Bleach: Sign In To Liuhun Street

Chapter 149 - Fracture surface ten blades

Chapter 149 – Fracture surface ten blades!

Their huge figures, with the escape of the black spirit child, have already begun to become transparent.

However, the team members present were all in love.

Is it dead?

The three Daxu were killed at this moment

When did Captain Qichuan take the shot?

What power does he use?

Not sure.

No one knows ↓

All this happened really only in an instant.

There is no spiritual pressure fluctuations, no ghosts and virtual flashes.

Although they have tried their best, they want to see the process clearly with their eyes.

However, no one can do it.

At this time, Shigure took another instant step and returned to the front of everyone.

His face, as calm and calm as just before departure.

“team leader! !”

“Captain Qichuan!”

The players of this fifth division team have absolutely no idea what to say-

Within seconds, Feng Qingyun calmly annihilated the three Daxu!

Even, no one can see the process of his move.

This kind of power. They couldn’t find a word to describe it for a time.

At this moment, only worship is left in their hearts!

Shi Yu smiled and said:

“Everyone, start searching for the members of the thirteenth chapter.”

As soon as he said this, one of the team members suddenly said strangely:

“Captain Qichuan, it’s not that there is a virtual group here, why can’t you feel it?

As soon as he said this, the other teams around him suddenly showed a surprised expression.

After the three Daxu were wiped out, they did not feel any other godly spiritual pressure.

“Didn’t I say it?”

Shi Yu looked calm and said:

“Your job is only responsible for the rescue of the thirteenth division team members. I will leave the rest to me.”

“So, when Daxu was just annihilated, I had already solved the surrounding virtual group.”



The brains of the team members are all caught in a short-circuit in an instant.

After a while, Rukia opened her eyes wide and said:

“Also, in such a short time, you not only annihilated Da Xu, but also

“Is it still purifying the surrounding emptiness?!

“Yeah.” Shigure nodded lightly and said calmly: “Okay, don’t waste time, let’s take action.”

Yes! !”

The faces of the players were still shocked and unbelievable, but since Shigure had ordered them, they naturally did not dare to violate it.

Resist the command of the captain.

Everyone scattered around and began to look for the thirteenth team members.(Read more @

Shi Yu stood alone in the air and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The reason why he was able to solve the small emptiness around him in an instant was completely because they had all gathered.

In fact, these three Daxu also gathered towards that place.

However, it was just gathering together, but they did not dare to approach.

Although coveting that powerful spiritual power, the fear from the depths of their souls made them only dare to look away.

This is why they neither attacked humans nor did they want to leave.

And Shigure, at the moment he left the gate of crossing the boundary, already used the pupil of resonance to get a clear view of the surrounding situation.

At the same time, his hands are actually accumulating energy.

It’s just that once his spiritual pressure began to accumulate, it already exceeded the level that the players on the field could perceive.

Therefore, when Yu stepped past and crushed the virtual group with spiritual pressure, no one in the team could perceive his spirit.

Pressure fluctuations.

But this time, his control over the stored energy and spiritual pressure has long surpassed the original time of death.

Therefore, it did not have any impact on the world.

As for the figure that attracts many imaginaries, although it is deliberately hidden, Shigure has already noticed through resonance visually.


This is why he has to spread the players first.

In order to avoid a possible war later.

Shiyu once again took a flash step and appeared on the balcony.

On the balcony, there seemed to be nothing, but there was a pair of eyes looking at Shigure.

Shi Yu walked forward slowly and said calmly:

“Even if I walk in front of your eyes, do you still want to hide under that kind of thing?”

“The 4th Ulchiorassifa.”

After hearing Shigure’s words, the figure in the concealment changed its expression for an instant.

People who have never met, even without seeing his figure, directly stated his identity.

But it was only a moment, his emotion disappeared again, and he immediately returned to indifference.

At the same time, he gently raised his hand, and directly covered the object that was covering his body and used to cover the spiritual pressure and body shape.

Piece opened——

Ask for flowers

Revealed his face.

He is wearing a white-faced, black-bottomed high-necked long-sleeved jacket with black borders, and a white kimono skirt with a wide black waist.

Bunch well.

Although the body exudes a powerful aura of emptiness, but on its girdle, there is impressively inserted a sword-style martial arts.


It is Ulquiola, the “fourth” numbered broken face among the ten blades.

“Master Aizen is right, Shigure Sukawa, you are really special.”

Urquiola looked at Shigure coldly, without any emotions:

“These little tricks really won’t work in front of you.”

Shi Yu smiled lightly, “In that case, why do you use such a trick?

Ulchiola lowered his eyes slightly and did not answer.


At this moment, a huge spiritual pressure suddenly approached at high speed.


A huge sound of landing sounded behind Shigure.

Shi Yu didn’t look back at all, she already knew who it was through the pupil of resonance.

The ten blades numbered “10*, Yamiriyargo.”

“Hahahahaha! ↓!”

The moment he landed, he laughed wildly, and his huge fists hit Shigure’s head directly.

His eyes were full of excitement and cruelty.

However, before his academician could touch Shigure, the whole person seemed to be hit hard and fell directly.

Flew out!

Puff! ↓

Scarlet blood spurted directly from his mouth.

Ulchiola, who was on the opposite side, suddenly shrank his pupils when he saw this.

On the side of Ya Mi, when he felt the severe pain from his body, his face changed drastically.

Looking at Shigure’s back, his eyes immediately changed to incredible horror.

Notice ↓

Sorry big guys, I really can’t stand it anymore.

That’s it for today, with only five shifts, and the remaining one will get up tomorrow morning to make up.

I now have to go to bed and lie down, dizzy, chest tight, and eyes hurt.

Going on, I feel that sudden death is not far away.

After finishing today’s sixth shift tomorrow, the following days will be briefly changed to five daily shifts.

When I try to adjust my work and rest back to the normal time and make sure that I have a physical problem, I will resume my daily six shifts.

no sooner said than done.

Go to bed early, everyone, good night.

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