Bleach System Within Bleach

137 Chapter 137 : 6 Months Ahead!! 2

Genryusai: "Chojiro what do you think of all this??"

Chojiro: "Everything is going as we have learned so far.... Urahara mentioned that he took over his body.... he also mentions that his mother and sisters would have died 5 years ago and that they almost died a month ago...."

Chojiro: "What he didn't know was his original looks as he had taken Ichigo body..."

Genryusai: "Xmm then, for now, we will follow his plans with the current timeframe one and a half year later the traitors will be left alone after a good show from us...."

Chojiro: "Then we'll wait for him to free their souls in order to create a new future and reform Soul Society..."

Genryusai: "Correct... Pass this information to Yachiru and then to Shunsui....."

Chojiro: "YES!!"

Chojiro then left the room leaving behind a pondering Yamamoto... he then spoke to the void...

Genryusai: "I was the one who let him go 1000 Years ago you know that then, for now, let me see what you have in store...."

In Division 5 Sora was reading in the library, as he did his clone appeared and got absorbed by him learning everything in the process.. he sighed and murmured himself....

Sora: "The Force Of Bullshit Is Strong With This One!!!!"

Sora then continued to study.... days after days and months after months 3 of them passed away like nothing he had completed many sub-quests and gained a lot of points and items... unfortunately no levels for him.... but even so he had gained enough for him to bye <6 x Auto Fusing Pill>and conveniently enough he had <6 x Book Of Creations>

So far he had memorized all Kido's of Bakudo's and Hado's up to 90 plus all Forbidden ones and Unknown ones..... he needed a bit more to learn the one above 90 till 100 and then finalized his skill set of new Kido's...

During these months there were many times, where Hinamori had to bring him food and ate with her in the library... he had managed to gain a favourable impression to her getting her slowly to fall for him completing his quest!!!!

One day as he was reading he heard a knock on the door... he turned and saw Hinamori with Captain Aizen.... he didn't pay much attention to him.... but in Hinamori who had a worried expression....

Sora: "Captain Aizen, Vice Captain Hinamori.... what bring you here??"

Aizen: "We received a few news from 12th Department that something happened to the real world and we had to investigate....."

Sora's insides got pricked upside down, but outside he had a poker face... he looked at them and then he asked them...

Sora: "When did the report come in??"

Aizen: "Around half an hour ago.... but the time set on the report was sent from 15 days ago...."

Sora was keeping a poker face and then started thinking inside, Urahara should know that sending a report here would be trouble for me... did something i wasn't expecting happened??

Sora: "Captain Aizen... since we're going to investigate can i read the report??"

Aizen: "Yes of course...."

Aizen took out the paper with the report and showed it in Sora he had made sure to apply his illusions on it and whoever touched it he would be trapped it his Complete Hypnosis...

Sora realized it might be a trap, therefore, he used his Clone to read it after he touched it, when he did Aizen was elevated he thought i finally got you...

Sora saw the report and it said that black ripples opened up there and we had to investigate.... He returned the report back and said to him....

Sora: "Will i go on my own???"

Aizen: "Yes if it's something that needs further notice you can request for reinforcements..."

Sora: "YES!!!"

Aizen: "You have 1 day to prepare...."

As Aizen left Sora absorbed his clone and learned the true message which had been altered by Aizen.... (Nelliel Is Here Give This Report To 3rd Seat Of Division 5 Xiaolan Sora....)

Sora: "Sighed... looks like i need to speed up my plans to beat all captains..."

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