Bleach System Within Bleach

23 Chapter 23 : System Update And The Aftermath

System: Ding!! Creation Complete!!!

Clone Avatar Name: Kurosaki Ichigo

Zanpakuto Name: Heavenly Devour Moon

Buildings started crumbling from the space that was chaotic and after they turned to dust what was left was a dark sky with a bright blue moon..... Then when Ichigo opened his eyes and you could see power through his eyes affecting the space creating auroras under the moon and sky towers resorts 1 -2 -3 -20-50 countless resorts and buildings of all types were born stabilizing the space...

Ichigo: "How i'm still alive!!!!!!"

MC: "You wanted me to protect them but without a loyal sword how can i do that...!!!!"

Ichigo: "... So you turned me to Zanpakuto??"

MC: "No better..... My clone and my Zanpakuto..... Feel Yourself... Taste Your Power....."

Ichigo closed his eyes and started getting familiar with his new self and power but suddenly he was shocked and opened his eyes wide open....

Ichigo: "You.... I mean Really REALLY!!!!!"

MC: "So what do you think..... quite amazed right... well, for now, stay here and get used to this power..."

Ichigo: "So you really are a genius....."

MC: "Why what did you think of me???"

Ichigo: "A pain in the ass...."

MC: "System i demand another Zanpakuto....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

ICHIGO + System: "Never!!!!!!!!"

MC: "NNNNNNNNNooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

While this kept for a while they were quite anxious outside so much time that even the MC lost track off and he hadn't waked up yet.... Yoruichi couldn't take it anymore and went closer and just as she was seeing his face he waked up only to fall in her boobs fondling them with quite a bit of strength...

Yoruichi: "OoooO.....Oohhhh"

She moaned from a bit but then shut her mouth because she knew a few of them were watching... as she thought of the others she heard small giggling from Masaki and then saw Tessai whistling and Urahara and Isshin laughing their hearts out on the ground.... She got pissed and threw a Kido straight in Urahara's wounds making him cry with tears of blood....

MC on the other hand while he pinched her nipples he got a lot of sound alarms from system.....


System: Ding!! Congrats Host For Completing A Repeatable Sub Quest!!!

Rewards : <1 EXP - 50 POINTS> Gaining 200 EXP

System: Ding!! Main Quest Triggered!!!!

Program And Sub Program <THE BLEACH SYSTEM> Has Reached Its Desirable Path. It Will Require A Complete Hogyoku And 40.000 Soul Points Along With Host's Hibernation Of A Time Frame 10 Years To Update..

Rewards: Unkown


MC frowned Ichigo who got the same voice alarm frowned as well but they both knew that they had to become stronger in order to face higher powers, therefore, they came to an agreement while speaking inwardly....

MC: "The Ichigo you'll take care of everyone our yet to be seen Yuzu and Karin, save Mom and help Dad gain his power back...But Don't You Dare Do anything in those RACKS and sexy LEGS they are mine!!!!!!"

Ichigo: "Pfffffxaxaxaxa no freaking way blrlrlrlrlrlrlrl"

Ichigo was laughing it was one of the reasons even now he didn't let go Of Yoruichi's BooBs and was still pinching them making her blush... But Then she noticed that he could barely keep his hand on as he was losing strength faster than expected...


MC: "System Do it!!!"

System: Ding!! Host Has Used 40.000 Points For The Main Quest!!!

System: Ding!! Congrats Host For Completing A Repeatable Sub Quest!!!

Rewards : <1 EXP - 50 POINTS> Gaining 800 EXP


It Was then That MC started losing himself in an eternal slumber returning ever stronger to claim those BooBs out There!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ichigo: "in the last moments what YOU THOUGHT WAS BOOBS!!!!!"

MC: "An...d ...The____ir....As!!!!"

Ichigo: "--__--"

Yoruichi: "Ichigo you're okay??"

Ichigo: "Never Better...!!!!!!!"

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