Bleach System Within Bleach

257 Chapter 257 : Awakening!!!

After Inoue finished creating he wings.... the next part was a mantle that could engulf her and healed her....

The idea behind it was Lily on her neck like before extending 2 beams this time towards Ayame and Shuno, then, in turn, send a beam towards each other....

In other words, Ayame to Shuno and Shuno to Ayame..... creating a triangle like a mantle that with the help of Ayame and Shuno could extend form both left or right covering Inoue like a blanket and healing the spots of the wounds.....

During the next 10 days, she tried to do that and started to get the hang of this....

Sado had managed to fire from one hand 5 beams from his fingers..... the drawback was that he needs to steady his arm with the other to achieve this.....

He also made a bit of progress in his steps.... but the still had a long way to go.....

2 days before the timeline..... screams were heard in the ground.... interrupting both Inoue and Sado... they rushed towards the source and saw Yuzu, Karin and Tatsuki pointing in front...

When they looked as well they saw someone that made them froze on the spot.....

Inoue: "This...."

Sado: "You are..."

Sora: "Oh... turns out you managed to see me..... my clone that is!!"

All : "Clone???"

Sora 2: "Yes that's right...."

Sora 2 went towards the original and started fusing with his body making him close his eyes in order to learn what happened during this time....

Sora: "I see you guys did well...."

Yuzu: "Sora-Ni?? two of them??"

Karin: "I see that was an ability of yours like those fairies that hovering above Inoue-chan...."

Sora: "Correct... you guys passed therefore for the next 2 days you are free..... rest have a bath anything you want...."

All 3: "Really???"

Sora: "Yeah till these 2 finish as well..... then i'll help you awaken ok??"

All 3: "Yeah!!!!!"

As the 3 left from there Sora turned towards Inoue and Sado telling them to continue...

2 days passed quickly and Sado with Inoue had made great progress.... Inoue had managed to create the mantle but the duration was 3-4 minutes... if she used the sword together she could fight for max 1 minute in full power.....

If she created her wings with the sword the time went up to 3 minutes..... she needed to practice much harder than she already has in order to increase the time...

Sado could fire 5 beams from his fingers relative easy now.... but he didn't make much progress on his speed.... he needed more practice as well...

Sora was now looking at the eyes of Yuzu, Karin and Tatsuki waiting for him to grant them powers.....

Sora: "Now then i'll warn you that you will feel a bit of pain..... but you will instantly transform into a Shinigami....."

Yuzu: "Go ahead Sora-Ni"

Karin: "Yeah Oni go ahead...."

Tatsuki: "I've been beaten up many times in the Dojo... so go ahead...."

Sora then got out of his Gigai revealing to them his Shinigami powers..... he drew his katana which now was Gyaku domain as Ichigo got sealed.... he wonders will he have 2 katanas when Ichigo return??

Sora: "System do i stab them like Rukia??"

System: Host Is Correct.... Then Make Your Reiatsu Flow Inside Them From The Blade And A Burst of Reiatsu Cloud Will Happen Recreating Their Soul Body...

Sora: "So same huh....."

Sora: "Well then...."

Sora went to Tatsuki and without warning, he stabbed her in her heart stunning her a bit and making her feel pain but them BooM!!!!!!!!

A cloud came out of her along with lightning arcs..... Sora protected his sisters as this amount was way too much for them....

As the Cloud settled down Tatsuki's body was on the ground..... while above her a figure dressed in black with a Katana attached in her waist could be seen.....

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