Bleach System Within Bleach

275 Chapter 275 : Visiting Unohana..

Yamamoto: "The reason they got injured was that he left them in Captain Soi Fon hands when he reported to me and when he was returning he saw the covering in blood."

Zaraki: "Aah that was why we felt such a killing intent in all of Soul Society."

Shunsui: "Then he saw Captain Amagai and realised he was responsible for the harm of both his sisters and the Princess aggravating his anger even further up."

All of them couldn't believe what they were hearing, Yamamoto told them again that it was top secret and also to disperse towards in their own duty.

He then started walking as well towards his own room in order to continue his practice and everything else he had to take care off.

Somewhere far away Sora was clenching his heart as the pain of forcefully using a Kido made for Bankai as Gyaku had said in the past, not only almost depleted his Reiatsu it also caused him an immense amount of pain throughout his body.

Sora: "Ugh..... this hurt like hell..."

Gyaku: "Of course that's why it's called Hellish..."

Sora: "Ugh... Yeah, yeah, keep trolling me... Ugh..."

Gyaku: "What do you want me to do from here?? i depleted all your Reiatsu to minimize the pain, it would have been way worse young man but you didn't listen you wanted to play it all powerful and mighty."

Sora: "Ugh!!!... I'm their big Brother, a little pain is nothing compared to their cries caused by their wounds and fear..."

Sora took out a <Spiritual Blood Candy> and swallow it, moments later he felt slowly the pain subside and his Reiatsu refilling with a slow rhythm.

Sora: "Furthermore if i can guess correctly the Old Man's thoughts, when the others ask for an explanation he will tell them that i'm somewhat a spy."

Gyaku: "Since you know, then why do it in the first place??? Was it because you wanted a few of them to train those 3?? Or maybe so that none can touch them??"

Sora: "It was Both... Well, let's stop now and go back..."

Sora having gotten his 1/10th of his Reiatsu back opened a Door and vanished in the void as he went straight for Division 4. After a few seconds, he reached there and went directly to Unohana's office.

What he saw shocked him as he entered, Yuzu and Karin were eating and Tatsuki was sparing with Soi Fon in normal speed, those of Humans with their fists. His eyes twitched from the view in front of him.

??? : "Ara, I didn't know you had sisters..."

Sora: "Unohana... I've had a really bad fight, and i don't really have the mood for jokes."

Unohana: "Yeah right, you probably ended it in an instant with that outburst you made."

Yuzu: "Hmm.... Sonbrnrbrb-Niii!!!!"

Sora: "Eat first!!!! Then TALK!!!"

Yuzu: "Ugh!!!... Karbnrnrbnrnr-chan Sobrbrbbrr-Nii Yelled at brbrbbrr me...."

Karin: "Koooorraaaaa... Baka-Oni..... sluuuuuurp... what did you do to Yuzu... Sllluuuuurp."

Sora's eyes twitched even more in anger from their manners in front of others and yelled at both of them which made them not only be surprised but also despair...


Tatsuki: "Acha... look at them, they froze..."

Soi Fon: "They love ice cream that much??"

Sora: "Damn it... I was dead worried for them since they had passed out and when i came i saw this."

Unohana: "Hahahahahaha, well it wasn't that serious as when they came here they had already woken up."

Unohana: "With my new Shikai i healed them within seconds."

Tatsuki: "Then they started complaining where their big bro is and miss Unohana offered them food. At the same time, i wanted to train and asked Soi Fon-san for a bit of help."





Author's note : I'm Thankfully enough for 3 people, Pledging in my patreon account even though i have no idea yet how all this works i'm grateful.

Well Reader?? unfortunately, because the editor-kun is sick i had to do double the job and write less nevertheless... Are you ready??? For Small Mass release... STBwill come in 12-13 hours

Keep in Mind that i will keep 2-3 Chapters as stock in case something urgent came up...

Plus Ultra!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discord.... Seion#0464

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