Bleach System Within Bleach

233 Chapter 233 : Blades Vs Swords!!!

Baishin dashed forward as he RoAred before waving his hands and threw countless swords at him!!!!!

Sora was smiling and threw his spinning blades at the incoming swords..... when these two projectiles connected with each other a few dull metal sounds were heard.....

Sparks flied everywhere before both weapons rebound back....

Baishin: "Strong strong!!!!!"

Sora: "Heh about equal.... how about now!!!"

Sora dashed and caught two blades in his hands and slashed vertically with both of them aiming at his head....

Baishin materialized 2 swords and parried them.... clang, clang!!!! Sora smiled and Baishin had a grin on his face....

From his chest swords flew out aiming instantly at his heart but the dark flames melted them without any chance of touching his skin.....

Sora: "Heh!!! is that all you got!!!!"

Sora started slashing at his body rapidly making the blades crack in his hand and quickly replaced them with another in the air.....

Baishin was creating swords all over his body trying to deflect the slashes..... his crazy eyes started to have a small fire in them...

Sora: "Don't get distracted!!!!!"

Clang clang clang!!!!!!

Baishin: "Ughhh!!!!!"

BooM... the moment the light appeared in his eyes his speed at creating swords dropped by 10% giving Sora time to cut his sword flesh and send him away crashing in the rumbles...

Baishin: "Ughhh hurt, hurt... that hurt!!!!!!!"

Baishin screamed as he raised his reiatsu even further than it was already was...

Baishin: "BANKAI!!!!!!!!!"

Boom!!!!!! a loud spiral of reiatsu burst forward from his body and thunder started crackling in it.... after a few seconds it started to disperse and revealed....

Baishin who had become covered with hundreds of blades that act as both a weapon and armour. Three golden rings appeared ranging from his right shoulder to his right upper arm, and seemingly a small wing composed of entirely blades is also present on the left side of his body.

Sora: "Heh did you finally took control and achieved BANKAI without absorbing others reiatsu!!!!"

Baishin: "Gggggrrrrrrr SWORD DOMAIN!!!!!!"

From his body countless swords started flying everywhere making Sora use Shunpo and started avoiding them.... they were many that got deflected and many who melted by his flaming clothes when the came in contact.....

Sora's eyes then turned into chaos and 2 lumps of flames appeared in his hand pulsating.... he threw them as arrows in the center of the raining...

Sora: "Double Devouring Black Flaming Heart"

Everything around Baishin started slowing down as the two hearts started beating here and there and before Baishin managed to see what the 2 flames were...

BooM... they exploded with countless amounts of flames eating away his swords and becoming stronger and stronger as they grew....

From those that could feel the fight in the town, the saw from the streets or windows a black light covering half the mountains...

When the flames were put out 2 people were on the center of the explosion with a sword and blade pierced in each other body...

Sora splurt some blood from his mouth..... but Baishin was far worse as Sora had covered his sword in black flames and started devouring him...

Baishin: "You... didn't use any intent in this fight........"

Sora: "Neither you as you were lost..."

Baishin: "Your blade.... even though it was made from Reiatsu just like my swords.... they are heavier.... than mine... you are burdened with many..."

Baishin: "Thank you!!!!"

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