Bleach System Within Bleach

123 Chapter 123 : 6 Months15 Days 2

Ichigo was travelling through the roofs with Shunpo getting closer and closer..... Any hollow he met on his way fell victim with one punch of his.... Killing them while wasting no time....

Ichigo: "He's strong.... is he a Vice Captain or Captain level???"

As he was trying to gauge exactly his power he could feel others rushing as well, he recognized all of them, the signatures he got belong to his mother, father, Sora's girl and Urahara...

He could also feel far far far away 3 Reiatsus which he also knew them it was Uryu, Inoue and Sado.....

Ichigo: "Did they also came in order to check things??"

Ichigo: "Well no matter i'll take care of the troublemaker over there..."

Having said that he almost reached at the source seeing from afar someone in shinigami attire in the Air waiting.... As he sensed Ichigo Chojiro stopped raising his reiatsu and looked towards the incoming person...

Chojiro: "Xmnmnm who is that?? i feel a familiar pressure from him but i don't recognize him...."

Chojiro: "Greetings... Soul Reaper...."

Chojiro saw him and paid his respect but upon a closer look, he saw that he wasn't wearing a black one as a normal Shinigami but one who had 4 coloured lines designed on it.... he was puzzled he thought what was wrong with his outfit??

Ichigo heard his speech and the term Soul Reaper and he was 95% sure he came from Soul Society he looked at him said...

Ichigo: "Why is someone from Soul Society here??"

Chojiro: "Ohh since you know about our place then perhaps.... Do you know a man named Urahara??"

Ichigo tensed up and got ready to fight with his hands as he took a battle position... Chojiro saw this and he spoke again...

Chojiro: "From your Reaction, you do know him..... i don't see any sword on you, therefore, you mustn't have awakened your soul yet...."

Ichigo: "Less talking old man... <Hado Arts 4 : Byakurai>"

Ichigo raised and pointed at Chojiro his fingers and fired not 1 but 10 lightings at him, Chojiro was stunned but reacted quickly...

Chojiro: "<Bakudo Arts 81 : Danku>"

A transparent wall appeared and blocked all lightings he had fired but he wasn't the least bit bothered... not even a bit shocked on the other hand Chojiro had a bit of surprise on his face when he saw Ichigo acting like he knew he would block them...

Ichigo: "Heh pretty good now then <Hado Arts....."

??? : "Wait for a bit Ichigo...."

As Ichigo was almost ready to fire his next Kido to further test the waters he was interrupted by a voice making both looked at the incoming figure... no, it was 2 wait 4 people coming here....

Chojiro was shocked to see who had arrived first it was the former Captain of 2nd Division.... Shihoin Yoruichi... after a few seconds the others came as well.... former Captain of the 12th Division Urahara Kisuke and Former Captain of the 10th Division along with a girl he Didn't know...

Yoruichi: "Chojiro it's been a long time how you been??"

Chojiro: "I was gonna say much better than you guys but i can see you perfectly blended in here..."

Urahara: "Ahahahaha well you know we go everywhere..."

Masaki: "Isshin you know him???"

Isshin: "Yes... he's the Vice Captain of the Commander of Soul Society....."

Masaki was shocked and Ichigo was stunned... Damn, i should have checked my memories, that's why he looked familiar....

Urahara: "What brings you here Chojiro???"

Chojiro: "An unbelievable Story if you may...."

All: "Story???"

Chojiro: "Yes and the one who's playing in it is called Xiolan Sora ever heard of him???"

Boom!!!!!!!! their minds went blank and a look of disbelief emerged in their faces...

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