Genryuzhai said, his heart moved, but his face remained unchanged.

He took a step forward, lowered his eyes slightly, and said calmly:

“Captain, captains.

“In fact, the reason I learned about this is related to Sifengyuan Ye-Miss.”

As soon as he said this, Zhou Guo’s captains suddenly changed their expressions.

Sifengyuan Yeyi?!

Shigure noticed the expressions of the captains, did not stop, but continued:

“Three months ago, in the early morning of the second day after I took office as the deputy captain of the fifth division, a member of the fifth division died.

Of tragedy.

“Presumably, the captains must also remember.”

“In fact, a similar incident almost happened in the tenth division team building a few days ago.

Having said that, Shigure looked at Hisugaya Toushiro, and said:

“Right, Captain Hisugaya?”

As soon as this words came out, Yamamoto Genryusai looked over.

Dong Shilang looked at

In the past, Shen Shen nodded and said:

“Yes. At that time, I did contact Qichuan about this matter and discussed it with him. Because, I felt that I was on the spot.

I learned about the Reiatsu of Ichimaru.

As soon as the voice fell, Yamamoto Motoyanagi squinted his eyes slightly.

Shigure continued to speak.

“At that time, I once told Captain Dong Shilang that there was too much involved and definite evidence was needed.”

“So, since then, I have been looking for evidence.”

“Until the following travel disaster invaded, I occasionally ran into Sifengyuan Ye-Miss, who was alone.

“In the responsibility of the guardian team, I originally decided to suppress her and arrest her.”

“But during the battle, she learned that I was looking for evidence that I was looking for Ichimarugin and others, so she informed me of Aizen’s plan.”

“At first, I still had some doubts about what she said.

“But then, when Ai Ran wanted Usuke’s fake corpse to appear, I felt an unusual breath.”

“Afterwards, when I went to the fourth division with the band leader Kyo. I got to know from Captain Uinohana, she also posted

The unusual features of the corpse were revealed. ”

Speaking of this, Kyōraku Chunshui raised his eyebrows, and Uozhihuareel also looked moved.

Shigure still speaks unhurriedly:

“So, at that time, I informed Captain Uozhihuaretsu about the conspiracy of Aizen and others.

“However, Aizen’s Zanpaku Sword ability is too dangerous.”

“In order to avoid being stunned by the grass, I did not disclose it to anyone except Captain Uzhihua.”

“This led to other things happening later.”

“the above.”

“All my words are true.

Shi Yu had a calm expression, finished speaking methodically, and then nodded slightly.

After his speech, there was silence in the conference hall.

0.3 These words are of course fabricated by him.

However, he deliberately mixed up with some things that really happened.

For example, Dong Shi Lang’s awareness of Ichimaru Gin Reiatsu, and Uo Zhi Hua Rie’s suspicion of Aizen’s corpse.

Moreover, as early as the afternoon, he had already talked about this matter with Sifengyuan Yeyi, and expressed the hope that she could help herself


After experiencing the double reproductive incident, Ye Yi’s favorability for Shi Yu has risen sharply, and of course he agreed.


In this way, no one can prove Shigure’s words are false.

Hearing this, Yamamoto Genryuzhai’s eyes flashed, and he looked at Uozhihuaretsu who was aside, and asked in a deep voice:

“Captain Egg Flower, what Qichuan said is true?”

Is he true that he has told you about Ai Ran and others in advance?”

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