Bleach: Sign In To Liuhun Street

Chapter 356 - Holy text y your own self

Chapter 356 – Holy text y your own self

357 Holy Character y Yourself

Don’t show such an expression

Looking at the friend Harbach surrounded by black corpses, Yamamoto Genryusai continued to say indifferently:

I know very well

You never delay your plan because of anything…

So, it’s not that you didn’t take away my own understanding, but…cannot take it away.

Therefore, you must fully understand the power of the sacrificial solution in order to analyze it and complete the plunder


That’s why you are so vigilant about Qichuan, and even… observe it for up to two years.

Because, since you noticed him, the number of times he has shown the solution is too rare, and the solution

The content is too majestic and obscure, making you unable to see clearly and even more unable to parse

but me”

Since you annihilated you thousands of years ago, you have never shown your true strength.

The bottomless thing cannot be taken away.

This is a very simple reason.

So, it’s over now, you Habach

Yamamoto Genryuzhai suddenly turned around slowly again, looking at Yuhabakh above the sky.

However, before his friend Habacher could speak or act, Yamamoto Genryuzhai suddenly lifted his knife.

The black corpse, the white sword light, and the red flame are all compressed together at this moment!

Kanhuo Taito North

Ashes of heaven and earth!

The heavy words were spit out from Yamamoto Genryuzhai’s mouth, and the next moment, the charred fire, Taito, followed

Just wave it sideways!

The invisible slash came from the blade in an instant, and it came in an instant

When I took a break to the swing of Yamamoto Genryuzai, Yuhabach didn’t even have time to react, and he was already hit.

This is the final style of Canhuo Taito

The sword of slaying all the suns!

In front of this knife, there is no so-called defense, or dodge!

At the moment the blade slashes, all enemies will be burned and killed!

The blade waved, causing a huge wind pressure to blast.

The moment it hits, there is only a silent silence

Half of Yohabach’s body and his entire left arm disappeared completely without a trace

The vital function then quickly began to decline

The blood splashed out and was evaporated in an instant.

Youhabach’s eyes widened, his pupils contracted tightly, and his brain went blank.

He opened his mouth slightly, but he couldn’t make any sound.The next moment, the soul under his feet instantly collapsed, his body

Fall down

However, see this picture.

Whether it was the Qichuan Shigure on the side, or the Hasward on the other side, nothing was revealed.

expression.(Read more @

Their eyes remained calm.

Even Genryuzhai Yamamoto, who had a sword, lowered his eyes and said nothing.

But at this moment, the friend of Habach who was lying on the ruins suddenly spoke slowly.

His voice has become completely different.It is no longer as deep and powerful as before.Instead, it has become tense.

Weakness of points!

“Is my strength still inferior.∥1


You Habacher

I failed to achieve… the mission you entrusted

A soft voice came out, and at the same time, a faint white light began to appear above his body, and down

At that moment, his appearance also began to change quickly.

That… no longer looks like Ukhabach

It’s a Quincy in the white uniform of the Star Cross Knight!

Seeing this, Yamamoto Genryuzhai’s eyes suddenly sank?

Although Shigure’s reminders and hints, Yamamoto Genryuzhai had already been mentally prepared for this.

However, when he really saw it, he still couldn’t help his heart fluctuate.

And at this moment, a majestic spiritual pressure suddenly fell from the sky!

In the next moment, an abrupt black figure appeared on Yamamoto Genryuzhai’s side!

That’s…you Habach!

Yamamoto Genryusai suddenly shrank his pupils, and quickly turned his head to look over.

“You Habach…you fellow

Halfway through the conversation, Yohabach suddenly smiled and spoke.

Well behaved

However, it was not said to Yamamoto Genryusai.

He looked down at the dying and mutilated Quincy on the ground, and smiled lightly.

Very good, Star Cross Knights·y, Lloyd of [Yourself]. ”

Hearing this, Loyd on the ground suddenly lit up, and even though he was about to die, he smiled.

You…you say me. good performance

I am very… Nai Xing

However, at this moment, Uhabach suddenly raised his hand with his index finger facing down.

The eruption of Lingzi flow is like a bomb, lasing directly downward!


Lloyd’s body was instantly destroyed, and the ruins below turned into a bottomless hole.

Looking at the scene, Yamamoto Genryuzhai’s face was heavy.


What are you thinking about…

Hearing this, Yohabach turned around slowly, looked at Yamamoto Genryusai, and chuckled lightly.

How did it feel to fight with counterfeit goods?

“Isn’t it exhausted all your strength? Yamamoto Shigekuni

Hearing this, Yamamoto Genryuzai’s face suddenly sank

After speaking, he must raise the knife again, “Can Huo…

But at this moment, the mutation happened suddenly!


The black spirit child instantly collapsed from the body and the blade of Yamamoto Genryuzhai!

And the next moment, all the black rays of light instantly rushed towards the star cross in the hands of Friends Habach,

All absorbed!!

Seeing this, Yamamoto Genryusai suddenly shrank his pupils and his body froze.

At this time, the friend Harbach who raised his hand smiled slightly and said slowly

Your sacrificial solution (Qian De Zhao) is not impossible to plunder

“It’s your powerful force. I’m afraid no one can control it except me.”

This is the reason why I ordered Lloyd not to take action until I come back

So, now… what should you do?

As long as I use your power of sacrificing, I can awaken [the corpses of your subordinates, Yamamoto Genryusai

Speaking of the end

He deliberately aggravated those words.

Yuan Liuzhai was suddenly angry and roared


At the moment when he was about to make a move, suddenly, from above the sky, several holy cross spirit swords appeared from the sky.

Landed, and landed around Ukhabach!

Youhabach raised his hand and held a sword directly, then looked at Yamamoto Genryusai and grinned slowly.

Mouth, slowly said

Farewell to Yamamoto Shigekuni!

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