Bleach System Within Bleach

29 Chapter 29 : The New Powers

After being asleep for 10 years Sora is starting to feel a calling he tried to reach that calling only to feel a buzz like an electrical torrent in his mind jolting his awake.... After being in a daze for a few seconds he started hearing sound alarms...

System: Ding!!! Ding!!! Ding!!! Ding!!! Ding!!! Ding!!! Ding!!! Ding!!! Ding!!! Ding!!!

After a while, he looked around to find himself inside a room with a white door in front having nothing to do he went and opened the door and when he did open it he felt a sudden gush of air pushing him forward...

He couldn't resist and after a while he was right in the middle of the sky with nothing to step on within the limits of splits seconds he froze and said (Fuck.....) it was the only word he managed to say when he fell and started screaming within his mind as he continues to fall from that altitude.....

Ichigo on the other hand, he saw a white blur in the temple and before he realized he saw and heard someone scream in a freefall action and started laughing only to choke his tongue when he realized that the one who was rapidly falling was Sora and the target of the cushion was him.....

BOOOOOOOOOOOOM a loud explosion was heard in the middle of the soul realm and if you got closer you could have seen a large crater with Ichigo crushed on the ground and Sora on top of him having a relief face from getting saved... He looked around and tried to find Ichigo only to hear a pissed of voice beneath him.....

Ichigo: "YoooUuUUuu M^%$#%$#%$#$%fucker GET OFF!!!!!!"

Sora: "Ohh sorry about that..."

As he tried to get off from him he saw him buried on the ground with only his shoulders neck and head was out.... He started laughing so hard he fell on the ground and started hitting it...

Sora: "Pfffffff axaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa ahahahahahahahahah axahxahxhaxhahxhahhxha"

Black veins appeared on Ichigo and started getting really pissed off at him but also trying to hold it down cause he didn't want him to be found about his deed..... he whispered to himself (You're Dead)

Ichigo: "$#$###^%@@#@@$@#$ GET ME OUT!!!!!!!!"

He ignored him and started checking the alarms he heard earlier as he was so free right now!!!

SORA: "System Show Me What's New!!!!


System: Ding!!! Congrats Host For Updating System!!!!

Rewards: Double Level Up Pill / Complete Hogyoku / Unrefined Portable Gigai Clone

<Double Level Up Pill>

It's A Pill Created From Origin Energy Through Laws : Effect > It Can Double-A Quest Level Up Reward.

<Unrefined Portable Gigai Clone>

A Clone Made From Durable Materials Able To Host Soul As A Substitute In Dire Needs.

System: Ding!!! Congrats Host For Updating Interface!!

System: Ding!!! New History Has Been Created Through Quests!!

System: Ding!!! New Power Levels Have Been Refined!!

System: Host Need To Check Everything Manually!!!

That was way too LONG!!!!!!! damn it but the rewards were quite nice so i'm not complaining about any of this now i have to check all interfaces

Sora: "Open Everything in Order....."


System: Ding!!! Opening Status!!!

Name: Xiaolan Sora/Age: 14 (35)/Level 82 - EXP: 0/50.000.000

Health : 930 / Power : 830 / Defence : 860 / Inteligent : 2001 / Reiatsu : 1.017.800

Affiliation - Trait : Gluttony - Human - Shinigami - Vizard - Quincy

Zanpakuto Command Name : (Gaze At The Eyes Of All Things Where The Moon Feasts)

Shikai : Heavenly Devour Moon (Tengoku Akuma Tsuki)

Bankai 1st Form : Heavenly Devour Black Moon (Tengoku Akuma Kuro Tsuki)

Bankai 2nd Form : Heavenly God Black Moon (Tengoku kami Kuro Tsuki)

Soul Points : 350


System: Ding!!! Opening Skills!!!

Category Kido:

Hado :

1)<Hado Arts 4 : Byakurai>

2) <Hado Arts 31 : Shakkahō>

Incantation : <<Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!>>

3) <Hado Arts 91 : Senjū Kōten Taihō>

Incantation : <<Limit of the thousands hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders. Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired>>

Bakudo :

Kaido :

Custom :

1)<BAKUDO Custom N 1 : Formless Doors>

Incantation : <<Creation Of Nothingness - Everlasting Void - Energy Yin And Yang - Seen And Unseen Make Everything Appear And Dissappear>>

Category Acquired :

1)<Spiritual Domain>

<A Domain made with pure reiatsu anyone or anything that steps on it will have it's speed and reaction slow down by 200%>

2)<Spiritual Mind>

<A mind that has been trained to the extreme limits when someone has learned <Spiritual Domain> Host reaction speed increases 200% / 200 Points In Intelligent

3)<Spiritual Soul Clone>

<A clone made by Reiatsu and the thoughts of Host's that can remain hidden inside the environment. A Soul Clone has the half stats of the host. If Clone is withing Domain he has 75% of Host stats...>

4)<Revolving Heavenly Reishi Blades>

<Blades that created from Reiatsu that rotate around themselves revolving around Host's body they can be visible and invisible and be used for both defence and offence.. Current Blades : x 10 / Within Domain : 10% increased speed - 10% sharpness>


SORA was staring at the windows pops with glued eyes he couldn't believe such a detailed explanation not even in his wildest dreams.....

He Kept Bringing The windows up in his mind totally forgetting about the buried Ichigo who was still screaming and swearing at him...!!!!!!!


System: Ding!!! Opening Store!!!

Accesories / Medic Pills / Weapons / Battle Forms / Kido Arts / UPDATE!!!

Soul Points : 350


System: Ding!!! Opening Inventory!!!

< 1x Double Level Up Pill> < 1x Complete Hogyoku> < 1x Unrefined Portable Gigai Clone>


System: Ding!!! Opening Quests!!!

Main :

1) Go To Soul Society!!!!

2) Defeat Zaraki Kenpachi!!!

3) Save Kuchiki Rukia From Execution!!!!

4) Defeat Byakuya Kuchiki!!!!

5) Beat Aizen Sosuke!!!!!


1) Kick Rukia Out Of The Window Without Her Noticing!!!

2) Trick Yoruichi Into Taking A Bath With You In Soul Society!!!

3) Spend Points In The Store!!!!


WTF are all those quests and what's wrong with Yoruichi's bath time i thought i change that from history..... No wait i actually didn't if i think about it the one who was with her in the original story was -------------------------------------------------------------- and the one controlling my body was him.... N_n OoO o_O don't tell me!!!!!

Sora: "System show me the log of my clone for the last 10 BLOODY YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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