Bleach System Within Bleach

102 Chapter 102 : The Start Of The Exam 2

As all of them were hoping and dreaming for the best A powerful voice was resound in the platform....

Genryusai: "SILENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

When they heard the loud voice all of them saw the pillar and commander of Soul Society standing up ready to say a few words, They became quite in order to hear what the living legend had to say..

Genryusai: "As of this moment the official exam for your Graduation will begin all of you will choose a Vice Captain to fight with your own style in Kido be it self-created or self-modified or existing ones.."

An uproar was raised from the new talents of the Academy as they had learned a few tricks on their own during their time here....

Genryusai: "SILENCE!!..... Xmnm your progress will be judged by Speed, Casting, Imagination and Power...."

When he said that, they all thought in their minds .... wasn't it three criteria??? how come there's four now??... Sora, on the other hand, was laughing inside him and thanking the heavens for helping him...

As if Yamamoto could see what they were thinking in their heads he coughed a few times and said to them clearing their doubts....

Genryusai: "We added on last criteria with hopes that a few skilful students can use the Kido's Arts in a unique way none has seen yet...."

Genryusai: "I wish to see your best performance of your abilities..."

Before he could finish a student raise his hand and yelled at the direction of Genryusai having a question to ask....

Sora: "Excuse my rudeness I have a question...."

Genryusai: "Xnmnm you are...???"

Sora: "Sora... Xiaolan Sora SIR!!!"

All students, Vice Captains and some Captains had ugly faces.. but to their surprise, Yamamoto nodded to him indicating to say his question....

Sora: "Are the Vice Captain's and Captains allowed to use their Shikai if they deemed it fit???"

Genryusai remembered from a few days earlier that he had come to an agreement with Yachiru, Chojiro and Shunsui to test his abilities in all fields, therefore, he looked at him and at the students answering this particular question....

Genryusai: "Your fellow youngster posted a really tricky question... The Shikai and Bankai of a Shinigami who has trained for years is also part of their strength, at the same time if they deemed it fit to raise your Test in higher ranks they are allowed to do it...."

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! a loud cry was heard by the students... showing their determination and resolve to give their 100% of themselves.....

All students with the finished speech of the Head Commander felt their own blood boiling and went towards their own selections of Vice Captains.... As they were over 20 like students many Vice Captains were going to fight 2 or even 3 times....

Sora was having trouble to choose as they only had 3 girls as the opponent that you could choose... Hinamori, Matsumoto and Kiyone.... as he was thinking he felt someone approach him and when he looked over he saw a tall well thin build guy with black hair and a Tattoo on his face with the number 69....

??? : "Hey kid you're the one asked that question right???"

Sora: "Yeah what about it??"

??? : "Are you afraid??? Afraid of your own powers"

Sora: "Xmnmnm why should i be??? Power is just Power the one who gives us that power is a friend or family... why should i be afraid of something my friend or family gave me...."

??? : "Aren't you afraid of harming those close to you??"

Sora: "If that ever happened the one who gave me my power will stop me and i will never blame them for giving it to me in the first place....."

??? : "Why.....???"

Sora: "Because they trusted me with that and i was the one who betrayed them by not be able to control it... I remember somewhere in the Academy there was a book that was written in it a certain phrase..."

??? : "What phrase???"

Sora: "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility...."

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