Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Vol 2 Chapter 204: He is an extremely anticipated child

()You can search for "Reaper's Disturbance ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

After all, it was still like a supporting role in a ghost film, and died tragically.

The dazzling light of the sword covered his vision, and a cold wind blew from above the bridge of his nose. Ichigo didn't know if it was sword air or yin air, but it was something he couldn't resist.

There was a bang in the ear. Is this the sound that a knife can make when cutting something?

Rukia looked at Ichigo's sweaty appearance, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she was really relieved now.

The **** of death protects the soul as well as the ordinary people in this world. Naturally, he can't attack ordinary people, even if the other party speaks badly to himself.

I just wanted to scare this guy when he was given a knife. In other words, he is a **** of death who is almost a hundred years old. It is still possible to control the blade against the opponent’s face. This guy is not too shameful, at least not scared You have to pee your pants, if you use Master Haiyan's face to do such a shameful thing, it would be a shame to die!

Of course, Rukia is scary just by the way. Ichigo sensed that the sound was coming from behind, and the peripheral light of his eyes also aimed at the upright blade. He turned his head back as far as possible. It was a face down the hilt.

There is a wandering soul in this room. Rukia looked at the middle-aged man with a mustache under the hilt, and finally found him.

"I don't want it, I don't want to go to hell."

Obviously, this person also heard what he said just now, the **** of death is equal to the messenger of hell, and the imagination of this world has become a kind of mindset, "Don't be nervous, the place you go is not in **** but in the world of corpses." Rukia said Then, moving the handle of the knife away, a rune with the word death and life was left on the opponent's forehead, "That's a leisurely place."

Ichigo watched a hole in the floor of his house, and the middle-aged man lying on the ground sank in a little bit, and the round hole gradually closed after it disappeared completely.

"Just, what happened to that guy just now?" Seeing is believing, he has gradually believed that the little girl who is taking the sword is a **** or something, of course it is true that he is at least ten times older than himself.

"I sent him to the world of corpses and souls. This is called soul burial. You should call it Buddhahood. It is part of the job of the **** of death." Rukia glanced at her, saw the other side's skeptical look, and continued Said: "It seems that you still don't believe me, so let me explain to you a reckless kid with a simple and easy-to-understand diagram."

I have to say that following Hongjiang’s study makes Rukia’s explanation clear and concise. Anyway, from the perspective of Ichigo, there are two souls in the world, one is the ordinary soul called Zheng, and the evil spirit called Xu. The acceptance of knowledge has nothing to do with obscurity.

At the same time, the other party will also ask if it is difficult to understand it. It really takes care of beginners. just……

"Uh, can you explain, why is your painting so bad?"

rotten? ! Rukia's face sank. Her painting skills were recognized by Big Brother Diezuka and Yachiryu Kuolu, the deputy captain of the eleventh division. Her painting skills were breathtaking! Really ignorant! ! !

Draw two beards on the opponent's face, which should improve the little ghost's aesthetics. Rukia picked up the drawing board again and said, "Then I will continue, Lord Baron."

Paint other people's faces while others can't move. Don't talk about Xia Li and Yuzi about this kind of naive thing. Ichigo feels that even his childlike dad can't do it.

Rubbing the dirt on her face back and forth on the floor, Rukia's explanation of the two main tasks of Reaper continued.

One of them is to guide the souls of ordinary people to the corpse soul world in the form of the soul burial that has just appeared, and the other is to sublime and destroy the void. I heard that it is her mission this time. It turns out that this is the **** of death. Work!

Wait..., Ichigo feels that he has missed something crucial. If Shinobi is regarded as a policeman and he comes here to catch criminals, does that mean the criminals are nearby?

"You came to complete the task, so say,,, is Xu nearby?" I think so, but I still have to confirm it. Ichigo feels that since the other party is called a god, it should not be so hasty.


She said yes, hahaha, sure enough...,

"You, you idiot! Why don't you kill it!" If you can move, Ichigo can't wait to punch Rukia to calm her down.

Hearing this, Rukia was a little embarrassed. There was indeed a ghost chasing the soul just now. In the end, both of her were almost lost. "I'm not here, just don't know why. I feel it completely since the beginning. Not it anymore."

These remarks are true to Rukia, but Ichigo sounds like a lie to justify herself, "It's true, how could it..."

Before I finished speaking, Ichigo felt his heart jerk. For a moment, he seemed to hear a roar of a beast, but it seemed to be a mistake.

"It's like being blocked by some powerful force." Rukia was still talking to herself about her feelings, and suddenly heard the kid behind her calling herself, "What?"

"You are still asking me!" Ichigo asked anxiously, "Did you not hear the terrible voice just now?"

What a good question, Rukia admitted that she had been asked, "What horrible cry? I didn't hear it at all."

As soon as the voice fell, a breathtaking scream came from outside the house, Rukia suddenly looked back, yes, this is indeed a false voice!

But why does it sound so weird, like being filtered by an invisible filter, only when the sound exceeds a certain limit can it be transmitted, how can it feel like this?

At this time, Rukia suddenly noticed Ichigo with a calm face, as if she hadn't heard the scream of Xu.

No, not so much that I didn't hear it, it's better to say that this guy heard the sound one step earlier, and felt the virtual approach earlier than she was a **** of death?

How is this going? !

"It seems to be On the dark first floor, Kurosaki looked at Urahara Kisuke next to him. He didn't believe that the other party would make mistakes.

"Wait, don't put my children in danger, or I can't spare you, Urahara."

"An Xin, An Xin." Urahara helped the hat on his head to comfort him: "I still have this confidence, and you won't allow me to mess around."


"This is the bottom line!"

"No, no, no, you have thought about it." Urahara waved his hand quickly, and it was already the limit to hurt the Kurosaki family. "What I want to say is that Ichigo is far better than I expected. Congratulations. Mr. Yibo."

"He is an extremely anticipated child."

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