Bleach System Within Bleach

249 Chapter 249 : Passing Days

After everything, they were through, they started to chill in the beach for many days playing with each other....

Day and night they swam... ate..... drank and many more..... eventually the days passed like they were nothing and the last day of their stay was in sight.....

Yuzu: "Sora-Ni!!!!"

Karin: "You mean Oni right???"

Rurichiyo: "You are so cruel!!!"

Sora: "What is it you three??"

Karin: "Where we will go next??"

Sora: "Next?? we will relax a bit because we have to pack our stuff and then a long way back home..."

All three of them started making grunting faces and had almost brought tears in their eyes....

Sora: "This doesn't work....."

Yuzu: "Special attack.... Yuzu begging look!!!!!!!"

Sora: "Ughhh!!! no, nope it doesn't work....."

Yuzu: "UGhhg.... uuuuaaaaa Karin he's bullying me..."

Sora: "Geh..."

Karin: "Baka-Oni!!!!! how can you do that.... to Yuzu begging to look attack..... isn't she cute...."

A wild Karin appeared barraging with scolding the pitifull Sora.....

Sora: "Fine fine where do you girls wish to go??"

All 3: "Ice Cream!!!!!!!"

Sora: "Let's go ok??"

All 3: "Yeah!!"

Sora took them around for a last tour in the resort and after that, he returned to their rooms in order to prepare and return back...

They rested for a few hours then packed up and met at the entrance..... Yoshino, Inoue, Tatsuki, Ishida, Sado, Ryusei and Rusaburo where there waiting for Sora and the 3 girls....

After a few minutes, they arrived as well carrying who knows what..... from the souvenirs, their package got doubled from when they came here... all of them smiled wryly at this sight...

Poor Sora.... he became a luggage man..... after saying their goodbye to each other they all disperse in their own direction as they had called different taxis for all of them....

Sora: "Oh right what are you three gonna do now??"

Rusaburo: "............."

Ryusei: "He said we will secretly return and find out what happened at the clan....."

Sora: "I see.... you guys be careful....."

Rurichiyo: "Same to you..... you better train your sisters so that they can climb the apex of the world...."

Sora: "Look who's talking who still wears bear panties even though you're over 40 like plus something...."

Rurichiyo: "Ugh!!!"

Sora: "Don't come crying to us later... take care of yourselves....."

Sora then entered with his sisters in the Taxi and slowly left from there... leaving the three behind..

Rusaburo: "Princess we will meet again in the future....."

Rurichiyo: "I know..."

Saying her last word the 3 of them vanished from there..... and Sora who felt that checked his status as he was going home...

Sora: "Status"


System: Ding!!! Host Has Completed 1 Sub Quest!!!

System: Ding!!! Host Has Gained 20 Levels Reaching 671 Level!!!

System: Ding!!! Host Has Gained A Total Of 10.000 Soul Points!!

System: Ding!!! Host Has Gained 200 Points On All Attributes And 2.000 Points On Reiatsu!!

System: Ding!!! Host Has Gained 1.800 Points On All Attributes Except On Reiatsu!!

System: Ding! Showing New Interfaces.....



System: Ding!!! Opening Status!!!

Name: Xiaolan Sora / Age: 17 (38) / Level 671 - EXP: 336.288.887/990.665.223.120

Health : 181.450 (+18.145) / Power : 181.350 (+18.135) / Defence : 181.400 (+18.140) / Inteligent : 182.500 (+18.250) / Reiatsu : 1.207.000 (+120.700)

Affiliation - Trait : Gluttony - Human - Shinigami - Vizard - Quincy

Ancient Enhancing Tattoo : 101 Fruits (Max 1000) = 10.100 Attributes Points

Zanpakuto Command Name : (Gaze At The Eyes Of All Things Where The Moon Feasts)

Shikai : Heavenly Devour Moon (Tengoku Akuma Tsuki) = Unable To Use

Skill : Tengoku No Ame - Tenkū no gekkō - ????

Bankai 1st Form : Heavenly Devour Black Moon (Tengoku Akuma Kuro Tsuki) = Unable To Use

Bankai 2nd Form : Heavenly God Black Moon (Tengoku Kami Kuro Tsuki) = Unable To Use

Zanpakuto Command Name : (Eat And Drink, Devour And Swallow)

Shikai : Tengoku Gyakusatsu-Sha (Heavenly Devourer)

Skill : Devouring Black Flaming Heart - Black Wolf Of Gluttony

Bankai : ?????????????

Soul Points : 160.000 / Var : 148.000


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