Bleach System Within Bleach

142 Chapter 142 : 2 Months Of Training...

Unohana was stunned by what she was hearing, he sealed himself to enjoy fighting more?? she knew that was the case as they had fought in the past and as a kid, he had given her the scar in her chest... She knew that he had more talent to be the Kenpachi but this..

Sora saw her in her lost mind thinking about everything and at the same time he was thinking inside him... How the hell will i manage to pass all this as legit?? He had told her half-truths, half lies and even then you couldn't see what was real and what was false....

When he had practised the <Kendo Forms> and <Kenpachi Forms> he had realised that something was missing it was as if i wasn't the one fighting with my moves but someone else...

He had come to the light when he Bought the <Sword Forms> and mastered them as well, when he did that something became even more clear, he started practising and mixing all 3 Forms, he first did it with his hands, then he used his legs he had thought it might be ridiculous to do that but sometimes you use your legs as hands...

He kept going with hands and legs and eventually a mission was triggered to Create a Unique sword style.... After 2 months of entering Division 5 he had practised and perfected his style, then he tried using his style with the sword, when he caught the sword a change occurred in his body and mind..

He could feel his sword becoming an extension of his arms and legs and anything within his sight with a single swing could be cut apart no matter how hard it was.....

After a few minutes of thinking, he had finally thought of a reason... that this was Intent, Sword Intent able to cut anything as he willed and at the same time cut nothing when he doesn't feel like it....

Going that direction he started to dive deeper and deeper about all swords of Shinigamis what was their Intent?? Yamamoto used an Ancient Way and because his intent was to turn all his enemies to ashes he got Ryoujin Jakka....

Unohana up to some point she was hovering between life and death and her Zanpakuto took both ways Shikai for healing and Bankai that almost grants Insta-kill she also learned healing kidos from Zero Squad to prolong the fight....

Yumichika you could say he pass as a gay, therefore, his Shikai has the form of flowers, at first he liked it as it was beautiful but as he was placed in 11th Division where all of them are Battle maniacs, he created a half Release one...

Aizen from when he was a kid he schemed, lied, planned for the future along with his perfect acting he got his Suigetsu... Complete Hypnosis

As he was thinking hard, Unohana had finally realised his meaning as she was thinking pretty much the same finally interrupted him....

Unohana: "Then you can say that my intent to live and kill others has granted me a Shikai for healing and a Bankai for killing.."

Sora: "Oh!! Did you finally realized it??"

Unohana: "Who do you think i am Kid....."

Sora: "I told you an old hag....."

Unohana: "@!@!!#$@#@ Enough... what i don't understand is why you're going to these lengths..."

Sora: "And here i thought you had some brain but turns out you only have a few not very well verse boobs..."

@$#@#@#@#@#@$@$@#$@$ you piece of shit i'll kill you!!!!!

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