Bleach: Sign In To Liuhun Street

Chapter 243 - The biggest boost

Chapter 243 – The biggest boost!

After ten breaths, the battle ended.

The young man grinned, and instantly pulled the ring-handled knife in his hand from the body of Saru Kaki Hiyori.

The blood splattered and fell to the ground with a ticking sound.

Hikari’s eyes rolled, her consciousness quickly dissipated, and she let out a final whisper:



Her petite body leaned forward and fell onto Liuche Quanxi in a pool of blood, completely unconscious.

As for Liuche Quanxi, he had already fallen under the attack of the two.

Under the illusion of Kinsaro and the reversal of the reversal, the wounds of Nisei and Kensei, who had not healed originally, were rooted.

Ben is no match for the opponent.

In just a dozen breaths of time, he was completely defeated.

However, even at the moment before their defeat, they failed to understand what was happening before them. “Zero Five Zero”

They had just returned to this world from the corpse soul world not long ago, and they had planned to clean up a little bit.

However, shortly after returning, they discovered that the spiritual pressure here was abnormal, so the two of them were at peace for the time being.

Zi and others separated and came here

Why do two guys who have never seen him suddenly hold Hirako Mako and Fengqiaolou ten

Lang’s Zanpaku Sword Appears

It is simply not explainable by common sense.

The Zanpaku Knife is the manifestation of the death gods’ own soul power on the sword, but it is actually the power of the death god.

An inseparable part of.

Even if the Zan Po Dao is taken away by others, its abilities are not controllable by others.

But now, the two men have undoubtedly released the complete solution and attacked them.

“It’s a lot weaker than I thought?”

The hooded boy looked at the two figures lying in a pool of blood, and said with a light smile.

Then he flicked the blood above the blade in his hand and carried it on his shoulders.

The woman holding the golden whip on the side also smiled slightly and said:

“That’s right, Mr. Muramasa seemed to take a high look at them.

However, at the moment when her voice fell, from behind them, the figure of Dao appeared out of thin air.

He was wearing a snow-white robe, and his cuffs and neck were purple.

It is the village Masaru after actualization.

And behind him, several figures of various shapes also appeared immediately.

The front of the village was indifferent, and he said quietly:

“Good job, Nifu, Kinsara.

“Then now, the last two companions in this world are already here.”(Read more @

“It’s time to go to the Soul World.”

As soon as the voice fell, a black figure behind him suddenly showed a surprised expression, saying:

“That’s right. Go now?” “I thought you would choose to go again if nothing is wrong.

Hearing this, Muramasa’s expression remained unchanged,-while walking forward, he said:

“At this moment, it will not have any effect if the tortoise is shrunk in this world.

“After arriving in the corpse soul world, with my abilities, it has been foolproof.”

“After the god of death named Ai Ran Kuyousuke led a decisive battle with Jinglingi, the current Gotei team

It’s already a candle in the wind.

“Take advantage of this when they are the weakest, march on them, and you can

“Take it down in one fell swoop.”

“In this way, my plan has tended to be completed.”

Hearing these words, the black figure behind him smiled, and then said:

“You said that, it seems that there is a way to solve the guy named “Candle Dragon and its god of death.”



Murakura put his hands in his pockets, looked back, and said calmly:

“I said to solve’Is he?”

“It’s just that I have inferred something from the previous exchanges.”


Several people around suddenly showed puzzled expressions and looked at him.

I saw Muramasa slightly narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice:

“Candle Dragon may not join us, but it is definitely not a companion of the Gotei Death Gods.”

“On the contrary, he may still become. In this attack on the Soul World, we

“The biggest boost.”

As soon as the voice fell, the black figure’s eyes lit up, and he smiled.

At this time, the corpse soul world, in the quiet spirit garden.

Shigure walked out of the underground chamber where the central forty-six room was located, and then met with the minister Motoyusai Yamamoto and the director

Jiro separated and left and returned to the fifth division.

It was late at night, and the quarter moon was hanging in the sky.

Except for the members of the Ju Division who are responsible for the night patrol, no one else exists in the inner court.

Shi Yu walked slowly on the road, expressionless.

This power reform, so far, has basically ended silently.

With Yamamoto Genryuzhai standing in front of the stage personally, of course the forty-six rooms will no longer have any rebuttal thoughts.

After all, Shi Yu’s proposal only separated some of the powers.

Even if helpless, they had no choice but to agree temporarily.

In peacetime, the forty-six rooms still have the power of the highest judicial organ and manage everything.

However, in future wartime, the 46th Chamber will give up the decision-making power in its hands and hand it over to the full power of Huting Shisanban.

deal with.

And the seal of Aizen Yousuke was directly obscured by this silent reform.

No one will hold Shi Yu on this matter anymore.

Thinking of this, Shi Yu also looked at the soul wall palace in his mind.

The first thing he looked at was the bottom layer of the Soul Wall Palace, the sealed Ai dyed you.

At this moment, Airan is still in deep sleep, but there is nothing to pay special attention to.

And in the dozens of floors above it, Ulchiorassifa stayed in the white space, alone.

The man stood silently in it.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Yu looked up.

Whether it was the three of Xiao Nilu and Dondochaka, or Aning, there was nothing unusual.

But at this moment, Shigure suddenly heard a female voice.

“Captain Qichuan!”

Hearing the sound, Shiyu immediately retracted his mind and looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

“Deputy Captain Ise?”

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