Bleach System Within Bleach

223 Chapter 223 : The Kidnapping

Sora went in his room and left from his Gigai making him appearing in his Shinigami attire.... he then vanished from there appearing outside of his house.....

Sora: "Inoue signature... is there!!!!!"

After searching a bit he found her, he used his shunpo and rushed there within moments... he was shocked by what he was seeing in the alley....

Many cracks in the road and walls, pieces of their uniform down on the ground..... bloodstains here and there and in generall a fucked up situation.....

He felt a weak soul fluctuation and when he went towards it, he saw a bloody Tatsuki with cuts on a bench.....

He was puzzled why did they leave her like that?? especially Orihime... he could have healed her... then why is she in this situation??

He gave her a Candy and her wounds were instantly healed..... after a few groans she opened her eyes and when she saw the damage in the area she started tearing....

Sora: "How about you tell me what happened??"

Tatsuki was stunned..... a voice was heard but she couldn't see anyone next to her....

Tatsuki: "Who is it???"

Sora: "Someone who healed the wounds you had..."

It was at that moment that she noticed her cuts having been healed..... she wondered who is it... she also felt his voice was familiar and it didn't took her long enough to realise who it was....

Tatsuki: "It's you the one i spoke.... Ichigo's brother..."

Sora: "Sigh.... yeah yeah..... what happened you spoke in half words before....."

Tatsuki: "Aaaaahhhh where is Inoue..."

She got up and at that moment the rest of her Uniform got ripped and fell in the ground leaving her with only her bra and underwear...

She ignored this fact and continued searching for her...

Sora: "Will you please stop!!!! and tell me the whole event!!!!"

Tatsuki: "She was taken to protect me... Ugh uGH uuuaaaaaa"

OMG!!!! this girl is really brain muscle or whatever.... what was it headstrong..... someone that never listens was that her?? He got close to her and punched her in her head.....

Sora: "Shut the fuck up!!!!! look at how you're dressed and stop crying, and tell me what the hell HAPPENED!!!!"

Tatsuki looked at herself and then she realized she only had her underwear and bra left in the middle of a destroyed road.....

It was still morning so if anyone passes here she wouldn't know where to hide.... Sora saw this and spoke to her in order to calm her down....

Sora: "Only i can see you now.... because I've isolated this place with a certain skill like those guys.... but because you're too weak you can't see me....."

Tatsuki: "Oooh i see.... but that doesn't make me feel any better considering you are watching any inch of my body..."

Sora: "Yeah yeah start talking..."

Tatsuki started telling him that 3 guys appeared 2 in front of them and one in the back... Inoue got her to guard up.... and the guys started talking about how can a human have such a delicious soul.... and that they want to devour us.....

Inoue murmur that these guys were not ordinary but she could feel some kind of weird power from them and told me to run.... call.... Ishida..... Sado... and final the Kurosaki's house....

Sora: "Then i'm guessing you called both but none picked up and then due to your history with him you hesitated, making Inoue fight more seriously then you saw that and called only for me to pick it up...."

Tatsuki was flabbered, how does he know about me and Ichigo??? she was about to ask but then Sora continued...

Sora: "Then you let your guard down and was hit... making Inoue go with them before she heals you..... and when i arrived you were already in a bloody dire situation...."

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