Bleach System Within Bleach

308 Chapter 308 : Scolding...

Sora: "I don't know what is going on in your mind..."

Sora: "And i couldn't care less about your past."

Hitsugaya: "Then why don't you stop talking, like we are friends."

Sora: "Because you are a Captain so deal with it. If you want to see him, then beat him up and capture him for a long nice chat after giving him in custody."

Hitsugaya: "You are talking as if you haven't been doing what you want on your own..."

Sora: "Because i have the strength to roam free i'm doing what i want..."

Sora: "As long as i don't bring negativities in the Soul Society, i'm free, if someone tried to use me or my friends and family i won't care about the rules at all."

Sora released his Reiatsu to his maximum capacity and Hitsugaya fell on the floor been squeezed as the seconds passed away.

Senna and Unohana who felt that didn't move but started deeply at Sora who was looking at the sweating Hitsugaya trying to even lift a finger as crackling sounds could be heard in his body.

Hitsugaya: "Ughhhgghh..."

After a few more seconds Hitsugaya couldn't feel his body anymore and at that point, Sora stopped leaving him some room to breathe in, before speaking again to him.

Sora: "All those years ago, you were placed under a test for your Zanpakuto ownership, yet even though you declined and offered to retrain in hopes of maybe awakening another ice-related sword, Kusaka still raised his hand against you."

Sora: "Your friend died when he betrayed you back then, and now he was reborn with the Oin as an enemy. You wish to help him??? Fine, i can accept that..."

Sora: "Do your duty as the youngest Captain in history and beat him instead of getting beaten, didn't you gain the power??"

Sora: "Is the friend he acknowledged before his death so weak and pitiful??"

Hitsugaya opened his eyes wide open as he was gasping for air from his words and started recollecting everything they have done and passed together, as Sora stood up he went to where the two were and said a few last words...

Sora: "His grudges are probably because he never liked your attitude of fighting him seriously and in the end, he died from other peoples hand not you the rightful owner of your secret."

Sora with Unohana and Senna left the room leaving behind Hitsugaya pondering about everything it was said by Sora while gritting his fists.

In the morning, Hitsugaya left the 4th Division without letting anyone know, he left his captain's haori on the desk, with a letter that said.

[I'm Going To Finish This, As A Fellow Owner Of Hyorinmaru, And His Former Friend, I Have An Unfinished Battle To Finish From Years Ago!!!]

??? : "Are you sure this was okay Sora??"

Sora: "Whether it was okay or not Unohana he must know better than me. If i was in Kusaka's shoes and was going through the same thing i would hate him for not letting me fight and die with my beliefs."

Unohana: "Trying to become the strongest and protect Soul Society."

Sora: "Honour to die from your hand, even thought Kusaka raised his hand first he would have prefered it than be killed by the rules."

Unohana: "Die from the person i respected and inherit the sword along with my will. Huh??"

Unohana: "How do you think it will turn out??"

Sora: "I don't know, even though i tried to place a bit of logic on what regrets Kusaka had, in the end, nothing is certain..."

Sora: "I'll follow him and stay behind him but if something happens and this escalates in here i'll try to save the day yet again..."

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