Bleach System Within Bleach

16 Chapter 16 : The Most Painfull And Longest 3 Minutes

System: Ding!! Host Has Used 750 <Soul Enriching Pills>

System: Ding!! Warning!! Intense Pressure Will Fall To The Host For 3 Minutes Gaining <7500 Spiritual Pressure Points Reiatsu 750000>

System: Ding!! Warning!! Host Must Survive For 3 Minutes


Having heard all those alarms he suddenly fell like he was being crushed by a mountain, slowly drilling in his body bringing a lot of pain and suffering to him.... He tried as much as possible to not show it but those freaks saw huge beads of sweat and his colour of skin going from white to green and then red and alternative making them feel somewhat suspicious....

???? : "Xmnmnmnmn that's odd why do i suddenly feel threaten by these changes in him...???"

Ichigo : "Is it me or he's becoming stronger...??"

Whitey : "Heh no matter you'll die right nOOOOOOOOww:"

Zangetsu: "Xmnm <Getsuga Tensho>"

As Ichigo and ???? were trying to figure out what he was doing they saw 2 flashes the first one was a dark red overpower Cero and a pitch black Getsuga heading straight for MC, hitting him with full force and blasted him hundreds of meters away... MC had no choice to bear the pain as he couldn't move therefore he took it head on and was sent him flying while spitting blood.....

As MC was struggling to stand on his feet he saw 2 numbers in his eyes...<-80 HP><-70 HP> leaving his with almost half his health and in critical condition.....

Whitey: "Tsss Lucky him Then... How About THIS <Bara Barrage>"

Zangetsu: " <Getsuga Tensho Barrage>"

Countless reiatsu attacks both small and big covering all directions and hundreds of meters ahead rained down upon him making him lose rapidly Health <-10 -20 -40 -60 -10 HP>, at one point he found himself inside a tornado barrage of attacks, with <10 HP> left he tried to avoid as many as he could but before he knew it he lost all hopes....

MC: "Well i didn't make it....Pfffff at least i will leave and try again in Soul Society"

He closed his eyes and the time has slowed down in his surroundings hearing nothing, not even his own heartbeat, after reviewing everything from when he came here and for 3 years straight his only regret was he didn't torture Yoruichi enough... little did he know that at this time she sneezed and thought of him... And while waiting and waiting 1 second, 2, 5, 10, it went on for 5 minutes and lost track of how slow the attacks were coming for him... Until!!!!!!


System: Ding!! Congrats Host For Passing 5000 In Spiritual Pressure

System: Ding!! Congrats Host For Unlocking <Spiritual Domain>

System: Ding!! Warning!! Host Must Survive For 2 Minutes

System: Ding!! <Spiritual Domain>

A Domain made with pure reiatsu anyone or anything that steps on it will have its speed and reaction slow down by 200%


He then opened his eyes revealing a deep dark blue spiralling colour within his cores and when their eyes fell upon that gaze incredible pressure befell on them making them even slower in their attacks managing to avoid all raindrops of terror...

They all thought how the hell he managed to avoid all those in that kind of speed breaking limit!!!!!

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