Bleach System Within Bleach

165 Chapter 165 : Hell!!!

Inside his realm Sora was enjoying the flames he was in...., he was quite pleased with his Shikai as it wasn't draining or straining his body but was consuming directly his Reiatsu...

Sora: "Amazing i always had problems as my reiatsu was way above what i could handle... but now..."

Gyaku: "Originally my power was using another type of energy but since i converted in Zanpakuto then it changed into Reiatsu...."

Sora: "I see.... can it be it was some kind of Ki?? or Qi?? maybe Chakra or mana.... or Shinsoo??"

Gyaku: "Based on your otaku life... and on what you read so far it's close.... then if you think about everything from the start, i'm guessing it won't be too hard for you to figure everything out..."

Sora started thinking everything about the very beginning, from the moment he was brought here in this world, what the System had said to him so far..... About the erosion of the realm if he had killed Ichigo and then he somehow died as well... he went on and on about everything...

Then what Gyaku was saying to him... billions of years!!, not authorized to learn anything... it wasn't that hard to figure out everything as they were coming to the light.....

Sora: "Then let me see if i get it right.... 1)There are 4 planes..... a)mortal plane b)something like evolving planes c)Gods and Demons planes and d)Creators plane...."

Gyaku: "Continue....."

Sora: "The mortal plane must be billions of times bigger than the other planes.... so that when mortals die they get sent to evolving planes that has realms like this one.... many get their memories many don't..."

Gyaku: "Hoh.... you're on good track... go on!!"

Sora: "Those who later on fit the bill on becoming demons or gods they get sent in the Gods and Demons planes..."

At that point Sora stopped talking and was frowning... he then realized something as well what the hell happened in the third plane so that it forced beings like Gyaku to pass down on humans... and forced the creators to be acting like that....

As if Sensing his thoughts Gyaku was smiling but at the same time, he was saddened...

Sora was thinking, in the end, who created his System.. he tried hard to think and the only possible solution he had was the Creators but what forced them to create supportive wills of the realms..

He decided not to go deeper it wasn't his business, what he had to do was having fun with his wife's who he had two now.... but what about the third?? he was deadly serious about Rangiku, Harribel or Riruka in order to complete his set of 3 wives unless he changes his mind in the future and adds more....

Sora: "Well then i'll leave my thoughts to the future, for now, i'll focus on the present.. i have 23 more days before Rukia comes up... and i still haven't brought Terror in those three... especially Nia i still owned her 98 hits in her face...."

Sora then said goodbye to Gyaku and left returning to the void....

In the realm, Gyaku was whispering towards the temple....

Gyaku: "I don't know who made you... but i have to say you chose quite a wonderful young kid.... At some point, he would have reached in this truth on his own..."

System: Host has read in his past life stories about all possible realms, therefore, he was perfect, what i didn't count was you when i dragged him here...."

Gyaku: "Heh no more mechanical voice i see..... either way i will follow the rules as i'm also too weak right now and return to that realm, because when we do they will bring us hell..."

System: Right now what i'm worried about is those three getting away from the hell he will bring them...

Gyaku: "............................Oh!!!"

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